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Uncle Joe
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14-06-2016, 02:49 PM

Who now supports fraccking???

Seems the 'nasty party' are once again trying to hood-wink the population into supporting their policy of extracting fossil fuel by 'fracking' by burying a very damaging report.
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14-06-2016, 03:15 PM

Re: Who now supports fraccking???

Look like the "activists" are getting desperate. I wonder who is paying them for all their concerted efforts and media disinformation???

We should all be supporting ANY initiative which sees energy created and produced WITHIN the UK itself. We must be self-sufficient otherwise the country remains at the control of the foreign powers who are systematically destroying everything the country stands for. Our very way of life here is being eroded and all because traitors have sold our country to foreign interests for their personal monetary gain.

Absolutely, 100% Let's Get Fracking !
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14-06-2016, 03:18 PM

Re: Who now supports fraccking???

Who is financially backing the UK Fracking Companies? just coz it's extracted here don't mean it's ours.
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14-06-2016, 03:23 PM

Re: Who now supports fraccking???

Originally Posted by spitfire ->
Who is financially backing the UK Fracking Companies? just coz it's extracted here don't mean it's ours.
It HAS to mean that the country will get a good share of the proceeds whatever the situation.

Add this to the recently discovered "Gatwick Gusher" oil discovery and the future discoveries that will come out of the Weald Basin and (imo) the Humber Basin and you start to see how the UK could start to turn around the stranglehold that foreign entities have on us.
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14-06-2016, 03:33 PM

Re: Who now supports fraccking???


Hardly news is it, burning fossil fuels produces carbon dioxide?


Nuclear or wind farms, solar etc.

The oil and gas is ours, we sell licenses to the companies.

We can control what is exported.

I am in agreement with Realist, the sooner we become energy independant the better.

Much better for British Industry.
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14-06-2016, 04:11 PM

Re: Who now supports fraccking???

This report was supposed to be issued before any licenses were granted. Corrupt Tories again.
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14-06-2016, 04:14 PM

Re: Who now supports fraccking???

I agree it's corrupt Nom but sadly we do need to frack IMO as we need to have our own energy and not rely on others.
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14-06-2016, 05:59 PM

Re: Who now supports fraccking???

Well UJ you could look at it this way

Oil prices have fallen.


A number of reasons.

But one main reason.

America is not so dependent on Foreign Oil because of Fracking.
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14-06-2016, 06:13 PM

Re: Who now supports fraccking???

Oil prices fell because the East knows that they will soon be forced to reduce production via Global pressure to reduce carbon emissions.
They sold their oil ridiculously cheaply in order to undercut most of the competition since the East can produce a barrel of oil at far less cost than for example the US. The competition find that they can't compete, their profit margins are wiped away and many go out of business as a result. Many many companies HAVE gone out of business because of this pricing situation.

The East has basically been flashing its sabre and demonstrating how it still has the power in terms of oil energy. That power will only ever be diminished when other countries quit fannying about and pandering to paid for activist opposition to things like fracking and instead start investing properly in the production of "in-house" energy, in all its forms, oil, gas, wind, solar, shale gas etc.

Right now your Country's peers and masters are owned and bought by those foreign powers. As a result YOU can't buy solar panels cheaply. There is no reason why solar panels shouldn't be easily affordable by the average consumer, none at all. Equally there should be no reason why a competent individual should not build his own solar panel and stick it on his house roof to become largely energy self-sufficient. It is the ruling masters that have ensured that no-one can sell those solar panels cheaply to you and who have equally introduced new laws effectively preventing the common man from building his own solar panels and installing them.
We should not accept such a situation as it is an infringement of our human rights, the right to provide our own warmth, hot water, heating and energy.
It is really just a form of Totalitarianism. You are being forced to use and pay for expensive inefficient and dirty energy which contribute to keeping you in a life of work and slavery.

A revolution is needed, but since they control the media, the populous will remain largely dumbed down and pacified and most will just lay down quietly and be exploited without really understanding their imprisonment.
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14-06-2016, 06:55 PM

Re: Who now supports fraccking???

I must confess to knowing very little about fracking. I do think resources are now limited and we need to stop relying on others to provide sources of fuel.
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