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07-10-2016, 08:26 AM

The Immigration Question

I think that a large majority of the people who voted to leave the EU, had unlimited immigration at the forefront in making up their minds.

Obviously we cannot ban it altogether as some are needed.

My problem is in picking the ones we really need to make the UK flourish, how many of their extended family will come with them. If we are not careful, for every 1000 we need, possibly another 5000 come as family.

That will take some working out, and I don't believe the cabinet is all in agreement on how to handle this, but them neither are the so called opposition.
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07-10-2016, 08:37 AM

Re: The Immigration Question

A recent report claimed we only need 30,000 economic migrants a year to maintain the needs of businesses, if that is correct its madness to sustain the present levels at 300,000 plus.

The report also stated that.
The Migration Watch UK think tank claims the move would keep out unskilled workers, who make up 80 per cent of all new arrivals from the EU.

Like everything else with statistics the truth may lye somewhere in between.

My vote out was more about gaining control of our country again from Brussels bureaucrats and their fiddling with our laws for others benefit, but
mass migration without control, played a part.
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07-10-2016, 08:39 AM

Re: The Immigration Question

Originally Posted by Old Supporter ->
I think that a large majority of the people who voted to leave the EU, had unlimited immigration at the forefront in making up their minds.

Obviously we cannot ban it altogether as some are needed.

My problem is in picking the ones we really need to make the UK flourish, how many of their extended family will come with them. If we are not careful, for every 1000 we need, possibly another 5000 come as family.

That will take some working out, and I don't believe the cabinet is all in agreement on how to handle this, but them neither are the so called opposition.

Without migrants this country would be completely stuffed! The vast majority of people's ancestors were migrants.
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07-10-2016, 09:17 AM

Re: The Immigration Question

People migrate which is perfectly natural, the only problem is the numbers and having control over those numbers. The strength of our economy and our generosity of nature has been and still is a huge magnet for people with much less, but we cannot welcome or absorb all of them.

Three million net migration over the last decade is unsustainable into the future, so whatever happens with the EU we have to stem the flow before we sink under the sheer weight of increased population.

How we do it I don't know, but we must......
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07-10-2016, 09:21 AM

Re: The Immigration Question

I've always been keen on asylum first, and then visas, if a company can prove they really cannot fill a vacancy then they can go abroad for a worker. But there has to be some effort in recruiting in this country first, too many offer rubbish wages and then cry no one wants to work for me.
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07-10-2016, 09:23 AM

Re: The Immigration Question

Originally Posted by Old Supporter ->
I think that a large majority of the people who voted to leave the EU, had unlimited immigration at the forefront in making up their minds.
I don't agree and think that's a convenient excuse used by the Remainers to play down the strength of feeling against the EU.

I voted Leave because I could see that the EU was becoming a totalitarian state in which the UK would have lost all ability to influence its own country. Because the entire set up is corrupt to the core. Because we never got to vote when we went in in the first place. Had nothing to do with immigration.

Being in the EU has destroyed our fishing industry.

Being in the EU has destroyed our rivers, lands and homes.

People don't realise but the awful flooding that the UK has seen in past years, flooding that has swamped entire towns, destroyed houses, infrastructure, livelihoods, has been largely caused by the EU.

Years ago the EU issued a directive that all rivers must be left in as natural a state as possible. That meant that farmers and townships all over could no longer undertake the regular dredging and clearing of sand and gravel that they had been doing for countless years to ensure the rivers continued to flow uninterrupted.

Now that build up results in the rivers flooding their banks and then flooding towns and houses.

All because of a stupid EU directive.

The EU does not have the UK's interests at heart. It was destroying the UK piece by piece and would have replaced it with a United States of Europe in which we would have had very little influence.
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07-10-2016, 09:25 AM

Re: The Immigration Question

Originally Posted by Realist ->
I don't agree and think that's a convenient excuse used by the Remainers to play down the strength of feeling against the EU.

I voted Leave because I could see that the EU was becoming a totalitarian state in which the UK would have lost all ability to influence its own country. Because the entire set up is corrupt to the core. Because we never got to vote when we went in in the first place. Had nothing to do with immigration.

Being in the EU has destroyed our fishing industry.

Being in the EU has destroyed our rivers, lands and homes.

People don't realise but the awful flooding that the UK has seen in past years, flooding that has swamped entire towns, destroyed houses, infrastructure, livelihoods, has been largely caused by the EU.

Years ago the EU issued a directive that all rivers must be left in as natural a state as possible. That meant that farmers and townships all over could no longer undertake the regular dredging and clearing of sand and gravel that they had been doing for countless years to ensure the rivers continued to flow uninterrupted.

Now that build up results in the rivers flooding their banks and then flooding towns and houses.

All because of a stupid EU directive.

The EU does not have the UK's interests at heart. It was destroying the UK piece by piece and would have replaced it with a United States of Europe in which we would have had very little influence.
Well said, hear hear..
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07-10-2016, 09:48 AM

Re: The Immigration Question

The awful flooding was mostly definitely not caused by an EU directive. The flooding was caused by a number of factors, the EU was not one of them.

Unprecedented rain fall, poor land practices by farmers, terrain and irresponsible local authority planning i.e building in a flood plain.

This is not meant to derail a thread about immigration just correcting an error.

Originally Posted by Realist ->

People don't realise but the awful flooding that the UK has seen in past years, flooding that has swamped entire towns, destroyed houses, infrastructure, livelihoods, has been largely caused by the EU.

Years ago the EU issued a directive that all rivers must be left in as natural a state as possible. That meant that farmers and townships all over could no longer undertake the regular dredging and clearing of sand and gravel that they had been doing for countless years to ensure the rivers continued to flow uninterrupted.

Now that build up results in the rivers flooding their banks and then flooding towns and houses.

All because of a stupid EU directive.
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07-10-2016, 09:51 AM

Re: The Immigration Question

Originally Posted by Old Supporter ->
I think that a large majority of the people who voted to leave the EU, had unlimited immigration at the forefront in making up their minds.

Obviously we cannot ban it altogether as some are needed.

My problem is in picking the ones we really need to make the UK flourish, how many of their extended family will come with them. If we are not careful, for every 1000 we need, possibly another 5000 come as family.

That will take some working out, and I don't believe the cabinet is all in agreement on how to handle this, but them neither are the so called opposition.

I would agree that some people were concerned about immigration, when they voted to leave the EU, but there were much bigger issues. We were on the road to losing control of how our country is run, in the hope of making us all one big nation called "Europe". Merkel was after a job with the UN and it is believed that is what made her offer a home to so many immigrants from the Middle East...... big mistake!
At least if we have the ability to decide, for ourselves, who can run this country, then at least we have a degree of democracy.
European immigrants were used to earning less, so happy to come to Britain, and they managed to live here on the income we provided, so why do the British find it so difficult?
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07-10-2016, 02:18 PM

Re: The Immigration Question

I agree with most of what has been said here. I too voted out because of all the interference and stupid laws coming from Brussels. Germany went to war twice to get to rule Europe, and lost. Merkel almost succeeded in doing it by a peaceful means.

We do need a certain amount of immigrants to help us fill jobs, both skilled and to a lesser degree unskilled. I don't have a problem with that on the surface. But what worries me is how many relations they will bring with them. These "needed" immigrants should all have a job to go to before entry. Their continued working should be a condition of being allowed to remain. No work - Goodbye, get your benefits from your own country.
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