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25-06-2016, 01:47 AM

Brexit: What happens now?

Excellent piece on what happens next...

The UK has voted to leave the EU - a process that has come to be known as Brexit. Here is what is likely to happen next.
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25-06-2016, 09:34 AM

Re: Brexit: What happens now?

A very interesting read Azz, and thank you for that.
Because I am expecting visitors around midday to stay for a couple days,
I haven't got the time to properly give my thoughts on this.
But quickly, as to what happens now?
A brighter, more exciting future free from the burdens and shackles of the UE,
while savouring the formulation of Great Britain's Independence, is what happens now.
Bring it on!

Can someone please organise a search party to go look for George Osborne?
After all, he appears to have gone missing since the referendum result.
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25-06-2016, 09:50 AM

Re: Brexit: What happens now?

Originally Posted by Boozercruiser ->
Bring it on!

Can someone please organise a search party to go look for George Osborne,
who appears to have gone missing since the referendum result.
Perhaps try your nearest Rat holes would be a good place to start?
After all, Rats are basically cowards when confronted!
@ at Boozer ..
I would have expected Osborne as the serving Chancellor of the Exchequer (he still is isn't he or did I miss him leaving the country) to come forward to help calm the markets as is his job after the results of the referendum were know regardless of which side he supported.
If not to resign.
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25-06-2016, 10:04 AM

Re: Brexit: What happens now?

I have heard Osborne has gone back to school-they say coppers get younger but he always reminded me of an upper class 6th former.
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25-06-2016, 10:11 AM

Re: Brexit: What happens now?

Originally Posted by Meg ->
@ at Boozer ..
I would have expected Osborne as the serving Chancellor of the Exchequer (he still is isn't he or did I miss him leaving the country) to come forward to help calm the markets as is his job after the results of the referendum were know regardless of which side he supported.
If not to resign.
Very true Meg, it's just an abdication of responsibility by yet another sourpuss who will not accept the democratic will of the people. The man is an absolute disgrace and this apparent fit of pique just displays his cowardice and complete unsuitability for high office!
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25-06-2016, 11:40 AM

Re: Brexit: What happens now?

I read in todays Express, that following the result of the referendum, Alistair Campbell said, " I always thought it was a bad idea to hold a referendum". Does he mean that the people should not have a say in how the country is run? For years we have had to elect a government with a broad agenda. At last we were given a choice on the EU.
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25-06-2016, 12:44 PM

Re: Brexit: What happens now?

The Money Box Programme on radio 4 earlier today was interesting briefly covering a variety of topics including for those living and working in the EU (getting dual citizenship) and implications for the economy.
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25-06-2016, 02:07 PM

Re: Brexit: What happens now?

Its a shame for people who wish to come here to work but the main issue here is what's best for Britain. I'm sure if I moved to an Eastern European country, they wouldn't give a stuff what I thought and rightly so.
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25-06-2016, 03:15 PM

Re: Brexit: What happens now?

The pound has plummetted, so everything we have and earn is worth just over half what it was last week, ergo everything we buy will cost twice as much. What hopes of our government rejecting TTIP now? The French have decided not to police our border any longer so the immigrants there will be swarming unrestricted through the Channel Tunnel and elsewhere.

However, the Far Right is rising all over the world, not just in Europe, and the stupid are in thrall to the Right Wing media in America too. It's terrifying to see what is happening there as well, with even the possibility of Trump being President, with the alternative of Clinton under the control of Big Money.

It's the youngsters I feel for the most. We have, at a stroke, destroyed their hopes of a bright, peaceful future, with decent education, well paid jobs and hopes of the kind of domestic lives my generation had.

Jubilant Brexitters have obviously not the slightest idea of what they have done and will blame everyone but themselves for the shambles they have made of our country when the chickens start coming home to roost.
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25-06-2016, 03:28 PM

Re: Brexit: What happens now?

Calais Tells Britain: 'Take Back Your Border'

French politicians are demanding that Britain takes back its border after voting to leave the European Union.

The Mayor of Calais Natacha Bouchart said an immigration deal which allows Britain to check passports in France, preventing migrants from crossing the Channel, should be renegotiated.

Ms Bouchart told French broadcaster BFM TV: "The British must take on the consequences of their choice.

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"We are in a strong position to push, to press this request for a review and we are asking the President to bring his weight (to the issue).

"We must put everything on the table and there must be an element of division, of sharing."

:: Live: Brexit Turmoil After Nation Votes Out

Her demand was echoed by the centre-right president of the Hauts-de-France region, Xavier Bertrand, who tweeted: "The English wanted to take back their freedom, they must take back their border."

The Touquet agreement, signed in 2003, effectively put the border with Britain on French soil.

:: Germany Warns Of Brexit Domino Effect

It has meant that many migrants intending to reach the UK are left stranded in camps, such as Calais' 'jungle' on the French coast.

Prior to the referendum, French finance minister Emmanuel Macron warned that a Brexit could cause the treaty to collapse, resulting in migrant camps being moved from Calais to Britain.

:: Europe Facing Huge Challenges After UK Vote

"The day this relationship unravels, migrants will no longer be in Calais," he said.

However, those remarks have now been contradicted by the French government.

Speaking after the referendum result, French government spokesman Stephane Le Foll said bilateral immigration treaties between Britain and France will not be affected by the Brexit.

"On the question of immigration, to be clear, British exit from the European Union will not lead to changes in terms of immigration treaties with United Kingdom... These are bilateral treaties," he said.
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