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26-12-2016, 06:54 PM

Re: The UK should pay closer attention

Originally Posted by JBR ->
But surely Brandy would make him even more crapulous.
Would not be a show without Punch. How's Judy, is she blackleading the range in the good old Yorkshire tradition?
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26-12-2016, 07:06 PM

Re: The UK should pay closer attention

I was on holiday abroad when the referendum took place so I made a postal vote. I am 79 years old and considered abstaining as I will not have to live with the consequences. In the end I voted to remain. When I awoke the morning after the referendum I was shocked and very disappointed with the result. Since then after delving further into all facts and figures I have changed my mind and think the correct decision has been made.
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26-12-2016, 07:17 PM

Re: The UK should pay closer attention

Originally Posted by scot37 ->
I was on holiday abroad when the referendum took place so I made a postal vote. I am 79 years old and considered abstaining as I will not have to live with the consequences.
I do think that is a very sensible attitude to have. However, I believe that we older people, who have far more experience of life and the world in general, have a responsibility to help the younger people of this country who, by and large, seemed to be in favour of remaining under the rule of the EU. It is they, of course, who would reap the whirlwind if the EU expansion and political take over were allowed to continue.
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26-12-2016, 07:23 PM

Re: The UK should pay closer attention

Originally Posted by JBR ->
I take your point, Twinky. I don't think debating the matter with the remainiacs will make them change their opinions. Likewise, remainiacs trying to convince us that we were wrong to want to leave the EU will not change our opinions either.

What worries me are the remainiacs who continue to insist that we leave the EU under a 'soft Brexit', in other words to leave but at the same time to agree to continue with a free-trade and free movement agreement, which is basically the same as remaining as we are now!

They think that in trying to persuade the powers-that-be that a 'soft Brexit' is the way to go they are quite likely to succeed.

We must continue to insist that we want to leave the EU without any strings attached. If we just sit back an ignore them it may, I feel, encourage them that we are beginning to accept their 'soft Brexit' proposals.
The people you are discussing it with on here though, are not going to make an ounce of difference to what happens... and they were the ones I suggested you ignore.
I am afraid the government will do what they think is best, but if you can do anything to influence them, then go ahead and do it!
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26-12-2016, 07:35 PM

Re: The UK should pay closer attention

Originally Posted by JBR ->
I take your point, Twinky. I don't think debating the matter with the remainiacs will make them change their opinions. Likewise, remainiacs trying to convince us that we were wrong to want to leave the EU will not change our opinions either.

What worries me are the remainiacs who continue to insist that we leave the EU under a 'soft Brexit', in other words to leave but at the same time to agree to continue with a free-trade and free movement agreement, which is basically the same as remaining as we are now!

They think that in trying to persuade the powers-that-be that a 'soft Brexit' is the way to go they are quite likely to succeed.

We must continue to insist that we want to leave the EU without any strings attached. If we just sit back an ignore them it may, I feel, encourage them that we are beginning to accept their 'soft Brexit' proposals.

It is a bit far fetched to suggest that only remaniacs want a Soft Brexit.

You may want a hard Brexit, others, including myself, do not.

Free movement has never been an issue for me.

We have 600,000 illegals here, first priority should be out they go.

Secondly, we allow in more Immigrants from outside the EU than we do from inside the EU.

We don't need to leave the EU to sort that one out.

Thirdly, we have to ask ourselves why we have such massive numbers of EU Migrants here in the UK.

We need to address our Benefits system, it is a nonsense, migrants should not get more out than they pay in.

Fourthly, we have to look at our training of people.

We charge our own £000's to be HGV Drivers, then we import HGV Drivers.

It is a nonsense.

We could train our own for free, then they would not be on Benefits and we would have no need to import people.

The Swiss are a pragmatic bunch, a very successful nation, outside the EU, they had a Referendum which decided on ending Free Movement.

