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Uncle Joe
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11-05-2016, 07:46 AM

Motor mouth does it again!!!

Cameron, in full knowledge that he was being filmed with a 'mike' feed as well, managed to open his gob too wide and embarasses both himself and the Nigerian and Afghan Presidents.
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11-05-2016, 07:58 AM

Re: Motor mouth does it again!!!

So you think its wrong to speak out about corruption???

Wish he and others would do it in a more public way.
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11-05-2016, 08:03 AM

Re: Motor mouth does it again!!!

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
Cameron, in full knowledge that he was being filmed with a 'mike' feed as well, managed to open his gob too wide and embarasses both himself and the Nigerian and Afghan Presidents.

One of the few things that Cameron has done well, both nations are corrupt and incompetent.

I look forward to Corbyn also pointing out the bleeding obvious.

That his socialist hero, Venezuela. is as corrupt and incompetent and a nightmare for the working class who have to be fingerprinted and queue for hours to buy a loo roll.
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11-05-2016, 08:03 AM

Re: Motor mouth does it again!!!

He was absolutely right .
Something wrong with telling the truth?
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11-05-2016, 08:08 AM

Re: Motor mouth does it again!!!

Of course it's wrong to speak about corruption , Dave spoke about the expences scandal were they were all at it but only a couple were charged. Dave talked about Panama, Dave talks a lot about tax havens yet we all know the rich , famous, big business use them daily . Dave talks about Saudi and the dealings there, prince Andrew has spent a lifetime dating and playing with the worlds corrupt elite ... It's funny were holding a world summit on corruption when our ruling classes are possibly the most corrupt lot in the world .
I myself know a lady who at present estimation is worth in excess of £100m .... A wealth made by advising people /business on tax avoidance . Believe me when I say we are hosts to some of the worlds most corrupt people already
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11-05-2016, 08:31 AM

Re: Motor mouth does it again!!!

Originally Posted by Alien ->
Of course it's wrong to speak about corruption , Dave spoke about the expences scandal were they were all at it but only a couple were charged. Dave talked about Panama, Dave talks a lot about tax havens yet we all know the rich , famous, big business use them daily . Dave talks about Saudi and the dealings there, prince Andrew has spent a lifetime dating and playing with the worlds corrupt elite ... It's funny were holding a world summit on corruption when our ruling classes are possibly the most corrupt lot in the world .
I myself know a lady who at present estimation is worth in excess of £100m .... A wealth made by advising people /business on tax avoidance . Believe me when I say we are hosts to some of the worlds most corrupt people already
Whats that got to do with the price of Fish?
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11-05-2016, 08:43 AM

Re: Motor mouth does it again!!!

Originally Posted by galty ->

Wish he and others would do it in a more public way.
Absolutely, and if there wasn't any corruption in the countries in question their presidents would probably not be attending a conference here on the subject .

I wish Cameron would also mention in front of the presidents of those countries how much foreign aid we supply to them and how it is used.
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11-05-2016, 09:30 AM

Re: Motor mouth does it again!!!

Originally Posted by Meg ->

I wish Cameron would also mention in front of the presidents of those countries how much foreign aid we supply to them and how it is used.
And I wish he would explain fully to the British tax payers why, when he acknowledges the countries are so corrupt, does he oversea an increase by 35% since 2010 of the massive amount of aid we send to them while at the same time fleecing our own poor and disabled.
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11-05-2016, 09:35 AM

Re: Motor mouth does it again!!!

In Nigeria corruption is endemic and a way of life for all the population, and has been so for always.
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11-05-2016, 09:48 AM

Re: Motor mouth does it again!!!

All well and good that he speaks of corruption in these two countries.
but why did we send 212 MILLION to Afganistan and Nigeria 249 MILLION in 2013?
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