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Uncle Joe
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28-05-2016, 07:13 AM

George Osborne's policy of austerity 'rubbished' by the IMF

So now that august body the IMF, praised by members of the 'nasty party' for decades has looked at George Osborne's policy of austerity at totally 'rubbished it!!!

I wonder what the 'nasty party' now think of the IMF???
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28-05-2016, 07:36 AM

Re: George Osborne's policy of austerity 'rubbished' by the IMF

Seems to me, no one really knows, either income and expenditure means something or it doesn't, an balance it seems not, either way, it needs sorting.
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28-05-2016, 08:36 AM

Re: George Osborne's policy of austerity 'rubbished' by the IMF

Oh dear rubbished by an organisation that is world famous for getting forecasts wrong. They said he had got it right only a few years ago, If they say its now wrong then its the ultimate proof that we are on the right track
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28-05-2016, 08:49 AM

Re: George Osborne's policy of austerity 'rubbished' by the IMF

Well austerity is working for me, being at the pointy end im feeling it. Shame that the few are paying the price, dont think we are all in it together though.
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28-05-2016, 09:40 AM

Re: George Osborne's policy of austerity 'rubbished' by the IMF

Would this IMF be the same buch that couldn't foresee the financial crisis back in 2008 and are only recently spelling doom and gloom if we vote out of Europe.
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29-05-2016, 09:57 AM

Re: George Osborne's policy of austerity 'rubbished' by the IMF

And what plans did they have for Greece before it's banking collapsed.

They have been wrong so many times, why do governments have anything to do with them?

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