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28-06-2016, 05:20 PM

Lisbon Treaty 7 Deadly Clauses

In another thread member Meg said

Originally Posted by Meg ->
I can see a steam train approaching down the tracks bringing further domination by Europe including paying our taxes directly to the EU, a European Army on our soil making decisions on our defence, a Westminster Parliament that is just a puppet of the EU with little or no power and I don’t want that for my grandchildren .
These notions are totally correct.

In matter of fact, the Lisbon Treaty when it was introduced through the back door "took primacy" over British Constitution and laws. It is one of 6 treaties which would sign and seal the end of the UK and the end of Westminster completely.

5 of those 6 EU treaties have already been signed and sealed mostly without the UK population being aware of it.

It is worth reading here about the "7 Deadly Clauses" in that Lisbon Treaty which our politicians have not told us about:


A dictatorship: an executive of unelected politburos

"Page 18 Article 9: Defines the Executive of the EU: three unelected politiburos on the soviet model. The only chance we have of representation is in the European Council, which starts off as being one Prime Minister per country (but can be chosen by EU politicians). But they (eg David Cameron) are the very same EU Bilderbergers who illegally forced us into the EU against our wishes in the first place: they are already bought and paid for by the EU."

The end of the Lib-Dem, Labour and Conservative Parties

"Page 16 Article 8A-4. “Political parties at European level contribute to forming European political awareness and to expressing the will of citizens of the Union.

What does this mean? At the EU’s Party Financing Conference in Madrid in June 1999, parties at the European level were defined as parties with voters in more than 10 countries. The Labour, Conservative and Lib Dem Parties have voters in only one country, Britain.

Under this clause, British parties do not contribute and do not express the will of the EU’s citizens. That empowers the EU to abolish our Lib Lab Con, the very parties whose leaderships have worked so hard to illegally force us into the EU.

The EU is a Military Union: scores of clauses including:

"Page 39 10A-c-3 "Member States shall make civilian and military capabilities available to the Union for the implementation of the common security and defence policy,”

“Member States shall undertake progressively to improve their military capabilities.”

Three unelected EU politburos will control the nuclear weapons of the former nations of Britain and France. The Treaty of Elysee 1963 gives Germany effective voting control of the EU. Nuclear weapons controlled by German dictators? "

Petitions: We are told what to ask for

"Pages 17 8B-4. “Not less than one million citizens who are nationals of many Member States may take the initiative of inviting the European Commission, within the framework of its powers, to submit any appropriate proposal on matters where citizens consider that a legal act of the Union is required for the purpose of implementing the Treaties.”

Wonderful. We may petition the EU government. But we are only allowed to ask for more laws to complete the EU dictatorship. We are forced to petition for the EU, Soviet style."

The EU can force the Euro on us:

"Page 12, Article 2- 4. “The Union shall establish an economic and monetary union whose currency is the euro.” Our politicians pretend this means nothing."

We may not oppose the EU

"Page 13, 3A-3, end: “The Member States shall facilitate the achievement of the Union's tasks and refrain from any measure which could jeopardise the attainment of the Union's objectives." In English:

“We must comply with the treaties, and we may not oppose the EU. “

We are forced to obey the treaties

"Page 14. 3A-4. “Under the principle of proportionality, the content and form of Union action shall not exceed what is necessary to achieve the objectives of the Treaties.”

In English, “the EU will not use more force than is necessary to compel us to comply with the treaties.” See page 13, 3A-3: The other EU states are to force us to comply too."

Summary: Britain was illegally abolished on 1st January 2009.

"The treaties are written to conceal their intent. For example, they “take Primacy” over our written British Constitution and laws. A nation cannot have two constitutions, so this means the EU’s constitutional treaties replace the British Constitution. In other words, they abolish our Constitution (which is written, every word of it), but they are careful not to say that.

These six treaties are to be enforced by EU judges, paid by the EU, whose remit is to enforce them with the policy of “Ever closer union”. So every ruling is biased in advance towards the EU, and against Britain.

These clauses, and hundreds of similar ones in the 2,000 pages of the six treaties, overwhelmingly abolish British sovereignty, and therefore the British nation."
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28-06-2016, 06:07 PM

Re: Lisbon Treaty 7 Deadly Clauses

This was Gordon Brown's "tidying up exercise" then .... so just another duplicitous lying b*****d politician as most of us suspected,, and then they wonder why we rose up against them?
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28-06-2016, 06:47 PM

Re: Lisbon Treaty 7 Deadly Clauses

Point is the people of Britain are largely clueless about the above and how their country has been served up on a plate to the EU without their will and consent. I'm convinced that if the truth were conveyed to the public that millions of Remain voters would change their views on the entire situation.

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