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11-04-2018, 10:53 PM

Re: Zionist murders in Gaza

The facts

If the Jews laid down arms tomorrow, Israel would cease to exist.
If the Gazan Arabs laid down arms tomorrow there would be peace.
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12-04-2018, 09:03 AM

Re: Zionist murders in Gaza

I'm a peaceful person but I'd kill my nephew if I thought for a minute he was celebrating kills. Tbh and as sad as I am about it I think it's almost better our lads and lasses come back with ptsd at least it shows their humanity at what they have seen and done.
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12-04-2018, 10:13 AM

Re: Zionist murders in Gaza

What a strange thing to wish on any young person .
You have no idea Julie what young men do when they are in a battle situation
If the enemy is intent on trying to kill you and make no bones about it these people want to kill Israelis you will kill them
Crying afterwards doesn't make any difference the person you killed is still dead .
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12-04-2018, 10:20 AM

Re: Zionist murders in Gaza

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
What a strange thing to wish on any young person .
You have no idea Julie what young men do when they are in a battle situation
If the enemy is intent on trying to kill you and make no bones about it these people want to kill Israelis you will kill them
Crying afterwards doesn't make any difference the person you killed is still dead .
Any proof of humanity IMO is worth showing, if more politicians saw the results of their war mongering close up they might start looking for better ways forward. I'd not wish anyone close to me be so monstrous they'd laugh and celebrate a death I would have hoped you'd feel the same muddy but perhaps that's why we clash so.
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12-04-2018, 10:46 AM

Re: Zionist murders in Gaza

Of course not .
But I do not have any relatives in the army .
Also we don't know if that man was dead or just shot in the leg .

However back to the subject soldiers do kill people .

As the saying goes

We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.

By supporting the army we give permission for soldiers to kill people on our behalf .
Should we say you can kill people but only do it with humanity?
What's the difference between shooting someone with humanity or cheering ?
The person is still dead
There are some things we probaby don't want to hear about our young men sent to fight for us -it's the same for all armies and its worse in Israel who are always on a war footage

These people are not peaceful demonstrators they are incited by Hamas and mean to do Israel harm they mean to eradicate Israel and it's people
They would like to see another Holocaust .

Would the world like to see it ?
Are Israelis meant to allow them to invade and murder their people ?

Perhaps you would care to demonstrate ANY move to make peace made by Hamas ?

Re humanity here are a few things that are almost NEVER mentioned on here about Hamas and their lack of humanity.
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12-04-2018, 11:11 AM

Re: Zionist murders in Gaza

You seem to be assuming I'm in favour of Hamas, they like Israeli government are vicious killers. Only difference is you don't see the pm on the front lines.
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12-04-2018, 11:15 AM

Re: Zionist murders in Gaza

You keep saying that Julie but you assume wrong ,although by only focusing on the negative points of ONE aside it looks that way .

The Israeli government are not vicious killers they defend their people .
Hamas howeve ARE vicious killers and most often their victims are their own people .

It is a good way to evade pertinent questions

Now what moves towards peace have Hamas EVER made ?
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12-04-2018, 12:34 PM

Re: Zionist murders in Gaza

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
I'm a peaceful person but I'd kill my nephew if I thought for a minute he was celebrating kills. Tbh and as sad as I am about it I think it's almost better our lads and lasses come back with ptsd at least it shows their humanity at what they have seen and done.
Give up Julie .. you're main, and only protagonist on here, has admitted they have no relative in the army, so they're quite frankly clueless and expelling air out of their lax fundament whilst they churn out pro-Israeli crap.

My nephew did two tours of duty in Iraq and then went off to Afghanistan. Did he kill people? Yes.
Does he talk about it much? No. And I'm not surprised.
Ever see a face go closed up and blank?

I find it a strange argument by some that whilst acknowledging that soldiers do kill, it does kind of go with the job description, that in an dogged blinkered effort to defend one side to the extreme hilt they appear to applaud a backslapping celebratory video afterwards.
Apparently anything goes if you can nail your enemies scalp with a high velocity sniper bullet as they just standing doing absolutely nothing. Hardly an 'it's him or me' scenario.
War, sadly, is about the loss of lives. On both sides. Not gloating and cheering like an orgasmic pubescent yob.

A little bit of unbiased consideration over the unpleasantness of war would not go amiss with some.
It's not a reality TV contest.
No two ways about it .. that video was an appalling bit of propaganda for the Israel Armed Forces. Didn't make them look good. One trusts it was just an isolated incident, not one amongst many.

What caused most outcry was that the Defence Minister cheered about it too.
Thank god he isn't keen on Twitter as another world leader is famous for or a national holiday might have been declared.

ps. It's probably best to simply ignore those who are overtly antagonistic rather than desiring to join in sensible, logical debate.
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12-04-2018, 12:39 PM

Re: Zionist murders in Gaza

It doesn't help Israel still conscripts people into the army, I think if you have a volutary force you get more professional people who take their duties more seriously, they ask themselves the hard questions I believe. Whereas with no choice you get the people would be rejected from a professional force as unsuitable, unhinged even.
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12-04-2018, 12:48 PM

Re: Zionist murders in Gaza

I don't know ... I'm not sure what makes a 'good' soldier.
One who doesn't ask questions? Or mull over the issue of taking a life?

I do know when my nephew joined up I asked him which he was ... brave or stupid?
He did hesitate whilst he thought about it, he probably wanted a larger multiple choice.
His reason appeared to revolve around the fact that he wanted to drive tanks... and even he saw the irony when he said .. and see the world.
I just raised my eyebrows at him over that reply. Yeh, right, see the world from down the end of a rifle.
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