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07-11-2016, 04:24 PM

So,,,,Germany held back secret EU Military plans during referendum

It appears that leaked draft proposals from Angela Merkle had been disclosed prior to the Referendum regarding the new formation of a joint EU Military command headquarters and widespread cross-border “sharing” of military units and equipment.

Insiders say that the bombshell announcement of the plan was hidden until after the British referendum for fear that it would inflame more anti-sceptic sentiments among British voters.

The move, which could undermine Nato, will now intensify and which would have included British forces and equipment if the vote had gone the other way!! No wonder the remain party made no mention of it to voters pre-Brexit.

The disgraceful thing about this is that our own elected remain MP’s lobbied to remain in an organisation that would have resulted in us handing over our military defence to make way for a European army!!!!
Shame on them for their betrayal.

The thought of our British defence being dictated by bluddy Brussels would no doubt have filled our troops with dread, as well as the British people, It certainly makes a mockery of the claim that Britain is stronger remaining in the EU. Take a look at the Netherlands which has slowly but surely had its armed forces taken over stealthily and now combined all but in name with the German military.

So not only has the EU been sucking the life out of every aspect of our way of life, they would, if we had voted to stay in, and contrary to their lying mouths when asked about suspicions of a EU military involving all EU member states - gone ahead with its now disclosed secret plan to asset strip not only our best in the world British fightling forces and equipment for their own EU Army use, but would have left us no doubt, at the bottom of the pecking order as is always the case, if and when we needed our British forces for our own protection. B.....ds!

Making too much of it, you are probably thinking. Not me! I just thank the sweet Lord that we voted to come out of this lying, scheming, unelected Cult.

What is your view on it?
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07-11-2016, 04:26 PM

Re: So,,,,Germany held back secret EU Military plans during referendum

My thoughts ? I agree with you entirely ss, its as simple as that.
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07-11-2016, 04:38 PM

Re: So,,,,Germany held back secret EU Military plans during referendum


Not a big issue for me really, we have a veto and we have made it perfectly clear to the EU that we would veto it as long as we were in the EU.

If Merkel and Junckers want to play silly idiots, let them, we will be no part of it.

The EU would be sunk without NATO and the American Firepower it brings.
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07-11-2016, 05:05 PM

Re: So,,,,Germany held back secret EU Military plans during referendum

Big deal, complete non story.
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07-11-2016, 05:07 PM

Re: So,,,,Germany held back secret EU Military plans during referendum

It appears that leaked draft proposals from Angela Merkle had been disclosed prior to the Referendum regarding the new formation of a joint EU Military command headquarters and widespread cross-border “sharing” of military units and equipment.

Insiders say that the bombshell announcement of the plan was hidden until after the British referendum for fear that it would inflame more anti-sceptic sentiments among British voters.
SG I have raised this issue before on here .

The possibility of a not just a joint European army but reaching a stage where we don't have an independent army of our own but a European army on our soil concerned my greatly .
We have a veto but times and government change, so do their views and with that their actions.

I believe had we voted to stay in the EU it would have strengthened it in some way and we would have been one step nearer to federalism. One reason I voted to come out.
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07-11-2016, 05:18 PM

Re: So,,,,Germany held back secret EU Military plans during referendum

It's been in the cards for some time,
I understand it is enshrined in Article 42 of the Lisbon Agreement.
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07-11-2016, 05:25 PM

Re: So,,,,Germany held back secret EU Military plans during referendum

Originally Posted by Rehab44 ->
It's been in the cards for some time,
I understand it is enshrined in Article 42 of the Lisbon Agreement.

The relevant wording in Article 42

The policy of the Union in accordance with this Section shall not prejudice the specific character of the security and defence policy of certain Member States and shall respect the obligations of certain Member States, which see their common defence realised in the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), under the North Atlantic Treaty and be compatible with the common security and defence policy established within that framework.
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07-11-2016, 06:51 PM

Re: So,,,,Germany held back secret EU Military plans during referendum

Does that mean if we get into a war they won't back us up?
If that's the case, with our forces being depleted and our troops not being given proper equipment etc.its rather worrying.
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07-11-2016, 07:04 PM

Re: So,,,,Germany held back secret EU Military plans during referendum

Originally Posted by TessA ->
Does that mean if we get into a war they won't back us up?
If that's the case, with our forces being depleted and our troops not being given proper equipment etc.its rather worrying.

We are still part of Nato Tess, so unless NATO folds, we will be fine.

NATO is bigger than the EU.
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08-11-2016, 06:49 AM

Re: So,,,,Germany held back secret EU Military plans during referendum

I have never understood the total antipathy towards a joint EU defence force. Given the cost of maintaining an independent defence for every country, pooling resources and forming a joint defence makes a lot of sense. Okay, so its formation may be fraught with nationalist screeching but once set up it would have to be quids in for everyone.
I fear the problem in this country stems from to many still fighting WW2 in their imagination.
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