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21-06-2016, 09:05 AM

They get what they deserve

US Senate rejects terror list gun sale restrictions

After so many multiple shootings resulting in hundreds of deaths how can they not vote for change ?

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21-06-2016, 09:09 AM

Re: They get what they deserve

Its ingrained in their Psyche Malcolm, and it has its tentacles where power dwells. A hard road for any too change.
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21-06-2016, 09:10 AM

Re: They get what they deserve

The Americans certainly have a love affair with their guns and it is a huge industry with many vested interests, but even if they did vote for a change how on earth could they ever get people to surrender the millions of guns already out there?
Mindboggling problems...
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21-06-2016, 09:13 AM

Re: They get what they deserve

It's a bit like when I used to campaign for disarmament no one wants to be the first to stop, no one really trusts anyone else sadly.
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21-06-2016, 09:13 AM

Re: They get what they deserve

I have never held a gun in my life nor even seen one up close, except in a photograph.
They have only one purpose ... KILLING !
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21-06-2016, 09:14 AM

Re: They get what they deserve


Why can't they be more like us?
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21-06-2016, 09:24 AM

Re: They get what they deserve

Originally Posted by malcolm ->
I have never held a gun in my life nor even seen one up close, except in a photograph.
They have only one purpose ... KILLING !
Yep, but they are a deterrent and are also used for defensive purposes.

I should think the US will never surrender their guns. I would even say citizens will acquire all the more as further terrorist incidents occur. Don't forget the Orlando body count was the highest of any gun related attack and was perpetrated by an Islamic inspired lunatic. To many US minds it is time to prepare for war.
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21-06-2016, 09:39 AM

Re: They get what they deserve

Originally Posted by MKJ ->
Yep, but they are a deterrent and are also used for defensive purposes.

I should think the US will never surrender their guns. I would even say citizens will acquire all the more as further terrorist incidents occur. Don't forget the Orlando body count was the highest of any gun related attack and was perpetrated by an Islamic inspired lunatic. To many US minds it is time to prepare for war.

However Mark, one of the things that they kicked out was a ban on people on terrorist watch lists being able to buy guns.

Now, where is the logic in that?
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21-06-2016, 09:59 AM

Re: They get what they deserve

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

However Mark, one of the things that they kicked out was a ban on people on terrorist watch lists being able to buy guns.

Now, where is the logic in that?
I don't know the ins and outs of it all but that doesn't seem at all sensible for sure.
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21-06-2016, 10:27 AM

Re: They get what they deserve

What I can't understand is if Americans love their guns so much how on earth could someone swan around with an automatic weapon and murder 49 people without at least one person pulling a gun and dropping the guy? He must have been spraying the crowd for quite some time to shoot that many people, bearing in mind that as many again were shot and injured.
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