Political Suicide
Labour MP Tulip Siddiq resigns from frontbench over article 50 vote
"I do not support the triggering of article 50 and cannot reconcile myself to the frontbench position,”
In her letter to Corbyn, the shadow minister for early years said voting to start the process of leaving the EU would be a betrayal of her north London constituents, three-quarters of whom voted to remain in the EU.
So what is the point of taking up a career in democratic politics if, when the democratic process results in a decision you don't like, you then resign?
What would she have done at the next General Election if the party she didn't like won? Resign?
It's such a stupid and puerile response. EVERY politician, regardless of party, political view or persuasion, has an absolute duty to uphold and respect a democratic vote.
This politician was clearly in the wrong career.
It doesn't matter how her constituency voted, the democratic result was BRExit. If you can't accept the democratic process, GTFO of politics.
Her political career is surely over ?