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15-07-2016, 07:19 PM

Go Forth and Preach the Word Boris !

Sorry Boris, but as much as he entertained this avid Brexiteer with his friendly jaunt during the Referendum trail , even I was surprised that he landed the second most powerful position in the cabinet. That of the Foreign Secretary !!!

I smiled even more when I read of the insults he has aimed at other world leaders and suchlike (most of them deserving). Here are just a few

Obama - “He harboured an ancestral dislike of the British Empire”

Turkey - Entered and won for an offensive poem about Recep Erdogan.

Hilary Clinton - “he likened her to a vindictive nurse in a mental hospital!”

School of African and Oriental Studies - he said “The problem is that not that we were once in charge , it’s that we are not in charge anymore.”

Naughty boy Boris !! I do hope he has a large supply of Ferrero Rocher because there are a lot of bluddy annoyed people out there , especially in the EU.
Both the French and German Foreign Ministers are spitting feathers over the position being given to our Boris, a Brexiteer. Hilarious, if they are worried, Theresa must have done something right in appointing him.

Anyway, what’s wrong with our Boris being in charge of our MI5 and Mi6, and 150 Embassadors, (more Ferrero quick!) to sell the new, revitalised, free, democratic United Kingdom.

Altogether now…….

Go tell em on the mountains, over the hills and far away………

swimfeeders is offline
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15-07-2016, 07:33 PM

Re: Go Forth and Preach the Word Boris !


The rumour going round is that he only got the job because someone misunderstood Theresa May's shorthand.

What she had actually written was Boris F... Off.
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Goldielocks is offline
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15-07-2016, 07:50 PM

Re: Go Forth and Preach the Word Boris !

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

The rumour going round is that he only got the job because someone misunderstood Theresa May's shorthand.

What she had actually written was Boris F... Off.
They need to bring back Yes Priminister

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