Re: Brexit: The Generation Divide
When you realise that the human being is simply an empty vessel into which you can pour any amount and type of information, then you begin to see how dangerous that situation can be and how important education is.
What we have currently is NOT education, we have INDOCTRINATION.
We are programming kids to accept a life of slavery, to be dependent on the state, to accept massive debt and to think that life is about climbing a work ladder where status and salary and money are the measures to live by.
It's a total lie and travesty but we have to face the fact that the powers that be, who have run rough-shod over our laws and regulations, have grabbed our education system and ruined it.
The younger generation is at odds with the older generation because they haven't been told the truth. They are at the time in their lives when they are most vulnerable to influence. If Adele or Lady Gaga said it was cool to go beat up pensioners, these kids would go out there and do it.
I have sympathy because as a kid, I too was indoctrinated. Only over many years, with hard EXPERIENCE do you learn to break out of that conditioning.
A lot of older people voted to Leave because they understand the TRUTH of what the EU means and what it has done and is doing to this country.
The youngsters don't yet realise that truth. They are voting on the basis of their own lives and for the ability to work abroad.
They don't know what the Lisbon Treaty is, they don't appreciate the implication of the 100,000 EU regulations that have been enforced which supercede UK laws.
They don't give a jot about the loss of our fishing industries.
They don't understand the game at all. And yet ironically, they are the very people who would have been totally oppressed and enslaved by the future totalitarian state that we were being taken into. A state where we would have no choices, no say and where we would be thrown in prison for even challenging the status quo.
I value our youngsters, their hopes and dreams but they have been badly indoctrinated and do not understand the situation one iota.