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Uncle Joe
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25-05-2016, 08:24 AM


So this is one of the reasons why George Osborne couldn't/wouldn't investigate the extent of tax fraud - his minions cut too many staff from HMRC and left them both unwilling and unable to investigate those under suspicion.
Older git
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25-05-2016, 08:47 AM

Re: Hmrc

Thank you for calling HMRC your call is important to us so please wait-actually you have time to go out,do your shopping and have a kip first.
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25-05-2016, 08:54 AM

Re: Hmrc

Meanwhile while your hanging on be glad the expensive cost of your phone call is paying for them making you wait.
Julie1962 is offline
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25-05-2016, 10:21 AM

Re: Hmrc

I had a problem last year they suddenly said I owed thousands ! As I am paye I couldn't understand that, took them months to sort it out in the mean time they took it out of my wages each month I am still waiting for the money back even though they agree they made the mistake. As for phoning them ........ Well I made dinner one day waiting in line, another day did all my weekly ironing !
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25-05-2016, 04:02 PM

Re: Hmrc

We would have many more people employed if the UK stopped importing Shoddy goods from The Far East.

It is eminently possible to manufacture T-Shirts and Knickers
here the UK,and many British Companies who [Do not avoid paying Income Tax] would be happy to oblige
At least the elastic would not snap when out shopping.


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