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Uncle Joe
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23-07-2016, 08:35 AM

Universal Credit

So once again the 'nasty party' have been forced to postpone the implementation of 'universal credit' because of the 'disaster' it has been. IDS and his successor Steven Crabbe were told that whilst the system was theoretically good, in practice its been an absolute disaster.
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23-07-2016, 09:52 AM

Re: Universal Credit

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
So once again the 'nasty party' have been forced to postpone the implementation of 'universal credit' because of the 'disaster' it has been. IDS and his successor Steven Crabbe were told that whilst the system was theoretically good, in practice its been an absolute disaster.

Well you know what they say 'If at first you don't succeed'......I think they have postponed it while waiting for your solution Joe...
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23-07-2016, 09:58 AM

Re: Universal Credit

I hear from a couple of friends since he reached pension age they are worse off , she was receiving DLA , a small amount and they had assistance with a car , the moment he got his pension their amount dropped and they had to get rid of the car . I didn't think DLA was means tested.

Another thought , we hear that young families are struggling when on benefits , I wonder if introducing food and heating vouchers would help them to spend their money more wisely . For instance if they had £100 of food vouchers included in their payment at least it would go on food and perhaps heating vouchers would then insure they are warm in the winter .
Uncle Joe
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23-07-2016, 10:23 AM

Re: Universal Credit

Originally Posted by susan m ->
I hear from a couple of friends since he reached pension age they are worse off , she was receiving DLA , a small amount and they had assistance with a car , the moment he got his pension their amount dropped and they had to get rid of the car . I didn't think DLA was means tested.

Another thought , we hear that young families are struggling when on benefits , I wonder if introducing food and heating vouchers would help them to spend their money more wisely . For instance if they had £100 of food vouchers included in their payment at least it would go on food and perhaps heating vouchers would then insure they are warm in the winter .

Susan darlin' - NO, DLA is NOT means tested, nor does it count as income when claiming other benefits - its totally ignored. Your friends need to perhaps seek expert benefit advice somewhere and if necessary, lodge an appeal against the Department's decision.

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