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06-06-2016, 03:38 PM

There Is No Britain

There still seem to be a great many people talking about "Britain" as if it still existed. It doesn't I'm afraid. Our grandparents who fought WWII did so in vain I fear because the various successive governments (really doesn't matter which) have long since sold this country down the river to foreign moguls.

How do you "sell a country" exactly?

You treat the country just like a business. You buy up its assets, become the major investor in all of its major areas and make it dependent on your energy.

That has alreayd happened and the situation gets steadily more serious.

Who really owns this country?

In no small part, the answer is QATAR.

Sit back and read just how much of this country Qatar own.

Qatar is responsible for The Shard in London. Now the tallest building in the UK and in the EU. They marked their authorty over the UK (as many power mad moguls do in other countries) by erecting the highest building. No-one else will be permitted to build a higher one imo.

Qatar owns a great deal of the Canary Wharf financial district

Qatar Investment Authority helped struggling Barclays when it was in trouble by becoming the largest shareholder there.

QIA own the Olympic Village at Stratford Stand

Qatar also owns No 1 Hyde Park, the worlds most expensive block of flats

QIA has already invested £10 billion in Britain

Qatar is the major shareholder/investor of Sainsburys. Everytime you shoip there you are supporting/funding this foreign mogul (I am guilty too).

Qatar owns 20% of the London Stock Market

Qatar owns 20% of Camden Market

Qatar accounts for 95% of Briatains liquified gas imports. This is massively significant. It's over 25% of Britains gas. Should there be any "troubles" in the Middle East which disrupt Qatar's shipping exports then Britain would be in a crisis very quickly.

Qatar has emerged as a regional super-power. Its list of friends is long and unorthodox: from the U.S. and Iran, to Hamas and the Taliban, which both have ‘offices’ in its capital, Doha.

Britain has to ensure that it never falls out with Qatar, otherwise we will find that this small gulf state has us at its mercy.

Qatar has vast amounts of money to spend. They have invested in our strategic industries, our energy, our retail and that in turn allows them to influence the type of country and society we have.

It doesn't matter whether you vote for Tories or Labour. The fact is that big business, big investment is running the show and has this country by its short and curlies. The only way out is for people to vote with their feet by not supporting the retailers who are controlled by Qatar, by not supporting the real estate that Qatar has bought, by not buying their energy.

We really have to wake up very quickly because everything your grandparents fought for is going to sh*t. Your government is powerless to do anything because the money rules. As with any business "take-over", they will bleed the country dry of its choice assets and likely make a fast buck and then leave us decimated. We are idiots, and in no small part we deserve what is coming our way.

We need to boycott the supermarkets. It's a hell of an inconvenience I know, but we HAVE to start buying EVERYTHING from local traders again. Meat, veg, fruit, milk etc etc.

We HAVE to stop fannyng about and whinging about fracking and get stuck in asap. We need to start producing our own gas and thereby allow us to sever the dependency that has been created on foreign energy. Stop objecting to fracking. Defend your country from foreign take-over.

This problem is NOT going away. Sitting in our arm chairs isn't going to cut it. As a nation we need to pull together and understand that we need to be self-sufficient. We MUST support local farms and food producers.

Rant over.

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06-06-2016, 03:45 PM

Re: There Is No Britain

Britain is more than land it's a people who are still here and still British, English, Welsh, Scottish and northern Irish. We haven't gone anywhere.

Although I would take all that land back it can't make us more healthy having another country own our lands.
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06-06-2016, 06:06 PM

Re: There Is No Britain


There is a lot of truth in what you say Realist.

We are owned by Foreign Investors, not just in terms of property, but also in terms of our Utilities and Industry.

EDF, the energy firm is 85% owned by the French Government, nPower and EON are German owned, Scottish Power is owned by the Spanish.

Veolia, another French Firm, owns a large amount of of our Refuse Collection and Waste Disposal Industry.

Southern Water is owned by a Consortium of Foreign Investors, Yorkshire Water is also owned by Foreign Investors, plus HSBC, Thames is owned by a Consortium formed by an Australian Investment Bank, Bristol's water is owned by a Spanish Company.

Over 90% of our vehicle manufacturing is Foreign owned.

Both BMW and Bentley are German.

Our steel industry, as we know, is not owned by British Companies.

Our Foreign Debt is enormous, and we do not set the Interest Rate we pay on it, we still need to borrow vast amounts every year.

I find it quite amusing that both the Remain and Leave are spouting about what will happen.

In reality, it isn't their decision.

The decision will be made by Foreign Investors and they are only interested in themselves, not the UK.
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06-06-2016, 08:32 PM

Re: There Is No Britain

But we keep getting told that if we vote leave we will be 'taking back control' or 'getting our country back.' Oh dear, oh dear don't they really mean it? Politicians lying to further their own careers - what are things coming to. Not that I believe Cameron any more than Gove (don't believe anything he says) and Boris. I thought it was fairly common knowledge that our industries, companies and land had been sold off to foreign 'investors' but that doesn't seem to be the case.
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06-06-2016, 08:55 PM

Re: There Is No Britain

Originally Posted by graculus ->
I thought it was fairly common knowledge that our industries, companies and land had been sold off to foreign 'investors' but that doesn't seem to be the case.
I think some people think it's only a little bit here and there. Many don't realise that most of what happens in this country is simply about foreign control, foreign pressure, foreign manipulation and foreign money. There are people continually ranting about one political party or another still believing that a change of government would somehow make some kind of difference. Of course it won't and doesn't.
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07-06-2016, 06:14 AM

Re: There Is No Britain

If we vote out, it has to be just a start of changing things. Selling our industries, know how, and technology for short term gain has led us to be in the hands of those who only gain by the efforts we put in.

Realising that change is hard. Entrenched establishment will do all it can to maintain the status quo.

Everything i see is geared to short term profit not long term development of our people for the betterment of society as a whole.
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07-06-2016, 06:19 AM

Re: There Is No Britain

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

There is a lot of truth in what you say Realist.

We are owned by Foreign Investors, not just in terms of property, but also in terms of our Utilities and Industry.

EDF, the energy firm is 85% owned by the French Government, nPower and EON are German owned, Scottish Power is owned by the Spanish.

Veolia, another French Firm, owns a large amount of of our Refuse Collection and Waste Disposal Industry.

Southern Water is owned by a Consortium of Foreign Investors, Yorkshire Water is also owned by Foreign Investors, plus HSBC, Thames is owned by a Consortium formed by an Australian Investment Bank, Bristol's water is owned by a Spanish Company.

Over 90% of our vehicle manufacturing is Foreign owned.

Both BMW and Bentley are German.

Our steel industry, as we know, is not owned by British Companies.

Our Foreign Debt is enormous, and we do not set the Interest Rate we pay on it, we still need to borrow vast amounts every year.

I find it quite amusing that both the Remain and Leave are spouting about what will happen.

In reality, it isn't their decision.

The decision will be made by Foreign Investors and they are only interested in themselves, not the UK.
How very depressing .
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07-06-2016, 08:18 AM

Re: There Is No Britain

Aye..We're All doomed ...doomed I the meantime I'll just keep on keeping on determined to enjoy Life just as it is.
tarantula is offline
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07-06-2016, 08:25 AM

Re: There Is No Britain

Britain is a country which has always been based on migrants and all the better for it, imo.
Julie1962 is offline
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07-06-2016, 10:12 AM

Re: There Is No Britain

Originally Posted by May ->
Aye..We're All doomed ...doomed I the meantime I'll just keep on keeping on determined to enjoy Life just as it is.
Yes that's all most of us can do. Certainly trying to do that ourselves.
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