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18-07-2016, 10:28 AM

Did any of you see Ross Kemp: the Fight Against ISIS

Did any of you see Ross Kemp: the Fight Against ISIS, it was exceptionally brave reporting from the war on terrorism’s front line, on SKY1
He spoke to a captured ISIS fighter and the guy was just a paid fanatic, until he was caught and then he's beliefs changed and he wanted out.
They didn't say what happened to him but from the evidence of cruelty that Kemp's program showed that ISIS performed, I wouldn't be surprised if he was executed not long after.

I just finished watching it and the story is so sad. The Kurdish forces are KRG and the ones in the area who are trying to bring democracy to the areas they have recaptured from ISIS and they are sadly lacking arms and equipment. The Turks don't like them because they are aliened with a Kurdish force that Turkey sees as terrorists, and these people want there own country, so as to live in peace with the Arabs and other races that at the moment in the area they have liberated all live together in harmony. It's so bloody complicated and it's a must watch..

The locals of these middle Eastern countries only join ISIS for the money and is obvious when most are staving in the middle east, and 70 dollars a day is a fortune for these people, It's the foreign influx who are from places like the UK , France and Saudi (and some other Europe) that are the leaders of ISIS and have this Islamic master race syndrome.
Cut off ISIS funding and they will die...
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18-07-2016, 11:13 AM

Re: Did any of you see Ross Kemp: the Fight Against ISIS

I would have liked to watch that, but the link wants me to buy it.
I shall search my 'Kodi' to see if I can find it.
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18-07-2016, 11:17 AM

Re: Did any of you see Ross Kemp: the Fight Against ISIS

I don't have SKY but it sounds an interesing watch Wabbly.

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