They are looking at implementing that by passing a law ensuring that all jobs are advertised solely to their own Citizens first, and that only when the Employer can prove that there has been no response, can the job be advertised to migrants.

That makes a lot of sense to me.
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26-12-2016, 07:54 PM

Re: The UK should pay closer attention

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->
The Swiss are a pragmatic bunch, a very successful nation, outside the EU, they had a Referendum which decided on ending Free Movement.
Whilst I agree with most of what you say, I had heard that the Swiss arrangement includes the obligation to continue to pay money into the EU for their membership.

I think the Swiss have done some things which we should be doing too, but having to pay for membership is not what I want to see us do.
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26-12-2016, 08:27 PM

Re: The UK should pay closer attention

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

It is a bit far fetched to suggest that only remaniacs want a Soft Brexit.

You may want a hard Brexit, others, including myself, do not.

Free movement has never been an issue for me.

We have 600,000 illegals here, first priority should be out they go.

Secondly, we allow in more Immigrants from outside the EU than we do from inside the EU.

We don't need to leave the EU to sort that one out.

Thirdly, we have to ask ourselves why we have such massive numbers of EU Migrants here in the UK.

We need to address our Benefits system, it is a nonsense, migrants should not get more out than they pay in.

Fourthly, we have to look at our training of people.

We charge our own £000's to be HGV Drivers, then we import HGV Drivers.

It is a nonsense.

We could train our own for free, then they would not be on Benefits and we would have no need to import people.

The Swiss are a pragmatic bunch, a very successful nation, outside the EU, they had a Referendum which decided on ending Free Movement.

They are looking at implementing that by passing a law ensuring that all jobs are advertised solely to their own Citizens first, and that only when the Employer can prove that there has been no response, can the job be advertised to migrants.

That makes a lot of sense to me.
Good post Swimmy, but I think one of the reasons why there is such a large number of migrants coming here from within the EU is because the EU is so out of balance and there are countries who have allowed to join who should not have.

Not many Spanish, French, German, Italian or Dutch migrate here unless it is part of their profession or an international company.
The largest number come here from countries where the wages and benefits are well below that of the standards here. The EU would only work if just the countries mentioned were members but smaller economic countries in Europe were helped with their industries and manufacture so they wouldn't need to migrate to other countries to sponge or seek a higher standard of living.
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26-12-2016, 11:28 PM

Re: The UK should pay closer attention

@ Swimfeeder. We can't deport illegal immigrants. If they don't have a passport, they have nowhere to go. Precisely the reason that all the migrants from Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa etc had conveniently 'lost ' their passports ?
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26-12-2016, 11:39 PM

Re: The UK should pay closer attention

Originally Posted by Purwell ->
I am sick and tired if the leavers telling us they have made the right decision when in truth they don't have a clue.
Maybe Mr Cameron should carry a whole heap of the blame. He failed miserably to get a decent deal on the table. Influenced by Merkel, he came back with nothing, and just maybe if he had done what he said he would, then the vote might have gone differently.

It's no good blaming the people who had nothing given to them as an alternative. The fact is, Merkel would continue to call the tune, or even some other anti democratic leader after her days are numbered. We would NOT know what is to follow and that is a very serious prospect to face, now we have some idea and it's going to be far better than being run from Brussels by Germans. Let's see what happens once the French lose their bit of independence , it surely will happen one day.
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27-12-2016, 01:10 AM

Re: The UK should pay closer attention

Originally Posted by Puddle Duck ->
Let's see what happens once the French lose their bit of independence , it surely will happen one day.
That will be very interesting, and not only the Frogs.

Once we are safely beyond their clutches, it will be fascinating to see just how much liberty the remaining member nations lose. Small steps at first: each new restrictive law removing a little more freedom. Bigger steps later as changes increase: more profound rules as the dictators become more adventurous.

I wonder just how far things will go before even the most Europhile countries achieve their independence... if ever!
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