Re: Corbyn to try to amend Article 50
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You cannot do deals that do not benefit the other. and the UK will possibly need those deals far more than the partner does, which puts the UK at a disadvantage.
What a load of codswallop ! Boy BRExit really has you peeved doesn't it ?!
What is the situation now? The situation is that to achieve any deal, any new legislation, the UK has to go into the European Parliament with its begging bowl and start trying to muster up a "Qualifying Majority" amongst ALL the EU member states. It has to do this because the UK only has a tiny amount of votes amongst a massive collective. So what does that actually mean in practice?
It means that all the other countries, who couldn't give a flying f**k about the UK all get to smugly sit there and say "well UK, you want X to happen do you? And you need our support and vote to make that happen eh? So tell me, how will you scratch our back if we scratch yours?"
So wherein is the difference? The system is already stupid in the extreme with Britain's home issues being of no concern whatsoever to the other member states and yet the UK has to go bargaining to get their support. EU votes simply become a tradable commodity which has nothing at all to do with the issues on the table.
We are better off out of such a ridiculous system which will clearly NEVER serve the needs and wishes of the UK populous. Once out we can still negotiate with the other states, the crucial difference being we can do that 1 on 1 instead of having to try and achieve a "Qualifying Majority" in a corrupt collective.
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From what I hear there is a real possibility that there will be no access tot eh single market because the rest of the EU will say so.
This is pure denial on your part and on the part of all Remoaners who are doing this . . . .:
The FACT is that the EU is collapsing. So it's NOT simply the UK that is going to be looking to secure deals with other European countries. Once Greece leaves, and then Spain, Italy, Denmark and the rest then we will all collectively be looking for ways to trade with each other. We will ALL therefore collectively establish whatever trade agreements we need between us.
What you are doing here is establishing a picture where the UK stands alone against the rest of the EU and trying to suggest that the EU won't play ball. You are in denial.
The EU is crumbling, it has failed spectacularly. It has ruined the economies of lots of member states and ruined the lives of countless people. A NEW way is about to be formed from the ashes and country by country the other member states WILL Exit and join it. They will all be keen to trade with the UK.