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02-12-2016, 08:54 AM

Indian students

India's middle class students don't want to come to Britain anymore

India’s rapidly growing middle class want to send their children to the best places in the world and they’re willing to pay for it – but after hearing our rhetoric on immigration they’re sending them to Australia, Canada and the US
What would a decent and sensible British immigration policy look like? Would it involve lots of students coming to the UK and spending money? How about encouraging students from countries we have historical ties with, and who speak English? And what about if it helps our international objectives too?

If you think all these are good ideas then forget about it. You have to be living on a different planet, where government policy is supposed to make sense.

How the Tories treat international students is a perfect example of policy that takes voters for fools, while making them poorer. This government has a target to reduce net migration they know they can’t reach. In fact they are moving further away from it. So rather than abandoning a silly target, they stick to it because apparently it shows they are ‘listening to the concerns of voters’. And the victims of this policy are the very group that benefits Britain the most: students.
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02-12-2016, 09:40 AM

Re: Indian students

I can't help but smile.

The UK has made it abundantly clear it doesn't want immigrants.

Student numbers are included in the immigration figures.

They don't have to come to the UK where there is animosity an uncertainty.

That isn't Tory policy, that is Brexit policy.
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02-12-2016, 11:04 AM

Re: Indian students

Originally Posted by Flicker ->
The UK has made it abundantly clear it doesn't want immigrants.
To correct your usual sweeping misleading statements:

The UK has made it abundantly clear it doesn't want ILLEGAL immigrants.

Few have any issue with the regular influx of real immigrants who have been through the proper processes, done the paperwork, been properly checked out by the various authorities and intelligence agencies etc.

Such people have decided to leave their own country to go and live in the UK where they intend to integrate, learn to speak English and participate in the customs of the country.
Many of these people have significant skill sets which are beneficial to the UK.

Such immigration can be controlled and measured to ensure that the numbers do not overwhelm the country and do not pose a threat to the country's sovereignty and fundamental customs.

What we have instead is a massive influx of largely illegal immigrants who are unchecked, un-processed, who have no intention of integrating whatsoever, who will drain our resources without contributing and who, when enough numbers have been reached will radically impact the customs of the country. This is the immigration the UK has made it clear it does not want.
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02-12-2016, 11:58 AM

Re: Indian students

You do not speak for all of the UK.

The hysteria that preceded he vite was about IMMIGRATION...the effect on schools, hospitals, roads, housing etc.

That is ALL immigration. That is why Cameron made his ridiculous promise to keep immigration down to a certain number.

Now some politicians are daring to mention that immigration may not be such a bad idea after all.

Instead of XXX pounds more for the NHS the Brits may well find that a loss of immigration may just cause the final collapse of the NHS.
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02-12-2016, 01:42 PM

Re: Indian students

No it isn't ALL immigration at all. More baloney.

The UK has lived with LEGAL immigration for countless years. We have immigrants in all manner of high profile jobs, doctors, surgeons, university lecturers and so on. It has only become a problem because of the massive influx of ILLEGAL immigrants flocking here, not to work, but to milk the cosy system.

The collapse of the NHS has nothing to do with immigration. It is a purposeful milestone in the Common Purpose agenda that was always going to happen. The NHS and all associated medical bodies, like everything else, have been infiltrated by the same villains who have now turned what was an actual HEALTH focussed service into what is simply a Big Pharma big business peddling pills, potions and drugs for $trillions of profit. It is a travesty and a part of the cancer currently plaguing this country.

The villains will eradicate the NHS and usher in new legislation that FORCES people to buy health insurance ala the USA. You can see it coming a mile away. health and medication are gong to become very very expensive and it has nothing to do with immigrants.
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02-12-2016, 03:59 PM

Re: Indian students

That isn't what some Brexiteer said on Daily Politics today.

He said the british people voted to stop immigration beyond a tiny amount.

Go argue it out with him.

This is proof positive that no one really knows what Bexit is. ie I know what a dog is but if I started to describe it, it would take me years to do so because there e so many dogs.

The rest is once again some lifted jargon that means nothing.
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03-12-2016, 04:00 PM

Re: Indian students

Originally Posted by Flicker ->
That isn't what some Brexiteer said on Daily Politics today.

He said the british people voted to stop immigration beyond a tiny amount.

Go argue it out with him.

This is proof positive that no one really knows what Bexit is. ie I know what a dog is but if I started to describe it, it would take me years to do so because there e so many dogs.

The rest is once again some lifted jargon that means nothing.
Please tell us that you're not suggesting that what one person says represents a sensible statistical result?

Perhaps I should quote what a bloke said in the pub yesterday.

What sort of reasoned argument would that provide?
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03-12-2016, 04:08 PM

Re: Indian students

You know as well as I do that fr years the general blare has been about the number of immigrants doing this and that to reduce the quality of life in the UK
and we also know that there are a dozen reasons or more why people voted to leave.

That person BTW was a minister who is working on your behalf.
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03-12-2016, 04:09 PM

Re: Indian students

Originally Posted by Flicker ->
I can't help but smile.

The UK has made it abundantly clear it doesn't want immigrants.

They don't have to come to the UK where there is animosity an uncertainty.

That isn't Tory policy, that is Brexit policy.
Originally Posted by Flicker ->
You do not speak for all of the UK.

The hysteria that preceded he vite was about IMMIGRATION...the effect on schools, hospitals, roads, housing etc.
What a load of racist anti-British drivel.
Excessive and uncontrolled illegal immigration is the issue that concerns a great many Brits.
Most people in the UK can also spot a racist when they see one.

I've no idea what he vite is?
Sounds like some genetically modified, testosterone enhanced, slimmer's low calorie bread.
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03-12-2016, 04:34 PM

Re: Indian students

Originally Posted by Flicker ->
That isn't what some Brexiteer said on Daily Politics today.

He said the british people voted to stop immigration beyond a tiny amount.

Go argue it out with him.
lol, no thanks, I don't need to go argue it out with anyone.

The "Immigration" joker card has been played repeatedly by pee'd off Remoaners like yourself as a pathetic way to disparage a majority of UK citizens and, as ever, in true style, to attempt to divert the discourse away from the plethora of failings and wrongs of the EU and instead try to focus it on one specific issue which then allows Remoaners to accuse Leavers of being racists.

Sorry deary but this kind of BS cuts no ice with a great many Leavers. Sure, you can wheel a few deluded ill-informed people in front of a camera and cherry pick the part where they say they are concerned about Immigration and thereby use that as a platform to rant and rave about BRExit just being about that one issue, but that doesn't make it true.

A great many people are now very wide awake thanks.

Leaving the EU is NOT about immigration. It's about a corrupt collective of megalomaniacs using Common Purpose stooges and stealth tactics to infiltrate all areas of society in order to bring about a totalitarian Federal States of Europe headed largely by committed communists. It's about a collective trying to impose a single currency across numerous nations which is routinely destroying the economies of those countries. It's about a collective hell bent on destroying the nationality and sovereignty of countries under the false guise of multiculturism with the aim of imposing a new single Nationality, the "nothing European" who will be sapped of their heritage, culture and traditions in favour of an EU dictatorship.

Immigration ? LMAO Do me a favour !

Please don't insult us. We see what has been happening over the past years, we see the fraudulent way it is being perpetrated, we see who is behind it and we see now the peril and danger of allowing it to go any further.

As I said in other threads, that cancer will be removed taking with it whatever it does and we will expect and manage through the harsh recuperation period that follows such "chemotherapy".

The media will obviously continue to trot out disinformation trying to make out that BRExit was about immigration. It wasn't, it was about the ever approaching menace of a corrupt EU.
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