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Uncle Joe
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14-05-2016, 07:55 AM

Hypocracy rules ok!!!

After being super critical of our food companies 'importing' much of our food, it now transpires that almost half of the food served in the ministery's own catering department is also imported.
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14-05-2016, 09:21 AM

Re: Hypocracy rules ok!!!

I do wish we were more self sufficient as a country, and provided more of our own foodstuff, better in the long term for the environment. a change of thinking required, but i cant see it happening soon. Perhaps Brexit might have an effect.
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14-05-2016, 10:04 AM

Re: Hypocracy rules ok!!!

Originally Posted by Nom ->
I do wish we were more self sufficient as a country, and provided more of our own foodstuff, better in the long term for the environment. a change of thinking required, but i cant see it happening soon. Perhaps Brexit might have an effect.
The UK can never be self sufficient in food. Using modern agriculture it is calculated that to keep one person to current standards you need 1.2 acres.

The UK has 64 million people and consists of 60 million acres. Get the problem?

Anyway why do you need to be self sufficient? Australia exports 65% of its food produce so there's plenty for you too.
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14-05-2016, 10:05 AM

Re: Hypocracy rules ok!!!

Never stated we would be totally self sufficient , just more so.
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14-05-2016, 10:57 AM

Re: Hypocracy rules ok!!!

Originally Posted by Bruce ->
The UK can never be self sufficient in food. Using modern agriculture it is calculated that to keep one person to current standards you need 1.2 acres.

The UK has 64 million people and consists of 60 million acres. Get the problem?

Anyway why do you need to be self sufficient? Australia exports 65% of its food produce so there's plenty for you too.
Thanks Bruce. Can you send some over.
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14-05-2016, 11:12 AM

Re: Hypocracy rules ok!!!

Originally Posted by Nom ->
Never stated we would be totally self sufficient , just more so.

Again, why?
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14-05-2016, 11:23 AM

Re: Hypocracy rules ok!!!


Self Sufficient?

No tea, no coffee, no rice, no pasta, no olive oil?

Dream on.
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14-05-2016, 03:48 PM

Re: Hypocracy rules ok!!!

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

Self Sufficient?

No tea, no coffee, no rice, no pasta, no olive oil?

Dream on.
No oranges, no bananas. The list is endless.
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14-05-2016, 06:12 PM

Re: Hypocracy rules ok!!!

Originally Posted by Bruce ->
Again, why?
Lets see.

Local produce, nice and fresh.

Better for the environment, no polluting transport issues.

Employment of local people, especially important as the EU has destroyed this by the common agricultural policy.

No longer dependent on overseas glitches.

We managed to feed ourselves pretty well as we had sheep and cattle long before australia, btw most of the lamb products seem to come from NZ.

Demographics suggest that the baby boomer generation will soon be gone and population may well reduce during the next 3 decades.

Overall long term better for the planet if we all adopt a more self sufficient outlook long term.

Most mornings i listen to a program concerning, current developments in food production, of late 2 exciting projects have introduced major possibilities for sustainable projects that can be established in the heart of any city to provide large quantities of protein based food stuffs that dont invoke standard agriculture.

Of course there will be some foodstuffs we cant grow ourselves, fair trade will then ensue. Meanwhile we have a movement known as guerrilla gardeners focusing attention on what can be done on growing our own foodstuff.

my answer is Why Not.
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14-05-2016, 07:32 PM

Re: Hypocracy rules ok!!!

Originally Posted by Nom ->
Lets see.

Local produce, nice and fresh.

Better for the environment, no polluting transport issues.

Employment of local people, especially important as the EU has destroyed this by the common agricultural policy.

No longer dependent on overseas glitches.

We managed to feed ourselves pretty well as we had sheep and cattle long before australia, btw most of the lamb products seem to come from NZ.

Demographics suggest that the baby boomer generation will soon be gone and population may well reduce during the next 3 decades.

Overall long term better for the planet if we all adopt a more self sufficient outlook long term.

Most mornings i listen to a program concerning, current developments in food production, of late 2 exciting projects have introduced major possibilities for sustainable projects that can be established in the heart of any city to provide large quantities of protein based food stuffs that dont invoke standard agriculture.

Of course there will be some foodstuffs we cant grow ourselves, fair trade will then ensue. Meanwhile we have a movement known as guerrilla gardeners focusing attention on what can be done on growing our own foodstuff.

my answer is Why Not.

Don't forget the EU pays are Farmers for set aside.....meaning they get paid for not growing food.
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