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03-11-2016, 09:13 PM

Re: MPs to vote on Brexit

Originally Posted by deylon ->
Why should there be civil unrest of its decided we should remain in Europe ?
Because, in practice, those who are ignoring a democratic vote, regardless of the actual majority, are depriving us of our centuries old hard-won right to a democracy.

What would come next, a dictatorship? Like Nazi Germany? Like what the EU would like as not evolve into?
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03-11-2016, 09:36 PM

Re: MPs to vote on Brexit

This is something I have just posted on another similar site !"

Well I have been pleased by today's ruling!!

Thank goodness we are beginning to see some sense. The caricature elderly thick working class voter who voted leave to see less Polish plumbers did not vote for the value of the pound to be reduced by nearly 20%! Any solutions??

I know from experience with this site that I am likely to get ordure poured upon my head from a great height and I just got fed up with some of the far Right here and stopped posting! But this is so serious that it is worth upsetting them again!!

I think we are being sent to " Hell In a Handcart "!!
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03-11-2016, 09:43 PM

Re: MPs to vote on Brexit

Originally Posted by PhilipM ->
This is something I have just posted on another similar site !"

Well I have been pleased by today's ruling!!

Thank goodness we are beginning to see some sense. The caricature elderly thick working class voter who voted leave to see less Polish plumbers did not vote for the value of the pound to be reduced by nearly 20%! Any solutions??

I know from experience with this site that I am likely to get ordure poured upon my head from a great height and I just got fed up with some of the far Right here and stopped posting! But this is so serious that it is worth upsetting them again!!

I think we are being sent to " Hell In a Handcart "!!
You are perfectly entitled to your opinion.

As are we.
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03-11-2016, 09:55 PM

Re: MPs to vote on Brexit

Can we try not to pick on each other just for once.
We're all in this together, whichever way we voted.
We've all been lied to and let down by those who should have been prepared for any eventuality.
It's them we should be admonishing, not each other!
We all should want the best outcome for our country and our children, the vote's been cast now there should be a united effort to make things work.
Fighting amongst ourselves and blaming each other is not going to solve anything.
Has anyone got any ideas about how we can get the powers that be to do what is in the public interest and not to suit themselves?
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03-11-2016, 10:02 PM

Re: MPs to vote on Brexit

Originally Posted by PhilipM ->
This is something I have just posted on another similar site !"

Well I have been pleased by today's ruling!!

Thank goodness we are beginning to see some sense. The caricature elderly thick working class voter who voted leave to see less Polish plumbers did not vote for the value of the pound to be reduced by nearly 20%! Any solutions??

I know from experience with this site that I am likely to get ordure poured upon my head from a great height and I just got fed up with some of the far Right here and stopped posting! But this is so serious that it is worth upsetting them again!!

I think we are being sent to " Hell In a Handcart "!!
Elderly ... thick .... hmm .... just described me there.
Just as well I'm not a up my own a*se Remainer innit and I'm too thick to spot an insult when I see one.
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03-11-2016, 10:19 PM

Re: MPs to vote on Brexit


I am elderly and certainly thick around the waist.

I do however have a certain amount of intelligence.

I certainly thought long and hard my decision to vote out, and it had nothing to do with EU Immigration, a problem in part, but one easily dealt with my adopting a different Benefits System, one more akin to those in France and Germany.

Neither had it anything to do with the Polish, two of which are currently staying in my house.

It has all to do with Democracy, The EU is run for the benefit of the few, not the many and Merkel in particular is running roughshod over the democratic processes.

Whilst you may be fed up with the Right Wing as you phrase it, many who voted out were not traditional right wing voters.

I am also fed up with left wing intellectuals who seem to be convinced that they hold the moral high ground, that they are in some way intrinsically intellectually superior and that the rest of us should do as we are told.
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03-11-2016, 10:20 PM

Re: MPs to vote on Brexit

Originally Posted by Morticia ->
Elderly ... thick .... hmm .... just described me there.
Just as well I'm not a up my own a*se Remainer innit and I'm too thick to spot an insult when I see one.
Look on the bright side Morti, at least you would have the grace to accept the result of a democratic vote, no matter which way you voted, and that makes you a decent, intelligent human being on my book!
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03-11-2016, 10:25 PM

Re: MPs to vote on Brexit

Originally Posted by PhilipM ->
The caricature elderly thick working class voter who voted leave
Don't you claim to be a retired doctor?

Oh if only all doctors had such an endearing bedside manner.
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03-11-2016, 10:29 PM

Re: MPs to vote on Brexit

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

Yep, very sensible, a group of old fogies rioting, faced by an armoured, well trained Police Force.

Absolutely stupid idea, especially as you may well find that those you are confronting also voted for brexit.

It will solve nothing and just give propaganda to the Remainers.

A dignified, coherent protest strategy is far better.

Millions on the streets in a silent, calm, dignified protest specifically targeted at those Mps who vote to block Brexit.

Refusing to serve or provide services to those MPs who vote against the Referendum result.

That scares them, because there is nothing that they can do except start the violence themselves, which will lead to massive condemnation.

It isn't the most violent who wins in a fight, it is the smartest.

I wish this was true SF, but when my husband and my son joined the 'Stop The War' demonstration in London, along with well over 1 million like- minded multi-racial people waving placards and shouting slogans, banging drums back in 2003. It was far from quiet, but definitely non-violent, sufficient for Bush visiting No.10 at the time, to say that it was heartening to hear that the British people can still demonstrate !

But did this amazing demonstration of public feeling have any affect with Blair, Bush or our Government ? You know damn well it had no affect at all, because this nation was dragged kicking and screaming into a confrontation that had nothing to do with them just a few days later on !!!! By rights that demonstration should have had an impact, at least to possibly cause a debate and final decision in Parliament. But all that was gained from it was decent coverage on national TV and world wide. Did it achieve anything. NO ! It was a peaceful demonstration, but had it developed into a riot, you can bet your life, Parliament would have taken notice. I rest my case.

By the way, is BLIAR going to be allowed to escape being arrested for war crimes ? Or is it the usual, 'sweep it under the carpet lads, and it will eventually be forgotten' . Blair was a warmonger, Bush was a war-monger.
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03-11-2016, 10:40 PM

Re: MPs to vote on Brexit

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

I am elderly and certainly thick around the waist.

I do however have a certain amount of intelligence.

I certainly thought long and hard my decision to vote out, and it had nothing to do with EU Immigration, a problem in part, but one easily dealt with my adopting a different Benefits System, one more akin to those in France and Germany.

Neither had it anything to do with the Polish, two of which are currently staying in my house.

It has all to do with Democracy, The EU is run for the benefit of the few, not the many and Merkel in particular is running roughshod over the democratic processes.

Whilst you may be fed up with the Right Wing as you phrase it, many who voted out were not traditional right wing voters.

I am also fed up with left wing intellectuals who seem to be convinced that they hold the moral high ground, that they are in some way intrinsically intellectually superior and that the rest of us should do as we are told.

I concur.

I was going to say I agree but didn't want to appear to be a "thick working class voter who voted leave" rather than someone who is fairly well educated with a mind of their own.
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