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15-06-2016, 09:25 AM

So! We Vill be punished!!

Being treat as though I'm a schoolkid dos nothing to change my mind .
Having read todays threat, if we vote to leave the EU, there will be an emergency budget to fill the 30 Billion pound black hole, this will mean:
2% rise in basic I.Tax
3% for higher rate payers
2% off the NHS, Defence and Education budgets
Increased duty on fuel, and alcohol.

and if that dosn't work, we will all have to do 10,000 lines saying "WE SHOULD HAVE STAYED IN"
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15-06-2016, 09:28 AM

Re: So! We Vill be punished!!

Wont happen Purdy, if we leave already been stated the the Tory Rebels wont support it (57).

And i believe that the likes of Cameron, and Osborne will casualties of their toxic campaign.

Meanwhile on the naughty step for all us brexit supporters.
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15-06-2016, 09:33 AM

Re: So! We Vill be punished!!

I don't see any guarantees it won't happen even if we vote to stay in, as no one really knows what will happen all these predictions are like weather forecasts for this time next year, plenty of people will predict it but likelihood of being right is not high.
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15-06-2016, 09:34 AM

Re: So! We Vill be punished!!

Originally Posted by Purdy ->
Being treat as though I'm a schoolkid dos nothing to change my mind .
Having read todays threat, if we vote to leave the EU, there will be an emergency budget to fill the 30 Billion pound black hole, this will mean:
2% rise in basic I.Tax
3% for higher rate payers
2% off the NHS, Defence and Education budgets
Increased duty on fuel, and alcohol.

and if that dosn't work, we will all have to do 10,000 lines saying "WE SHOULD HAVE STAYED IN"
Nice one Purdy.
That's assuming George still has a job, in the event of an out vote I think we should have a another vote of no confidence in the present government.
Just like a divorce, nobody in the Brexit side believes that we won't have to take a financial hit in the short term, but it's the long term benefit I'm voting for before we get sucked in too deep to get out before the whole thing goes tits up, and it will, as sure as eggs is eggs!
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15-06-2016, 09:38 AM

Re: So! We Vill be punished!!

You are so right! I am not happy about writing lines, if we make a mistake, but I did find that idea quite amusing.
We should all make a list of these threats and then , if the vote is to leave, we can make a point of questioning therm on why theses threats haven't happened. Although I suspect it will give them all a good excuse to increase tax.
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15-06-2016, 09:49 AM

Re: So! We Vill be punished!!

All just silly scaremongering.

They would no more undertake those unpopular changes today than they would after the vote because doing so would be a clear vote loser in the next general election. Which ever way the vote goes, (and we know it will be rigged Remain), the Loonies and Tories will both change their focus and stances on working out the best solutions and structures in that new world.

Vote BREXIT to make the rigging as hard and blatantly exposed as possible imo.
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15-06-2016, 09:56 AM

Re: So! We Vill be punished!!

Having read some of the papers this morning two things seem to me to be glaringly obvious whichever way you eventually choose to vote :

1. Brexit have a Plan, a Roadmap they're calling it.

2. Remain have Threats, many.
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15-06-2016, 09:57 AM

Re: So! We Vill be punished!!


Nobody knows what will happen to put it bluntly.

Experts on one side, experts on the other, might as well go and ask Gypsy Rose at blackpool to look into her crystal ball.

The only certanty is this, it won't be decided by Cameron,Boris orCorbyn, it will be decided by the International Money Markets.

They are only interested in one thing, how much money they make out of it, they are not interested in the UK or any other Country, just their profits.
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15-06-2016, 10:22 AM

Re: So! We Vill be punished!!

The chancellor will say this could include raising income and inheritance taxes and cutting the NHS budget.
The operative would here is could which is not the same as will

I think most of us are old and wise enough to recognise last minute desperation and scare tactics when we see them, a few waverers may be fooled.

Remember what was said by many when we refused to join the Euro , the end of the world was upon us

It would be political suicide to introduce such drastic cuts or any cuts at all until the dust has settled and that will be in a couple of years time.
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15-06-2016, 10:38 AM

Re: So! We Vill be punished!!

Worries me the maths behind it all, if we stop paying in a huge sum each year we will have tax rises could just be me but how does that add up ?
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