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14-01-2017, 12:18 PM

Theresa May telling the EU how it will be!

I have just been reading that Theresa is due to give a Brexit speech on Tuesday and will say that during the Brexit negotiations the EU will be informed that once Article 50 is invoked Britain will break free from the ECHR.
She's off to a good start.

She also reiterated that taking back control of our own border controls will be a red-line during the talks, even if it means us quitting the single market.
She is expected to outline a work permit scheme for EU workers who will only be allowed to work here if they have a job waiting for them.
She also plans to allow the 3 million EU citizens already living in the UK to be allowed to stay permanently and expects the EU to grant similar rights to UK citizens living there. Good!

Now the only thing that is niggling me is the following:
Leave MP's are pushing for a cut off date on Tuesday.
They want anybody who arrives before the triggering of Article 50 to be informed they will be allowed to stay and expect the EU to grant reciprocal terms for British people.

Hello!! now that this news is out I can already envisage Hundreds of Thousands of Eastern European wives franctically packing their cases while dad runs to the bus depot to buy 20 tickets to Victoria station.!!

So with respect TM, by all means, give a cut off date on Tuesday, might I suggest WEDNESDAY!!
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14-01-2017, 12:23 PM

Re: Theresa May telling the EU how it will be!

Bring it on!
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14-01-2017, 12:33 PM

Re: Theresa May telling the EU how it will be!

Nigel Farage (remember him?) has already told the EU beaurocrats where to go in no uncertain terms. Tessa May is slightly more diplomatic a la some kind of demented headmistress and will lay down HER rules...if diplomacy is going to work, that is!

Pity Farage isn't a real politician, or even officially in the government for that matter. Maybe in his new capacity as a chat show host he can get someone just as inexperienced such as Miley Cyrus to install some new blood into our failed political empire. It works in America!

Sorry, I went off the beaten track there for a while!
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14-01-2017, 12:51 PM

Re: Theresa May telling the EU how it will be!

Originally Posted by shropshiregirl ->
I have just been reading that Theresa is due to give a Brexit speech on Tuesday and will say that during the Brexit negotiations the EU will be informed that once Article 50 is invoked Britain will break free from the ECHR.
She's off to a good start.

She also reiterated that taking back control of our own border controls will be a red-line during the talks, even if it means us quitting the single market.
She is expected to outline a work permit scheme for EU workers who will only be allowed to work here if they have a job waiting for them.
She also plans to allow the 3 million EU citizens already living in the UK to be allowed to stay permanently and expects the EU to grant similar rights to UK citizens living there. Good!

Now the only thing that is niggling me is the following:
Leave MP's are pushing for a cut off date on Tuesday.
They want anybody who arrives before the triggering of Article 50 to be informed they will be allowed to stay and expect the EU to grant reciprocal terms for British people.

Hello!! now that this news is out I can already envisage Hundreds of Thousands of Eastern European wives franctically packing their cases while dad runs to the bus depot to buy 20 tickets to Victoria station.!!

So with respect TM, by all means, give a cut off date on Tuesday, might I suggest WEDNESDAY!!

We can see it coming a mile off. Will they?
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14-01-2017, 12:53 PM

Re: Theresa May telling the EU how it will be!

Originally Posted by fender ->

We can see it coming a mile off. Will they?
No, it will be at least a year and most likely coincide with the next General Election.
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14-01-2017, 01:02 PM

Re: Theresa May telling the EU how it will be!

Don't apologise for going off track Floydy. Any mention of my hero Nigel is perfectly okay! I, along with 17 million others, will always be thankful to him for making Call-Me-Dave panic into allowing the referendum to take place that he thought would never happen.

I wonder why Dave didn't include him for a knighthood!?
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14-01-2017, 01:04 PM

Re: Theresa May telling the EU how it will be!

My daughter in law who is Brazilian with one English child and 2 with dual nationality, married to an englishman (my son), is not allowed to stay in the Uk Unless they have £70,000 in the bank , a job paying £35,000 a year. She is a qualified and successful vet with her own clinic in her own country, but her qualifications are not reconised over here. They also have a 1 bed house in gravesend worth far more than required ,but this is not taken into account
She did work here legally sponsered some time ago and has a national insurance number.

He is a qualified English teacher and so no problem getting a job.

So how do they at the moment get into the UK legally? let me tell you , they have to become residents in Portugal for a year ,then being an EEC country they can come to the UK legally and perminantly.

Yet we let in unqualified people who can't even speak English- have no home to go to and claim benefits without any restrictions.

Where is the justice in that
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14-01-2017, 01:19 PM

Re: Theresa May telling the EU how it will be!

There is no justice in that Realspeed - it's a complete nonsense.

I'd like to move to the USA, but it's nigh on impossible.
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14-01-2017, 01:26 PM

Re: Theresa May telling the EU how it will be!

There is no justice Realspeed, the treatment meted out to your son and daughter-in-law is an absolute disgrace.
Where on earth do the government get their stupid, skewed thinking from? your daughter-in-law by right should be able to enter into the country immediately. She is married to an Englishman, is self-sufficent, both in excellent professions, not dependent on claiming benefits. able to support themselves and no doubt able to buy their own property. Exactly the type of person that no-one could or should object to coming into this country to live.
Your son and daughter-in-law as well as yourself have every right to feel angry and wronged when one sees just who HAS been allowed to walk in without any bother.
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14-01-2017, 02:11 PM

Re: Theresa May telling the EU how it will be!


A few points.

It is the ECJ we are leaving, not the ECHR.

The ECHR is not part of Brexit and will need a separate Act of Parliament to leave it's jurisdiction.

May will have a problem with that, many Tory MP's are lawyers and the ECHR is a real money spinner for them.

I would like to see us leave both, or at least do what other Countries do, which is to take ECHR Judgements as advisory only.

We don't, which is absolutely stupid, France and Germany chuck out those they do not want very quickly.

At our present rate it is going to take us 24 years.

Sod that for a game of marbles. let's get rid of the 600,000 illegals asap.

Then we have the cut off date.

I can understand why people want it asap, but it would mean defaulting and major problems for us.

There are three things we can do already to resolve this issue.

We can allow them in for 3 months to find a job, no benefits payable during that time, and then out.

We can put an emergency break on, again perfectly allowable under existing rooms.

We can immediately stop this nonsense of advertising UK jobs first in the EU.

That is illegal and should be stopped today.

It is totally unfair and discriminates against our own.

The other thing that we should be doing is to invoke our existing get outs.

Free movement does not include those who are a threat to Pubic Health or Public Safety.

This includes rapists and murderers.

We allow them in, this must stop and must now.

Unfortunately, Mrs May, our ex Home Secretary for many years has slashed Immigration Staff and Budgets and refused to implement the IT Systems necessary to identify these people.
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