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05-01-2017, 07:20 AM

What Happens?

The British PM has said that she will trigger the exit from the EU in March. As I understand it this means she has a maximum of two years to negotiate the terms of the exit before Britain is out. Is the trigger reversible?

What will happen to those British people who for very good reasons have decided to make their home in various parts of Europe? Presumably their fate is part of the negotiations.

What if the EU says, "Yes, they can stay BUT all EU citizens currently in the UK must likewise be allowed to stay." except of course they will actually say something like, "Oui, ils peuvent rester mais tous les citoyens de l'UE actuellement au Royaume-Uni doivent également être autorisés à rester."

Has the UK government got a strategy or even a wish list of what it wants to achieve before the exit? The reports here seem to suggest that every British diplomat or official of any standing in the EU has resigned. Surely that fop Boris Johnson can't be seriously expected to negotiate Britain's exit?

What is the plan? Never mind the thorny issue of trade what is happening to the people affected?
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05-01-2017, 08:20 AM

Re: What Happens?


Firstly, no, not everyone has resigned, just the main Civil Servant we have in the EU.

He has been replaced.

Secondly Theresa May has said one of her main objectives will be to protect the rights of UK Citizens currently living in the EU.

This will be interesting, as that is not entirely within her control.

One of the main issues will be reciprocal Taxation agreements.

Retirees in the EU may well find that they have to pay local tax on their UK Pensions, not UK Tax,

This will hurt them, due to our low taxation in the UK.

We will impose strict restrictions on new EU Migrants to the UK, it is not beyond the bounds of possibility that the EU will match them.

Our Government has not yet decided about what it wants from Brexit, so we do not know about the rest, which in any event, will have to be negotiated.

One of the big things will be the bill for leaving, successive UK Governments, never thinking that we would leave, have previously signed up to significant financial commitments, including paying our share of the Pensions for EU Civil Servants.

I agree that Boris is out of his depth, a good Mayor of London, but now he is playing with the big boys.

He has already made a complete idiot of himself.

The two year leaving deadline for Article 50 is solely for the leaving process, it does not include new Trade Agreements with the EU.
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05-01-2017, 08:29 AM

Re: What Happens?

I don't know about other countries but Spain is quite anxious to look after its British residents .
They are after all a large factor in its economy and many Spanish work here too.
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05-01-2017, 09:43 AM

Re: What Happens?

would be unbelievable the eu would penalise Uk expats with their spending power, it would be like the old saying "cutting your nose to spite your face "
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05-01-2017, 10:10 AM

Re: What Happens?

Originally Posted by Ripple ->
would be unbelievable the eu would penalise Uk expats with their spending power, it would be like the old saying "cutting your nose to spite your face "

We talk about the EU as though it was single Bloc all with the same mind.

It isn't, it will be 27 Countries, each with their own agenda

Some of them will be losing EU Funding when we leave, export very little to us and will not be Happy Wombles.

They have their own domestic Political Agendas to deal with.

Juncker and his federalist mates have a distinct agenda, which is to make sure no other Country even thinks of leaving by making it as difficult and expensive to the UK as possible.

Time will tell, we can speculate, but nothing will emerge until the talks begin, and even then I think we will be kept in the dark.
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05-01-2017, 10:48 AM

Re: What Happens?

Why are we concerned about expats?
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05-01-2017, 11:12 AM

Re: What Happens?

Ye gods, not another brexit thread .....
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05-01-2017, 11:49 AM

Re: What Happens?

Retirees in the EU may well find that they have to pay local tax on their UK Pensions, not UK Tax,

If they live 6 month and a day in the non UK country, they already do UNLESS your pension is derived from the UK Govt such as teachers and civil servants. They have to be paid in the UK...which is good because if you have two pensions and are taxed in two countries it is far easier to slip under the tax threshold in both and pay...nothing to either of them.

There re solutions to bypass all this...becoming a citizen of the country you permanently live in is one.
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05-01-2017, 12:25 PM

Re: What Happens?

Originally Posted by Flicker ->
Retirees in the EU may well find that they have to pay local tax on their UK Pensions, not UK Tax,

If they live 6 month and a day in the non UK country, they already do UNLESS your pension is derived from the UK Govt such as teachers and civil servants. They have to be paid in the UK...which is good because if you have two pensions and are taxed in two countries it is far easier to slip under the tax threshold in both and pay...nothing to either of them.

There re solutions to bypass all this...becoming a citizen of the country you permanently live in is one.
Thank you. So, is that why you are so concerned about us leaving the EU?
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05-01-2017, 01:05 PM

Re: What Happens?

Originally Posted by Flicker ->
Retirees in the EU may well find that they have to pay local tax on their UK Pensions, not UK Tax,

If they live 6 month and a day in the non UK country, they already do UNLESS your pension is derived from the UK Govt such as teachers and civil servants. They have to be paid in the UK...which is good because if you have two pensions and are taxed in two countries it is far easier to slip under the tax threshold in both and pay...nothing to either of them.

There re solutions to bypass all this...becoming a citizen of the country you permanently live in is one.

Once again I have to say that your understanding of things is wrong.

Reciprocal taxation applies to State Pensions, not just in Service Pensions.

My estranged daughter is a tax Accountant.

She communicates only with me me via my son, being an accountant she is only interested in what she will get from Dad.

Her charge out rate is £540 an hour, I will do you a discount, £150 an hour, payable as a gift via Paypal, to me.
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