EU Regulations Gone Mad
So glad to be leaving this power-mad bunch of idiots.
Many are aware that before referendum the EU bureaucrats were planning a crackdown on various home appliances which use a lot of energy.
Hairdryers, lawn mowers, and electric kettles are three categories out of 29 that could face restrictions, and the EU aims to choose about 20 as priorities.
These and the myriad of other regulations that have previously been imposed are surely one of the reasons people feel the EU is a bureaucratic nightmare
How daft does this all get?
Well here's a list of everyday products and the number of EU regulations that have to be met concerning them. See what you think:
Pillows - 109 regulations
Bed Sheets - 49
Sunglasses - 225
Shampoo - 118
Towels - 454
Towel Holders - 36
Bread - 1246
Milk - 12653
Spoons - 210
Orange Juice - 202
Coffee - 625
and so it goes on !
What a load of old tosh
And here we are with Orange Juice as an example, being in the main a product kept for about a year in large vats, which then loses its colour and taste and has to be subsequently revived with "flavour packs" being added to it. The majority of OJ is like this regardless of what it says on the packet.
We have milk that is heat treated to within an inch of its life thereby destroying all the goodness and nutrients in it. A product that used to be wholesome and healthy when it was Raw Milk. Producers of Raw Milk are now few and far between.
Bread, that most basic of foods, which has been with us for 1000s of years, which needs only 4 ingredients (Flour, Water, Yeast and Salt) ! 1246 regulations !
The world has truly lost its way. We need to go back to basics, learn from our former generations and ancestors and rid ourselves of these EU bureaucratic morons bent on world domination.