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11-12-2017, 05:37 PM

Re: should you expect sexual harassment at work ?

Floydy, I loved my job working just with men. We all got on so well, never fell out with anyone in the eight years. Far more pleasant than my following job working mainly with women, who were so bitchy. I made far more friends with the men and their families than I ever did working in the NHS.
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11-12-2017, 06:10 PM

Re: should you expect sexual harassment at work ?

Originally Posted by Floydy ->
People are now much wiser in their attitudes to harassment, discrimination and how they conduct themselves in the workplace than, say, in the 1970s-80s when anything was "acceptable".

It depends on the level of harassment of course, but a slightly mistaken 'brush' against a member of the opposite (or same) sex or a pat on the arm for instance, should be discarded as nothing more than a workplace occurence. Stroking a collegue's leg - or worse - has some clout about it and that then should be up to the individual to take things further.

On my night shift, there are 17 blokes and one young lady, a lithuanian. Although she is (a) not British and (b) rather attractive, absolutely none of us would dream of any unnecessary verbal or physical intereference towards her. She is a great young woman who mixes very well with all of us as an equal member of our team.
No, Floydy - that is a myth. "Anything" has never been acceptable to anyone with an ounce of self respect.

A genuine 'accidental brush' - OK - could be discounted once - and only once.

A pat on the arm - or anywhere else - cannot and should not be discounted. If a sharp word to the person doing it does not work - then it must be reported and dealt with appropriately.

If nothing is said or done - then the person misbehaving might think it was allowed and go on to do something even less acceptable.

There is no reason for work colleagues of either sex to put up with sexual harassment.
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11-12-2017, 06:15 PM

Re: should you expect sexual harassment at work ?

Originally Posted by Silver Tabby ->
No, Floydy - that is a myth. "Anything" has never been acceptable to anyone with an ounce of self respect.

A genuine 'accidental brush' - OK - could be discounted once - and only once.

A pat on the arm - or anywhere else - cannot and should not be discounted. If a sharp word to the person doing it does not work - then it must be reported and dealt with appropriately.

If nothing is said or done - then the person misbehaving might think it was allowed and go on to do something even less acceptable.

There is no reason for work colleagues of either sex to put up with sexual harassment.
Hence the inverted commas I used, Silver Tabby. In other words, depending on the severity and reasoning of the situation.
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11-12-2017, 11:44 PM

Re: should you expect sexual harassment at work ?

We must also take into account that some women encouraged flirting.....
Also, Different people, both Men and Women have have varying degrees of what they consider acceptable. There have been many successful marriages come about from a little bit of flirting. In most cases the difference between flirting and harassment is a very fine line indeed. In my opinion it becomes harassment when the offender won't take no for an answer.
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11-12-2017, 11:52 PM

Re: should you expect sexual harassment at work ?

Suppose it has always been tricky, trying to work out, who is an offender, and who is, a Contender.
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11-12-2017, 11:59 PM

Re: should you expect sexual harassment at work ?

Can't speak for Ladies, but, there were many Blokes, who exploited ladies in the Work Place, some of which, did not object to exploitation, but, that said more about the blokes, no confidence for autonomy.
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12-12-2017, 03:24 AM

Re: should you expect sexual harassment at work ?

I've never been approached inappropriately at work. I was the recipient of some flirting, especially in my younger days, but I never reciprocated, so that was the end of that. I always dressed and acted professionally, treating my collegues respectfully. I think the respect I garnered had a lot to do with the way I presented myself.

Crazy as it might sound, I always treated the workplace as a place to - work. I don't understand how people have so much time for such shenanigans.

That said, I've made very good friends at work with whom I've maintained wonderful relationships over the years. Good grief, just how hard is it to have congenial relationships across the sexes and keep our hands and desires to ourselves?
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12-12-2017, 04:34 AM

Re: should you expect sexual harassment at work ?

[QUOTE=Silver Tabby;1292796]

A genuine 'accidental brush' - OK - could be discounted once - and only once.

A pat on the arm - or anywhere else - cannot and should not be discounted. If a sharp word to the person doing it does not work - then it must be reported and dealt with appropriately.
If nothing is said or done - then the person misbehaving might think it was allowed and go on to do something even less acceptable.

I'm a bit confused here. I am, by nature, a demonstrative person. I speak to men and women the same way. It is not unusual for me to touch another person on the shoulder, upper arm or a pat on the back for a job well done, or in simple friendship. Example, I might say, to an employee, "The area supervisor will be making an inspection later this afternoon. I am giving you the responsibility to see that X, Y or Z is completed. I know I can count on you" Friendly smile, followed by a hand on the shoulder to emphasize to point. How can that be wrong if I treat both men and women the same way ?

Have we gotten to the point where touching anyone, male or female, is now prohibited ? Does a co-worker now have the power to say I've been sexually harassed, and thus turn a persons career into a shambles ?
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12-12-2017, 05:30 AM

Re: should you expect sexual harassment at work ?

Bakerman, you bring up a good point. You are presuming that the recipient, man or woman, appreciates your physical contact. For every person who might not mind it, another person is cringing inside, making your well-meaning message miss the mark. I don't want anyone touching me at work, but it has nothing to do with sexual harassment.

Have we gotten to the point where touching anyone male or female is prohibited? In the workplace, yes.
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12-12-2017, 07:48 AM

Re: should you expect sexual harassment at work ?

That's the trouble, some folks see the "Workplace", as a shortcut to courtship, these folks should be overlooked for promotion cos, this outlook is indicative of a general ethos, to always look for the easy option.
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