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23-06-2016, 07:30 PM

Power To The People!

Did you enjoy voting in the referendum today?

If you're sick of our EU referendum, Switzerland has held 180 in the last 20 years!!!

Here is a chart of the number of referendums held around the world.

The Top Ten Countries for the number of referendums in the past 20 years

In the UK, because of the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty developed over a long power struggle with the monarchy, referendums are not actually legally binding. In theory, MPs could choose to ignore the result of the Brexit referendum or reverse its decision later – although this is extremely unlikely.

How about abolishing mosque minarets?
Abolish the army?
Car free Sundays!
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23-06-2016, 07:35 PM

Re: Power To The People!

You would think that in this technological age when the whole country + dog has a PC, tablet or smartphone all major decisions would be decided by Joe & Jo public by use of referendums.
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23-06-2016, 07:37 PM

Re: Power To The People!

Originally Posted by ruthio ->
Did you enjoy voting in the referendum today?

If you're sick of our EU referendum, Switzerland has held 180 in the last 20 years!!!

Here is a chart of the number of referendums held around the world.

The Top Ten Countries for the number of referendums in the past 20 years

In the UK, because of the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty developed over a long power struggle with the monarchy, referendums are not actually legally binding. In theory, MPs could choose to ignore the result of the Brexit referendum or reverse its decision later – although this is extremely unlikely.

How about abolishing mosque minarets?
Abolish the army?
Car free Sundays!
Then arm the citizens?
swimfeeders is offline
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23-06-2016, 07:42 PM

Re: Power To The People!


I must admit that I do like the Swiss system, far more accountable than our system where Politicians promise one thing to get your vote and then renege on their promises.

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