Re: Indian students
Originally Posted by
That isn't what some Brexiteer said on Daily Politics today.
He said the british people voted to stop immigration beyond a tiny amount.
Go argue it out with him.
lol, no thanks, I don't need to go argue it out with anyone.
The "Immigration" joker card has been played repeatedly by pee'd off Remoaners like yourself as a pathetic way to disparage a majority of UK citizens and, as ever, in true style, to attempt to divert the discourse away from the plethora of failings and wrongs of the EU and instead try to focus it on one specific issue which then allows Remoaners to accuse Leavers of being racists.
Sorry deary but this kind of BS cuts no ice with a great many Leavers. Sure, you can wheel a few deluded ill-informed people in front of a camera and cherry pick the part where they say they are concerned about Immigration and thereby use that as a platform to rant and rave about BRExit just being about that one issue, but that doesn't make it true.
A great many people are now very wide awake thanks.
Leaving the EU is NOT about immigration. It's about a corrupt collective of megalomaniacs using Common Purpose stooges and stealth tactics to infiltrate all areas of society in order to bring about a totalitarian Federal States of Europe headed largely by committed communists. It's about a collective trying to impose a single currency across numerous nations which is routinely destroying the economies of those countries. It's about a collective hell bent on destroying the nationality and sovereignty of countries under the false guise of multiculturism with the aim of imposing a new single Nationality, the "nothing European" who will be sapped of their heritage, culture and traditions in favour of an EU dictatorship.
Immigration ? LMAO Do me a favour !
Please don't insult us. We see what has been happening over the past years, we see the fraudulent way it is being perpetrated, we see who is behind it and we see now the peril and danger of allowing it to go any further.
As I said in other threads, that cancer will be removed taking with it whatever it does and we will expect and manage through the harsh recuperation period that follows such "chemotherapy".
The media will obviously continue to trot out disinformation trying to make out that BRExit was about immigration. It wasn't, it was about the ever approaching menace of a corrupt EU.