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05-07-2021, 10:50 AM


Speaking to the economic and monetary affairs committee of the European Parliament, Constantinos Petrides, said his government would be opposed to an EU directive that constrained national tax policymaking.

Mr Petrides said: “We are in favour of retaining the policy of setting the tax rate as a national competency, maintaining a level of corporate tax rate suitable for the sustainable development of the economy and investments."
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05-07-2021, 02:44 PM

Re: Cyprus

Cyprus is suffering from one of the worst fires in its history, which is now under control. Did the EU step in to help them? Apparently not, British forces at two military bases in Cyprus joined the effort, alongside fire-fighting aircraft from Canada, Greece and Italy, and Cyprus’s fire department and National Guard.

The fire was started by a man burning stubble in a field, something he's probably done hundreds of times, but Cyprus has undergone an unprecedented heatwave recently, so a bit of caution may have been in order.

Thirty-four square miles of crops and vegetables were destroyed by the fire and four bodies, believed to be Egyptian labourers, have been discovered. Poor buggers, what a terrible way to go.
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05-07-2021, 10:02 PM

Re: Cyprus

One of the biggest flaws in the European process is the principle of unanimity which should be done away with as fast as possible. There are a couple of countries that shouldn't have become EU member states in the first place as they don't want to have anything to do with the EU anyway other than, as Agassi once put it in a different context, "Take the money and run.". The whole EU eastward enlargement has been a big mistake. The EU should become a union of north and west European countries which share western values including Scandinavia, the Benelux countries, France, and Austria. Then it'll be alright and flourish. Anything else will only cause problems which no one needs.
It's about time that there were a minimum tax globally and that global digital companies including Amazon were taxed properly so that tax avoidance and evasion were stopped as was tentatively agreed on at the recent G7 summit and later on confirmed by a larger number of countries.
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05-07-2021, 10:13 PM

Re: Cyprus

Originally Posted by Dachs ->
One of the biggest flaws in the European process is the principle of unanimity which should be done away with as fast as possible. There are a couple of countries that shouldn't have become EU member states in the first place as they don't want to have anything to do with the EU anyway other than, as Agassi once put it in a different context, "Take the money and run.". The whole EU eastward enlargement has been a big mistake. The EU should become a union of north and west European countries which share western values including Scandinavia, the Benelux countries, France, and Austria. Then it'll be alright and flourish. Anything else will only cause problems which no one needs.
It's about time that there were a minimum tax globally and that global digital companies including Amazon were taxed properly so that tax avoidance and evasion were stopped as was tentatively agreed on at the recent G7 summit and later on confirmed by a larger number of countries.

Over ambition leads to under achievement Dachs!! ( donkeyman.
just now!)

D man! 👍🤗👍
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06-07-2021, 09:30 AM

Re: Cyprus

Cyprus is considered a transcontinental country, between Asia and Europe. As is Turkey who have yet to join.
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07-07-2021, 09:23 AM

Re: Cyprus

Originally Posted by Cinderella ->

Speaking to the economic and monetary affairs committee of the European Parliament, Constantinos Petrides, said his government would be opposed to an EU directive that constrained national tax policymaking.

Mr Petrides said: “We are in favour of retaining the policy of setting the tax rate as a national competency, maintaining a level of corporate tax rate suitable for the sustainable development of the economy and investments."

An EU common tax policy is a natural progression to manage mutualised debt and to screw every member state except Germany.

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