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Boozercruiser is offline
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11-06-2016, 10:56 PM

Now Cameron Blackmails Pensioners Over Brexit!

I am really really really angry now.
Cameron is threatening to scrap the 'Triple Lock' which protect pensioners pensions.
How low can you go? The blackmailing slime ball!
Pass me my blood pressure pills!
Like my Wife just said.
'That is bullying, and is certain to backfire on him'.
Pensioners will NOT put up with bullying.
Because we are BRITISH.
That's why!

Uncle Joe my friend.
You are right about the Nasty Party after all!

David Cameron has warned that pledges to raise state pensions every year and ringfence spending for the NHS may have to be ditched in a brutal new phase of austerity if the country votes for Brexit.

He says the so-called “triple lock” that guarantees annual increases in state pensions, ringfenced spending on the NHS, free TV licences and bus passes for pensioners, as well as defence spending would all be under threat.

Annual state pension increases are currently guaranteed by the triple lock, which ensures they rise in line with whichever is higher: earnings, inflation or 2.5%. But if Brexit happened this costly commitment would be in doubt.

“You would have to start cutting things that people really value, whether it is the money going to the NHS or whether it is support for our pension system, and that could mean reviewing the triple lock,” the prime minister says.
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11-06-2016, 11:53 PM

Re: Now Cameron Blackmails Pensioners Over Brexit!

Pathetic man. Not worth wasting your anger on Boozer.
He knows it's the older voters who want Out so he's threatening and bullying and trying to target the things we value.
Does he not realise how desperate it makes him look.
He won't get a pity vote from me.

Read some of the thousands of comments, some of them are great, should cheer you up.

Love this one..."FEAR!.. FEAR!.. FEAR!... Keep scraping the barrel you sly fear-mongering ****wit!

On the positive side... when we leave we can decide ourselves.. =]

we don't need Corporations to own us to be successful. One chain less is a step in the right direction, surely?"
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11-06-2016, 11:56 PM

Re: Now Cameron Blackmails Pensioners Over Brexit!

It seems to me that Cameron is pushing for a take-over of the title presently held by Blair: the most despised politician ever.
Boozercruiser is offline
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12-06-2016, 12:01 AM

Re: Now Cameron Blackmails Pensioners Over Brexit!

Originally Posted by ruthio ->
Pathetic man. Not worth wasting your anger on Boozer.
He knows it's the older voters who want Out so he's threatening and bullying and trying to target the things we value.
Does he not realise how desperate it makes him look.
He won't get a pity vote from me.
Thank you for your kind words ruthio.
Actually, as I do, I am playing up the anger thing.
No change there!
I am rather happy he has spouted these lies.
The way I look at him trying more frighteners is this.
His scaremongering on a whole range of subjects is I think backfiring on him, and voters are swinging towards Brexit more and more.
I cannot believe him saying this will make one pensioner vote for stay.
But I believe it will make thousands of angry pensioners who will NOT give in to black mail vote for Brexit.
Nice one Dave.
You shot yourself in the foot.
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12-06-2016, 12:06 AM

Re: Now Cameron Blackmails Pensioners Over Brexit!

Originally Posted by JBR ->
It seems to me that Cameron is pushing for a take-over of the title presently held by Blair: the most despised politician ever.

Oooooohhhhh JBR.
Now THAT even now is a very close call!
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12-06-2016, 07:32 AM

Re: Now Cameron Blackmails Pensioners Over Brexit!

This could well be his downfall now!
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12-06-2016, 07:44 AM

Re: Now Cameron Blackmails Pensioners Over Brexit!

Originally Posted by JBR ->
It seems to me that Cameron is pushing for a take-over of the title presently held by Blair: the most despised politician ever.
Too late,Thatcher got there long ago. Mind you the present cabinet are made up of a load of wretches.
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12-06-2016, 08:01 AM

Re: Now Cameron Blackmails Pensioners Over Brexit!

WASPI won't be pleased, it's the argument he's used time and time again when confronted about changing our pension age. Telling us we'd be better off getting ours late at a higher rate and "triple locked", well he can't spout that load of rubbish now can he?!!!
Uncle Joe
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12-06-2016, 08:21 AM

Re: Now Cameron Blackmails Pensioners Over Brexit!

Originally Posted by Boozercruiser ->
I am really really really angry now.
Cameron is threatening to scrap the 'Triple Lock' which protect pensioners pensions.
How low can you go? The blackmailing slime ball!
Pass me my blood pressure pills!
Like my Wife just said.
'That is bullying, and is certain to backfire on him'.
Pensioners will NOT put up with bullying.
Because we are BRITISH.
That's why!

Uncle Joe my friend.
You are right about the Nasty Party after all!


David Cameron has warned that pledges to raise state pensions every year and ringfence spending for the NHS may have to be ditched in a brutal new phase of austerity if the country votes for Brexit.

He says the so-called “triple lock” that guarantees annual increases in state pensions, ringfenced spending on the NHS, free TV licences and bus passes for pensioners, as well as defence spending would all be under threat.

Annual state pension increases are currently guaranteed by the triple lock, which ensures they rise in line with whichever is higher: earnings, inflation or 2.5%. But if Brexit happened this costly commitment would be in doubt.

“You would have to start cutting things that people really value, whether it is the money going to the NHS or whether it is support for our pension system, and that could mean reviewing the triple lock,” the prime minister says.

Ahhhh - someone's had a 'Jericho' revelation - welcome to the club at long last!!!
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12-06-2016, 09:34 AM

Re: Now Cameron Blackmails Pensioners Over Brexit!

You surely don't believe this do you? After all we have all been saying all his other claims were just scaremongering. Why should this be any different? This claim is like all the rest, just a lot of hot air.
I should hate to think that Boozer was losing his nerve on account of a dubious claim. Where is the stiff upper lip man? Get a grip. We're British.
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