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23-06-2016, 10:16 AM

If this referendum does/has gone for EU remain, how will you feel?

Of course, I am keeping my fingers crossed for a great big fat BREXIT.
If it does/has turned out for remain, how will you be feeling?
For me I will feel bitterly disappointed of course, but in reality at my time of life, I am unlikely to see the full effects one way or another. It will be future generations I will be fearful for, as slowly but surely we become even more part of a corrupt fat cat EU eurocrat superstate, as we lose even more of our sovereignty.
Be afraid future generations.
Be very afraid.

I could add a lot more but I would be here all flipping day!
Right now though, I have to go vote.
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23-06-2016, 10:23 AM

Re: If this referendum does/has gone for EU remain, how will you feel?

Disappointed and worried for thef future . Not so much for myself but for my children and grandchildren .
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23-06-2016, 10:24 AM

Re: If this referendum does/has gone for EU remain, how will you feel?

Disappointed and worried for the kids, I can see it fastening any loopholes for others to get out too damning Europe to ever closer union, which can never end well IMO.
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23-06-2016, 10:30 AM

Re: If this referendum does/has gone for EU remain, how will you feel?


We live in a Democracy Boozer.

We are lucky to do so.

Whichever way it goes, I will accept it.

A divided Nation is no good to anyone, we all need to be working together to get the best for the UK.

Unfortunately, we have not been doing this for many years, which is why we are in so much debt and at the mercy of the International Money Markets.

Whichever way it goes, we should be putting the UK first, not Political Philosophy.

We need to take back control of our Industry and Infrastructure, we need to do things for ourselves.

I have no problem with Foreign Aid for those genuinely in need, I have no problem with helping the most vulnerable in the World, I have no problem with helping those who genuinely cannot work.

Giving money to Economic Migrants, places like India and Pakistan, who have nuclear weapons and a space industry I have serious problems with.

I also have serious problems with those here in the UK who can work and who choose not to.

I want my taxes to go to those genuinely in need, not anyone else.
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23-06-2016, 10:34 AM

Re: If this referendum does/has gone for EU remain, how will you feel?

If this referendum does/has gone for EU remain, how will you feel?

Uncle Joe
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23-06-2016, 10:38 AM

Re: If this referendum does/has gone for EU remain, how will you feel?

Sick!!! and despairing of the intelligence of those who do/did vote remain.
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23-06-2016, 10:42 AM

Re: If this referendum does/has gone for EU remain, how will you feel?

I agree that it will affect the younger people , more than us. I have no children so it won't change things for me but I will still be disappointed because our parents and grandparents went through 2 world wars to make sure their families could live in a free country that controlled its own laws and established a sovereign country that we could be proud of.
If we lose,this country will become a state of Europe, a bit like the USA or the USSR, and neither of those displayed a country of peace and harmony. What they did display was some prosperity, but I don't think the general public benefited from it.
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23-06-2016, 10:45 AM

Re: If this referendum does/has gone for EU remain, how will you feel?

Originally Posted by wabblewalk ->
If this referendum does/has gone for EU remain, how will you feel?


No I would not feel gutted at all.

I feel very privileged to live in a democracy

Billions of people do not.

I will just get on with life and hope our Politicians stop their infighting and get on with what is best for the UK.

We elect them to look after us, not themselves.
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23-06-2016, 10:47 AM

Re: If this referendum does/has gone for EU remain, how will you feel?

I will accept the decision pragmatically , this is a democracy and as such we have to accept the will of the majority.

If the vote is very close I think there will be a lot of discontented people who will not forget when it comes to next
election that neither of the leaders of the main parties adopted a neutral stance to take into account the will of as many of their voters as possible.
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23-06-2016, 10:49 AM

Re: If this referendum does/has gone for EU remain, how will you feel?

We actually elect them to represent us something they seem to forget when they tell us what to do and how to vote etc
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