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Uncle Joe
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29-06-2016, 08:38 AM

The legacy of IDS

This is the result and legacy of IDS and the 'nasty party' - an increase of 200,000 children now declared to be living in poverty - a statistic the 'nasty party' should be proud of!!!
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29-06-2016, 08:45 AM

Re: The legacy of IDS

No matter what anyone says there is a lot more poverty now, I am not sure it's going to get better any time soon either. I see on opposite side of the coin the railway they are building is over budget and going to be later than predicted and the referendum was paid for so seems there is money out there just not pointed at the right target.
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29-06-2016, 09:53 AM

Re: The legacy of IDS

Obviously has nothing to do with those that can't keep their legs closed or the guys that won't put something on the end of it.

It's all IDS's fault.
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29-06-2016, 09:57 AM

Re: The legacy of IDS

It's mainly fault of the cuts in the welfare system, low wages that mean you can be in poverty while working hard etc the large families you see on tv and in the press as very rare and usually better off than the couples with one child.
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29-06-2016, 10:00 AM

Re: The legacy of IDS

There are also very many that are on or bordering the poverty line before they have children.

That doesn't seem to stop them.its a pity they don't give that number out.
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29-06-2016, 10:08 AM

Re: The legacy of IDS

Originally Posted by Tpin ->
There are also very many that are on or bordering the poverty line before they have children.

That doesn't seem to stop them.its a pity they don't give that number out.
The problem is children are not something I want rationed due to your financial situation, came from a poor family myself and tasha was hardly able to pay her way but that shouldn't mean we deny people the chance to love their children. Not being able to have kids I can say unequivocally that it's a biological drive compells people to reproduce money doesn't come into the question.

We used to have a system that kept many numbers of children out of poverty but tories have dismantled and cut it back to point it's dangerous.
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29-06-2016, 10:19 AM

Re: The legacy of IDS

Thats all very well as long as they can pay for them.

Unfortunately a lot of kids are born into poverty because of stupid people.

How can you blame anyone else for that?
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29-06-2016, 10:27 AM

Re: The legacy of IDS

I don't blame anyone I say we have yo support children and adults who can't for various reasons help themselves. Lot of the kids in poverty you will find are carers for adults in their families. I blame us all for not taking care of them.
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29-06-2016, 12:05 PM

Re: The legacy of IDS

I also think the term 'living in poverty' is misused a lot these days. Perhaps giving up the fags, booze and tattoos would help some put food on the table or heat and light their homes..
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29-06-2016, 03:19 PM

Re: The legacy of IDS

Originally Posted by cranberry ->
I also think the term 'living in poverty' is misused a lot these days. Perhaps giving up the fags, booze and tattoos would help some put food on the table or heat and light their homes..
You have a good point cranberry perhaps lessons in parenting at school explaining child comes first no matter what ?
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