Re: Leaving the EU - a simple solution!
There are 4 ways to leave the EU
1. The EU can pressure Britain to sign Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty to get us out 2 years.
2. The British Parliament can simply repeal the six EU treaties, and should anyway. That gets us out immediately without involvement by the EU. Will those 454 MP’s implement the wishes of the people?
3. Declare the six treaties null and void under the British Constitution. Teresa May could do that on her own.
Our pro-EU MPs' are unlikely to it, so Britain's courts could do it. The entire EU project was always illegal under British law, which our government has broken with impunity.
However, judges these days are mainly freemasons, and senior freemasonry see the EU as the way to the all-controlling, one world dictatorship they have been striving for, for centuries. They break the law when it suits them. So great pressure needs to be put on them to be honest.
4. The Queen could declare all six treaties null and void. But she put her name to them, broke the remainder of her coronation oaths, committed high treason, and risked her life to do so, because the punishment at common law, under the Constitution, and under our treason laws, for undermining our nation’s sovereignty is still to hang by the neck until dead. They are a German family. So with commitment like that, she’s not likely to help.