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18-05-2016, 09:48 PM

War with russia

According to the ex deputy commander of NATO , the west could be at war with Russia by next year, Putin,s forces will sieze territory in the Ukraine, then invade Latvia and other Balkan states, as Latvia is a member of NATO this would bring the west and east into direct conflict,
let's just hope he's wrong, the alternative doesn't bear thinking about
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18-05-2016, 10:23 PM

Re: War with russia

I heard this on the radio, scary stuff..
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19-05-2016, 12:02 AM

Re: War with russia


Fear sells weapons and the weapons industry is massive.

Putin is no idiot and we have been prodding the Russian Bear no end.

JFK was ready to go to war when the Russians put missiles into Cuba, right on the doorstep of the USA.

What we have been doing right up alongside the Russian Border is no different .

Stop prodding him he will go away.

History tells us a lot, Russia was the nemesis of Napoleon and Hitler, they never recovered from fighting the Russian Bear.

It would be far better to come to an agreement with him, work together to sort out ISIS and the other murderous fanatics and restore the Middle East and North Africa to it's time honoured rag, tag and bobtail of tinpot dictators, which would cut the number of Refugees and Migrants and make life better and easier for all concerned.

Putin is rebuilding stuff in the Crimea, an S band radar system.

He has also been moving his S 400 missile systems around after idiot Erdogan shot one of his planes down.

If you click on the link within the above link you will see that the S 400 is more powerful than the NATO Patriot Missile System the West has and that not even the new F35 Fighter is capable of getting through it.

About time we stopped posturing and cooled things down in my view.
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19-05-2016, 12:32 AM

Re: War with russia

I agree.

For most of my life we have been hearing threats of the USSR invading western Europe which, of course, never happened.

I have a lot of sympathy for Russia. It was, as you say, invaded by Napoleon and later by Hitler, although both were driven back, so I can understand that Russia feels threatened when EU or even NATO forces are stationed in states close to their border. This is, of course, exactly the same thing as the USSR stationing nuclear missiles in Cuba and, understandably, why America reacted.

All countries like to have 'buffer states', and the USSR had all of eastern Europe as an effective safety zone to protect its own borders. Now it does not. Its traditional enemies have forces immediately next to its borders and it is understandable that Putin feels the need to do something about it.

In my opinion, NATO (and the EU whilst it still lasts!) forces should pull out of states bordering Russia on the understanding that Russia would respond in a similar way. These states should, of course, retain their independence, but should not contain a military threat to Russia. They would, in effect, form a 'demilitarised zone' comparable in some ways to that between North and South Korea.
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19-05-2016, 02:26 AM

Re: War with russia

I think there was a time when Russia and Putin for that matter, was giving friendly overtones to the USA. Many times I remember how he said he was willing to work with us as strategic partners to fight terrorism. But all we did was criticize the guy and cut him down. The problem is the " hawks " of USA cannot bring themselves to forget the cold war and stretch out a hand of friendship and colloboration with Putin and Russia. So Putin got tired of the American crap and went back to his nationalism to make Russia great again. Of course, greatness in his own mind
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19-05-2016, 08:32 AM

Re: War with russia

I understood Russia was on the verge of bankruptcy caused partly by the fall in the price of oil so not really in a position to age war with anyone unless as a gesture to divert attention from his country's predicament.
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19-05-2016, 08:47 AM

Re: War with russia

I suspect we have more to fear from Donald Trump becoming President of the US than we have to fear from Putin. Putin has probably got his head screwed on, which is more than can be said for Trump, imo.
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19-05-2016, 08:52 AM

Re: War with russia

If the British papers kept showing pictures of me shirtless on a horse with my moobs showing, I would be bloody annoyed too.
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19-05-2016, 08:58 AM

Re: War with russia

Originally Posted by tarantula ->
I suspect we have more to fear from Donald Trump becoming President of the US than we have to fear from Putin. Putin has probably got his head screwed on, which is more than can be said for Trump, imo.
I don't fear Trump, if he does get at all in he is not a 'one man band' and will be constrained by advisors and the rest of his Government.
Putin on the other hand could soon be a desperate man with his power slipping away should there be an economic crisis.
Desperate men can be very dangerous...
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19-05-2016, 09:41 AM

Re: War with russia

Originally Posted by Meg ->
I understood Russia was on the verge of bankruptcy caused partly by the fall in the price of oil so not really in a position to age war with anyone unless as a gesture to divert attention from his country's predicament.

So some would have us believe Meg, we tend to rely on our media,

Russia is in recession and they are hurting, but not doing so bad.

Russia paid off $216 Billion of foreign debt in the last 2 years. the UK is borrowing $102 billion this year.

Russian debt to GDP is 18%, ours is 89%.

The USA debt to GDP is 103%.

So they are doing very well.

Russia has vast Gold Mines, they just produce more if needs be.

They are also self sufficient in oil, steel, armaments and Putin's rating is very high amongst the Russian people, unlike Obama and Cameron in the USA and here.

The Russian's are very nationalistic, they see him as a defender of Mother Russia.

Putin has been quietly rearming and modernising his military for some time, whilst Western European Countries have been reducing theirs.

He has had some very nasty surprises recently for NATO in terms of technical ability and the more we prod him, the more he prods back.

Some EU Countries, not all, are wanting to reduce sanctions against Russia.

Cameron wants more.

Commonsense may prevail, trump has said he is prepared to talk to Putin, good.

It is beyond my comprehension why we should want the Ukraine, which is what this is all about, in either NATO or the EU.

It is a totally corrupt Country.

As is usually the case your average Ukrainian is lovely, just struggling to get along in the life.

The Politicians, Police etc are an entirely different kettle of fish.
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