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06-12-2016, 09:15 AM

Could the eu implode ?

With another couple of years of migrants filling Italian beaches, endogan hopefully throwing his toys out the pram and no doubt lots of more banking crisis and daily strife hitting Europe then hopefully maybe just maybe if we all promise to be good and sleep with fingers crossed then santa may just bring us a closed sign for next Christmas

Could the European Union fall apart?

It has been a dreadful year for the European Union. It has just got a lot worse. Next year could transform a looming existential threat into a terminal reality. The end of a joint 60-year project to transform the politics of an entire continent is now a distinct possibility.
Some would greet the prospect with glee, others with horror. But few have thought through what it would mean if the pillars came crashing down.
The Italian vote means, as here, a populist, anti-establishment surge has defenestrated a prime minister.
There, as here, a new prime minister may be anointed without the bother of a general election. There, unlike here, that would probably further stoke the fires of popular discontent.
Either way, sooner or later (which means in 2018) the main opposition, the Five Star movement, could be elected promising a referendum on membership of the euro, if not the European Union itself.
The EU was hardly in a self-confident, ebullient mood in the first place. The continent's economy still stutters. The euro crisis returns with the wearing familiarity of a pantomime villain.
Members question its other great project, the common borderless area, in the light of the migrant crisis. Now this, the second EU straw in a populist gale that will blow throughout next year.
And Italy was the birthplace of the union, where the Treaty of Rome was signed in 1957.
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06-12-2016, 10:04 AM

Re: Could the eu implode ?

If the current version of the EU can't function anymore there will be a new version. You cannot stop countries trading with each other on whatever terms they agree.

In addition in a world where most countries are in some sort of trading bloc, it seems unlikely that the EU won't continue.

Further the EU trades outside itself via at least three ways and has trading relations with these countries:

The total trading partners involve almost every country in the world.

The agreements are legally binding and sometimes are the main trading source/livelihood for smaller countries.

The EU is arguably the biggest trading bloc in the world.

"Every day, Europe exports hundred of millions of euros worth of goods and imports hundreds of millions more.
Europe is the world's largest exporter of manufactured goods and services, and is itself the biggest export market for around 80 countries.
Together, the European Union's 28 members account for 16% of world imports and exports."

It routinely rivals the USA and China in terms of GDP. In addition the EU spends more globally, creating jobs in otherwise poorer nations.

"The EU, plus periphery nations, accounted for 28.5% of all consumer spending in 2014, according to Quinlan, above both the 26.6% spent by US consumers and the 15.6% spent by the emerging economies of the Brazil, Russia, India and China combined. This attracts global companies to the region."

If the EU fails, the global economy will fail and the world will retract back over a hundred years with untold unemployment, poverty and social unrest.

Be careful what you wish for.
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06-12-2016, 10:20 AM

Re: Could the eu implode ?

Bring it on !!!!!

And then maybe common sense will prevail .... we've been trading since ugug made his first dugout canoe and will continue to trade without mr Junkers and his cronies ...... we can have migration but controlled migration .... we can have our law courts without European court of every tom dick and abdhul has a right greater than my right ...... so yes I do wish daily for deliverance from the eu shackles

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06-12-2016, 10:22 AM

Re: Could the eu implode ?

That was not the point.

and I am afraid that your relatively singular approach will not be allowed to destroy the global matter how loudly you shout.
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06-12-2016, 10:27 AM

Re: Could the eu implode ?

Today, 09:04 AM#2 If the current version of the EU can't function anymore there will be a new version. You cannot stop countries trading with each other on whatever terms they agree.

In addition in a world where most countries are in some sort of trading bloc, it seems unlikely that the EU won't continue.

And no one has a problem with that .... we joined the EEC in 1973 for trade ...... no one said BACK then that the eu will morph into a club that allows 500,000,000 people the right to roam freely and offer their labour to the cheapest bidder or that multi nationals can run freely dodging tax anywhere and everywhere ..... the eu is biased corrupt club simple as that and I for one will rejoice when it finally dissolves into something for everyone not just the fat cats
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06-12-2016, 10:30 AM

Re: Could the eu implode ?

Could the EU implode ?

I think it will certainly change under pressure however, nothing happens very quickly in the EU are there are lots of eurocrats who wish to protect their own privileged positions and will fight any change tooth and nail.

This was typified by an interview on Newsnight last night between Evan Davis and a european commissioner called László Andor who insisted nothing happening anywhere in Europe indicated there were any problems within and anyone daring to suggest such a thing was misreading and misrepresenting the true state of affairs. The EU seems to be made up of people like Andor who have built a career for themselves in Europe and don't want anything to spoil their cosy well proved for existence.
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06-12-2016, 10:33 AM

Re: Could the eu implode ?

It routinely rivals the USA and China in terms of GDP. In addition the EU spends more globally, creating jobs in otherwise poorer nations.

Only last night I was listening to programme on radio 4 and that was saying about Albania and it being a member of the eu and the good it brings to Europe except ..... half of its GDP today is cannabis .... most of the weed in the eu is grown in Albania , most of the kids aren't even doing college as they are busy working on cannabis farms .... how great it is being in the eu with open borders means they shift the stuff by the ton so yes I imagine the eu works for some businesses
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06-12-2016, 10:34 AM

Re: Could the eu implode ?

Originally Posted by marmaduke ->
Bring it on !!!!!

And then maybe common sense will prevail .... we've been trading since ugug made his first dugout canoe and will continue to trade without mr Junkers and his cronies ...... we can have migration but controlled migration .... we can have our law courts without European court of every tom dick and abdhul has a right greater than my right ...... so yes I do wish daily for deliverance from the eu shackles

Spot on Marmaduke!

We ought to be better off trading openly with all of the countries of the world.

Cannot see the need for an intermediary.

As for "controlled immigration", it seems to make sense, to many others in the world, to take only those who have the skills that you need.

Employers can do interviews, why cannot Countries do the same?
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06-12-2016, 10:36 AM

Re: Could the eu implode ?

Originally Posted by marmaduke ->
It routinely rivals the USA and China in terms of GDP. In addition the EU spends more globally, creating jobs in otherwise poorer nations.

Only last night I was listening to programme on radio 4 and that was saying about Albania and it being a member of the eu and the good it brings to Europe except ..... half of its GDP today is cannabis .... most of the weed in the eu is grown in Albania , most of the kids aren't even doing college as they are busy working on cannabis farms .... how great it is being in the eu with open borders means they shift the stuff by the ton so yes I imagine the eu works for some businesses :)
....and apparently many in the police force are part of the 'cannabis economy', they take a cut from the growers in return for turning a blind eye.
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06-12-2016, 10:39 AM

Re: Could the eu implode ?

Originally Posted by marmaduke ->
Bring it on !!!!!

And then maybe common sense will prevail .... we've been trading since ugug made his first dugout canoe and will continue to trade without mr Junkers and his cronies ...... we can have migration but controlled migration .... we can have our law courts without European court of every tom dick and abdhul has a right greater than my right ...... so yes I do wish daily for deliverance from the eu shackles

Well said Marmaduke. The EU's demise can't come fast enough for me, the sooner they stop meddling in our countries affairs the better. Who wants to live in a world where multi national companies will be the only winners and the average Joe can only watch as his Identity, his traditions and his country will be lost to the all consuming EU.
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