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08-06-2021, 10:53 AM

EU Still Huffing & Puffing!

From the DT, Today!

"Sausages could be at the centre of a fresh dispute with Brussels. The EU will start a trade war with the UK if Boris Johnson overrides the Brexit treaty so that Northern Irish shops can keep selling meat products made in England, a vice-president of the European Commission warns today.

In an article for The Telegraph, Maros Sefcovic said the EU would react "swiftly, firmly and resolutely" if Britain unilaterally extends the grace period in the Northern Ireland Protocol, which expires at the end of June.

Europe Editor James Crisp says that any unilateral extension for chilled meats would enrage the EU.

Meanwhile, France is planning to use its EU presidency to oust English as the bloc's most common language."

How dare they say that our language is "Common"!

Just wait 'till they start using French Letters in all of their communications.....!

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09-06-2021, 03:57 PM

Re: EU Still Huffing & Puffing!

IIRC some years ago there was a dispute in the EU about whether or not the good old British "breakfast" sausage was actually a sausage or not because of it's low meat content. Most European sausages contain at least 90% meat whereas our regular sausages are usually <50%, the balance being pork fat and breadcrumbs (or similar). I think it was the Dutch or Danes that came up with the idea that our regular sausages should be called Bangers if they were to be sold in the EU.
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09-06-2021, 04:42 PM

Re: EU Still Huffing & Puffing!

Originally Posted by Percy Vere ->
IIRC some years ago there was a dispute in the EU about whether or not the good old British "breakfast" sausage was actually a sausage or not because of it's low meat content. Most European sausages contain at least 90% meat whereas our regular sausages are usually <50%, the balance being pork fat and breadcrumbs (or similar). I think it was the Dutch or Danes that came up with the idea that our regular sausages should be called Bangers if they were to be sold in the EU.
Sounds like a storm in a sausage skin to me Percy !!
How many tons of sausage meat actuall get exported to the EU
each year ??
Not much I'll bet ?
As l have said many times before, l thought we were out of
the EU now ?
But now it seems Boris signed up to a BRINO deal after all ??

Donkeyman! 👎😭😭👎

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