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29-09-2017, 07:31 PM

Big Ben costs to double.


An example of what is wrong with Government and the Civil Service.

I was part of the system for many years, so I have no bias, just an opinion.

There is something seriously wrong with the system, and there has been for years.

There is no sense of responsibility, either amongst Politicians or many Public Servants when it comes to spending Public Money.

Politicians spend money on Vanity Projects and buying votes.

Public Servants are paid according to the number of staff they employ and the amount of Expenditure they control.

The bigger your staff and the more money you spend, the more you get paid.

This is madness, it is not the way to run a business, and Government is a business, it provides services and has customers, us, the Taxpayers.

The system needs to be changed and changed dramatically.

I have no idea how to change the Politicians, they are a law unto themselves.

Public Servants should be paid on how much they save, not on how much they spend or how many staff they have.

Just my personal view.
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29-09-2017, 07:50 PM

Re: Big Ben costs to double.


As hinted on every episode of 'Yes Minister' A comedy series that hit the truth about the establishment. A favourite programme of many politicians....pity they didn't behave the same in real life.
Uncle Joe
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29-09-2017, 07:50 PM

Re: Big Ben costs to double.

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

An example of what is wrong with Government and the Civil Service.

I was part of the system for many years, so I have no bias, just an opinion.

There is something seriously wrong with the system, and there has been for years.

There is no sense of responsibility, either amongst Politicians or many Public Servants when it comes to spending Public Money.

Politicians spend money on Vanity Projects and buying votes.

Public Servants are paid according to the number of staff they employ and the amount of Expenditure they control.

The bigger your staff and the more money you spend, the more you get paid.

This is madness, it is not the way to run a business, and Government is a business, it provides services and has customers, us, the Taxpayers.

The system needs to be changed and changed dramatically.

I have no idea how to change the Politicians, they are a law unto themselves.

Public Servants should be paid on how much they save, not on how much they spend or how many staff they have.

Just my personal view.

There is a better and cheaper way - I know some Irish p[eople who are now seriously out of practice.
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29-09-2017, 10:41 PM

Re: Big Ben costs to double.

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
There is a better and cheaper way - I know some Irish people who are now seriously out of practice.
Well November 5th is fast approaching, but I suggest keeping it legitimate and hire a demolition company to get rid of the whole lot and build a new one somewhere that's not in London. Somewhere in the Midlands would do. Keep Big Ben though for the hourly chimes - just employ someone with an accurate watch to go and belt it with a lump hammer at the appropriate times.
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29-09-2017, 10:50 PM

Re: Big Ben costs to double.

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
There is a better and cheaper way - I know some Irish p[eople who are now seriously out of practice.
You're not wrong....two are being hunted by police after trying to blow up a car containing a Brigadier General.

Police are now visiting local A&Es looking for two men with exhaust burns to the lips.
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29-09-2017, 11:24 PM

Re: Big Ben costs to double.

Originally Posted by Judd ->
Well November 5th is fast approaching, but I suggest keeping it legitimate and hire a demolition company to get rid of the whole lot and build a new one somewhere that's not in London. Somewhere in the Midlands would do. Keep Big Ben though for the hourly chimes - just employ someone with an accurate watch to go and belt it with a lump hammer at the appropriate times.
The whole place is at risk of “catastrophic failure” unless ministers bring forward a renovation programme as a matter of urgency. Probably waiting for it to fall down.
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29-09-2017, 11:42 PM

Re: Big Ben costs to double.

You say about public money being wasted Swim, but what about the £200 million Garden Bridge Scheme to be built over the Thames in London.

Now over £37million of taxpayers money has been spent on the project with a further £9 million at risk, the idea has been scrapped!

The Garden Bridge Trust has confirmed it is winding-up the project and "had no choice because of the lack of support for the project from the Mayor."

Why spend £37 million before deciding to call it a day???
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30-09-2017, 04:36 AM

Re: Big Ben costs to double.

Originally Posted by Mups ->
You say about public money being wasted Swim, but what about the £200 million Garden Bridge Scheme to be built over the Thames in London.

Now over £37million of taxpayers money has been spent on the project with a further £9 million at risk, the idea has been scrapped!

The Garden Bridge Trust has confirmed it is winding-up the project and "had no choice because of the lack of support for the project from the Mayor."

Why spend £37 million before deciding to call it a day???

The Garden Bridge was one of the Vanity Projects I referred to in my OP.

Boris Johnson put the money into it without a detailed analysis when he was Mayor, costs soared, there was no private sector money as promised as hoped for and Saddiq Khan, the new Mayor, had to pull the plug, London simply could not afford to pay for it all with Taxpayers money.
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30-09-2017, 04:38 AM

Re: Big Ben costs to double.

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
There is a better and cheaper way - I know some Irish p[eople who are now seriously out of practice.

Your support for terrorism and your glee in the loss of human life sadly does not surprise me.
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30-09-2017, 05:57 AM

Re: Big Ben costs to double.


Double the price?

That can't be right. The ACCC wouldn't allow such price gouging.
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