How The Federalists Seek To Abolish Your Nation
Nationalism is a topic frequently arising in these Brexit threads and a subject which will continue to be attacked by the EU supporting federalists. They want to create a Federal State, a very powerful state, a world power armed by a collective military comprised of the armies and navies of each EU state. To achieve this they
have to destroy your nationality, your attachment to the history and heritage of your country and turn you into a nationless EU zombie.
The following article from
The New Federalist is a good read. It highlights the federalist strategy and how its aims to neuter you and your country until it no longer exits:
Some of it's content:
"Nationhood is incompatible with the European project. The most conservative federalists who deny this fact reveal a touching naïveté. In this sense, the radical nationalists are right to panic about the end of nations"
"we must fully assume that the European project aims for the complete dissolution of nation-states."
"the European Union will need to find another political foundation, more rational than nationalism, by which it can transcend the multiplicity of cultures. Only constitutional patriotism corresponds to this need. The aim is to base European political society on liberal values such as constitutionalism, democracy and human rights, all of which are non-partisan, universal, and dedicated to serving individual liberty.
Immediately we see that this ideology has no chance to prosper on the continental scale if it is not applied beforehand on a national level in each of the EU member states.
The abolition of nationalism is indispensable for the prosperity of federalism"
"Nation-states are in no way essential to the future of the EU and are in fact far from the foundation of European construction. Successful unification will come from their dissolution"
What is immediately apparent to me in this article is that it attempts to sway view points away from Nationalism and towards Federalism on the basic of good morals, liberty, equality and human rights. It comes across to me very much as the snake words of "Grima Wormtongue" in Lord Of The Rings.
The EU is not here to make a happy equal libertarian continent. It is a bunch of corrupt power-mongering secret society officials building an all-powerful federal state with all the benefits and wealth that this will afford its rulers.
Their destruction of the economies of Greece, Italy, Spain and others serves to show their true hand and what they are prepared to do to steer things their way.
I like the idea and notion that all men and women are equal, that we are all humans, and thus should all enjoy the same basic freedoms and human rights. But at the same time I am not stupidly naïve enough to think that the creation of a United Federal States of Europe is going to pander to such idyllic end games. Mankind is always going to be oppressed and ruled by the wealthy elite and monarchies the world over. Human rights and equality are just terms paid lip service. The truth is that the elite will always be more equal than everyone else.
People will be no less oppressed and held in slavery and servitude in a Federal States of Europe than they would be in their own current country. In the EU however, their ability to lobby, protest and influence wider policy will be greatly diminished. The UK already has seen that it has less and less influence in the EU.
Here again is a chart from the independent VoteWatch Europe ( showing how the UK's influence compares to other member states, how the UK is so often in the minority in the EU Council:
Note how France for example is hardly ever in a minority, less than 1% of the time in fact whereas the UK is in the minority some 12% of the time and that is a rising percentage.
So what do people think?
Are you ready to be Nationally neutered? Are you ready and willing to be labelled an "old dinosaur" because you love your country and its history and heritage? Or are you ready to shed any notion of being British and will happily allow the purposeful re-inventing of you and your country as just European, as just another Federal member?