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21-12-2016, 11:09 PM

Yet more eu stupidity

Why does the eu oppose this ruling ? In light of the French Belgium German useless ( I use that term advisedly) as yet on every level fight against terror ...... why do they bend over backwards to make law enforcement / court cases easier for the criminal element to evade capture or prosecution ?

EU judges rule against UK Government's 'snooper's charter'

The faster we leave this absolute madhouse set of non joined up thinking judiciary the better as Europe is losing the fight , indeed Europe doesn't even wish to acknowledge their is even a scuffle
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22-12-2016, 12:02 AM

Re: Yet more eu stupidity

Have to disagree with your stance on this one M. The proposal to monitor and store the user history of the entire UK's internet history is using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. It takes the position that everyone is guilty of something when online not just the few. Further, like RIPA, it will be abused by every Tom, Dick and Harriet despite alleged `assurances` that safeguards will be in place to prevent such abuse.

The government must surely be aware that the criminal element will use encryption or the Dark Web to circumvent this data collection? Better to employ resources monitoring that side of the internet rather than innocents.

Sits back and waits for the usual`if you have nothing to hide` mantra.
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22-12-2016, 12:20 AM

Re: Yet more eu stupidity

For some reason, I think it is connection with the UK surveillance and the USA surveillance. . I can't remember what these places are called by name but didn't Edwaard Snowden blow the hat off them a bit and how they were working in unison ? I think I'm right with that. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if the USA are involved anyway, they have data on most of us and probably the NHS records too, when a couple of years ago we had an option not to have records released. I filled in a form to decline, but doubt it ended up in the right department. Now shared with the HSCIC (whoever they are) It was kept very quiet and probably another cash cow.
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22-12-2016, 12:03 PM

Re: Yet more eu stupidity

I'm with Judd on this one.
From The Independent.

The full list of agencies that can now ask for UK citizens’ browsing history, which is laid out in Schedule 4 of the Bill and was collected by Chris Yiu, is below:

Metropolitan Police Service
City of London Police
Police forces maintained under section 2 of the Police Act 1996
Police Service of Scotland
Police Service of Northern Ireland
British Transport Police
Ministry of Defence Police
Royal Navy Police
Royal Military Police
Royal Air Force Police
Security Service
Secret Intelligence Service
Ministry of Defence
Department of Health
Home Office
Ministry of Justice
National Crime Agency
HM Revenue & Customs
Department for Transport
Department for Work and Pensions
NHS trusts and foundation trusts in England that provide ambulance services
Common Services Agency for the Scottish Health Service
Competition and Markets Authority
Criminal Cases Review Commission
Department for Communities in Northern Ireland
Department for the Economy in Northern Ireland
Department of Justice in Northern Ireland
Financial Conduct Authority
Fire and rescue authorities under the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004
Food Standards Agency
Food Standards Scotland
Gambling Commission
Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority
Health and Safety Executive
Independent Police Complaints Commissioner
Information Commissioner
NHS Business Services Authority
Northern Ireland Ambulance Service Health and Social Care Trust
Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service Board
Northern Ireland Health and Social Care Regional Business Services Organisation
Office of Communications
Office of the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland
Police Investigations and Review Commissioner
Scottish Ambulance Service Board
Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission
Serious Fraud Office
Welsh Ambulance Services National Health Service Trust
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22-12-2016, 12:17 PM

Re: Yet more eu stupidity

I hear what you are saying , and I'd say I'm up there as anti establishment myself however in these days of growing terrorism and organised crime whilst yes the above list are allowed access they still need to have 'good reason to do so' ..... add to the fact countless court cases have been dropped over technicalities of insufficient evidence ..... add to this sometimes security needs instant access not to wait years for court approval ..... and the bottom line in reality is still the same of ' if you've done nothing wrong then nothing to fear' in reality but if your a little pervert chasing child porn or a wannabe jihadist cruising the interweb then just remember you may get away with it tonight but if you show up on a radar somewhere then your footprints will be found
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22-12-2016, 12:39 PM

Re: Yet more eu stupidity

My concern is two fold.
Too many agencies have access to the information.
There will be simply too much data to analyse efficiently.
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22-12-2016, 12:54 PM

Re: Yet more eu stupidity

How Germany’s obsession with privacy let market killer escape

Backlash against Nazis and the Stasi means that cameras are largely banned
In June attempts to install CCTV in Berlin squares blocked on privacy grounds
Investigators have no live footage of crash or the driver fleeing in the aftermath
Police union chief said: 'We would know a lot more about the perpetrator by now if we had been allowed to install video cameras'
A near-total ban on CCTV in public spaces means that German police and security services have no live footage of the Christmas market massacre or the killer driver fleeing the scene, it was revealed today.
Draconian German privacy rules mean filming in public places is largely prohibited - and this year politicians blocked attempts to install cameras on Berlin's main squares.
It is a backlash against tyrannical control of the population by the Nazis and then state-sponsored surveillance by the Stasi in Cold War East Germany before the Berlin Wall fell.
One German journalist told the Mail: ‘Then, the state knew everything about you. As a result, the public now fears it knowing anything about you.’
Police say it has gone too far and means that the driver of the truck who fled on foot from Breitscheidplatz square cannot be followed on camera.

Or in other words , in a modern world times change and whilst no one likes or wants 'big brother' neither do we want to live in a world were the luvvies human rights do anything but protect the normal peaceful people with nothing to actually be afraid of ..... sadly I'm all for giving security services etc any and every tool they need or we all live like Germany and pay the price whilst shopping
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22-12-2016, 01:17 PM

Re: Yet more eu stupidity

In principle I have no problem with our data being looked at but we live in very uncertain times with hackers getting into places never before considered as unsafe. I don't want our data turning up in USA, Russia or China or anywhere else. They don't have a great record of keeping things safe either !

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