Why the EU is collapsing
The following is a good article which covers both sides of the arguments.
It establishes that a primary failing of the EU is that of it's inability or unwillingness to look after the victims of their incessant push towards and support of globalisation.
"The European institutions have become major promoters of globalisation. The single market and the trade agreements reached by the European Commission have widely opened the European gates to globalisation."
"Unfortunately, there has been a complete failure to organise the necessary compensation for the losers of these policies. The European institutions have no power over social policy, which has remained firmly in the hands of the national authorities. However, the hands of these authorities have been shackled by the same European institutions’ fiscal rules.
The EU’s fiscal rules not only make it extremely difficult to compensate the losers from globalisation, but they have actually amplified their hardship."
"For at least the last five years, the European Commission has pushed all Eurozone member states into an austerity straightjacket that has produced economic stagnation and rising unemployment – particularly in those countries which had already been hit badly by globalisation. It should thus not come as a surprise that many citizens have turned their backs on the European institutions that are seen as cold and ready to punish when millions live in hardship."
"In addition to the strict fiscal rules, the structural reforms that have been imposed by the same European institutions are also to blame for the rejection of the European Union by millions of people. European policymakers have adopted the neo-liberal discourse, according to which workers must be flexible (read: they should be happy when their wages fall, when they can be dismissed quickly and when they receive reduced unemployment benefits). The neo-liberal policymakers that now dominate the European Union preach that social security is unproductive and should be downsized. These policies are euphemistically called structural reforms, and they are imposed on millions of people, mostly the losers of globalisation, by European institutions and national governments alike."
Essentially then, the author is pointing out that if you run shop as a bunch of corrupt crony capitalists whose policies and systems are failing, and then prop up those failings by punishing large populations with austerity and worse living standards whilst the elite continue to feather their nests, then you are on a hiding to nothing and eventually the people will fight back.
It goes on to say:
"Thus, the problem of the European Union today is that, instead of helping those who suffer from globalisation, it has implemented policies that hurt these people even more. It is no surprise that the losers revolt.
If the EU continues with its prescription of austerity and structural reforms, revolt will spread and will take the form of attempts in further countries to exit the Union. It is time for the EU to take the side of the losers of globalisation instead of pushing for policies that mainly benefit the winners."
Unfortunately this is where the article clings to fantasy and denial. The EU with it's ridiculous number of highly paid executives is not an organisation willing to reform. It has been getting steadily more corrupt over recent years and shows no sign whatsoever of changing. It is hell bent on dominance, control and the establishment of a Federal States with a huge EU army made up from the military forces of each member state. It is a machine that makes £billions for a select few, whilst millions of "real" people suffer poverty, austerity, unemployment and lesser and lesser living standards.
The EU has failed. It has failed the people of member states, failed their economies, seen them be bankrupted and then used other member states to bail these failures out. The EU is like that black sheep family member who is addicted to gambling and keeps coming back to beg for a bit more money because he's about to be kicked out of his home. Each time he promises to reform, to clean up his act, and each time he doesn't and come back with the begging bowl.
Eventually the rest of the family says "NO MORE, it is over".
This is where the EU stands now. One member state has had the courage and moral fibre to stand up and be counted and say No More.
The rest are now so scared of the repercussions of this "rebellion" that they are muttering about making an example of the "bad pupil" and not giving the UK easy terms to leave. This as a way to discourage other member states from following suit, to essentially frighten them and say, "look if you follow the UK's lead then you'll have an equally hard time".
This is simply more confirmation for Brexitiers of why it was so important to leave such a corrupt collective. A collective that is clearly more focussed on how to make an example of the UK than it is about the reasons the UK and many other member states hate the way the EU operates.
The EU is NOT going to reform. The crony capitalists consider themselves above the law and will continue to make legislation to fit their agendas.
In time, the other member states will see this for what it is and will seek their own ways out. Many are already wanting their own referenda. The brave face some are trying to put on right now isn't going to last. Whilst they try to "gang up" and see the UK given a hard time, they concurrently continue to suffer the collapse of their economies under the Union and the harsh austerity and other problems it has caused them. You can't keep bailing out a failed system. Nobody wins except the wealthy globalists. The system has to be changed. It refuses to change itself, so it must first collapse, be dismantled like a bunch of lego bricks, and be re-made into something new and different.
The process has just begun . . .