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11-11-2011, 06:15 PM

Re: Christmas

What a story teller you are Hammer. That really made me laugh

For myself I love Christmas and choosing and buying gifts. The only part that I don't like is the crowded stores, so I usually shop early.
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12-11-2011, 12:13 AM

Re: Christmas

This fond memory, whilst very true is not really a Christmas one but very close.

Anyway, years ago my old man reared chickens as a sideline to makes some dosh; at least that's what he told us. He got them in as day old chicks and brought them on to sell off near Christmas whilst keeping a couple back for us to eat over the holidays.

The idea was that we could have fresh eggs to eat and sell the surplus to our neighbours but he always virtually gave them away and even including the birds at Christmas to help folk out and that was after feeding and caring for them for ages.

One year about late November he decided that we needed to sample the quality of the stock prior to the holiday just in case they were not up to standard. The real reason of course being there was nothing much else left to eat and the cat was looking a bit nervous.

He had a mate who normally dispatched the birds for him but on this occasion the bloke was ill so dad said he would sort it out.

He went down the garden and returned sometime later carrying the lifeless candidate, looking white as a sheet dad handed the bird to mum for plucking telling her he felt really bad about having to do the deed.
It was indeed a strange sight to see such a big man; arms like steam hammers and shovels for hands reduced to such a display of emotion. It was so bad he had to go to the pub for a beer to get over the shock.

Ma went into the shed and duly plucked the bird as she had done a thousand times before. Having nearly finished with just the sturdy wing feathers left to do she fancied a cuppa and left the bird in the old tin bath we used to catch the feathers.
Later she returned to the shed and opened the door only to find the chicken running round the shed at great speed stark naked except for a few wing feathers and a couple on its parsons cackling its head off.

I as the eldest even though only young was instructed to get dressed and call on another poultry executioner down the street. After he had stopped laughing and completed the job he said the old man had only put it to sleep for a bit!
Later on I was taught the proper way and took over the duties, needless to say dad never ever tried again.

Like everyone else in those times we never had a lot but with a dad like mine and his useless, awful money making schemes there were a few laughs along the way.

His later pig farming exploits were something else but that is maybe for another time.
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12-11-2011, 12:19 AM

Re: Christmas

Oh that poor bird. I am a meat eater, but I could never kill anything. In hard times though, I guess we have to do what we do to put food on the table.

My Aunty Moll once got a turkey and they named it. He was quite happy trotting (?) around their garden until it came to Christmas when my Uncle Tommy went out and rung its neck. My Aunty Moll plucked it and cooked it, but she couldn't eat it.
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12-11-2011, 03:08 AM

Re: Christmas

Oh Hammer, you do have a way with words; what a funny story! I used to hold the chicken by it's feet over the chopping block so Grandma could chop off it's head; I guess I was pragmatic as a little kid even then ... felt sorry for the chicken but was thinking of stewed chicken and dumplings for dinner....
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12-11-2011, 06:05 AM

Re: Christmas

I am not very keen on xmas anymore we do not have much family just one daughter and two grandchildren husband has two half sisters left but we never see them. ..last xmas the daughter & kids came here didnt want any dinner because they were full of treats got their presents and went home ..Husband was really cross as all the dinner was gone to waste the grandson who is a mean little beggar turned round and said "I just want to visit for Birthdays and Xmas " so that says it all..This year is going to be so different Just us and the dog so we will have a nice dinner and put our feet up and watch what we want to see on television .All my friends are miles away and they have their own familys .I am not religious and i do think its a lot of work for one day .I will make it okay for the dog to enjoy a special day but really i hate xmas ,ques in shops it has no meaning anymore its all material and people spending to much.I am just going through the motions in a small way to make a contribution..I have told the kids to stay in their own home this year as i am sure i wont be cooking from early morning till lunchtime for it to be wasted as they are full of chocolates and treats.Really its just another day .
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12-11-2011, 12:58 PM

Re: Christmas

Things changed for us when my dad died about two weeks before Christmas. My mum hated the Christmas season from then on and would get so angry and miserable with everyone in December, making us feel guilty about the whole Christmas thing. We never really celebrated it again while she was alive because she was so distressed and wouldn't allow us to be happy or celebrate. Even going to church, carol singing or having a Christmas tree was made uncomfortable for us . We didn't want her to be on her own; she always came to stay with us, so Christmas and New Year came and went very quietly. This went on for the rest of her life without my dad, 14 years she mourned, and I think it was such a shame for her and for us, her family. My dad would never have wanted her to be like that. It was a good job we had no active grandchildren then (only one baby around for the last year of her life and even he didn''t lighten her feelings).

These days, I do enjoy the season but it can be tiring and expensive. We are lucky to have our two grown children and our young grandchildren to enjoy things with now. I still think of my mum and dad at this time and feel a little sad and still a bit guilty for being happy at a time when she was always so sad.

This year for a change my daughter has said she wants to do Christmas for everyone, so we will see what happens nearer the time
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12-11-2011, 01:21 PM

Re: Christmas

Originally Posted by Antibrown ->
Mollie, If you come on this forum on Christmas day I promise that I will talk with you so that you will not be completely alone.
Yes, I wanted to say the same, not just for Mollie but for any OFF'er who is spending it at home, alone.

I've had to limit my time on here to weekends and holidays, well Xmas is a holiday (as well as a religious event) isn't it?

For me Xmas will be spent with SWMBO and our two dogs Baruska and Rianna, we have two trees, a little one for the study and a big one for the living room, a few decorations (my wife has never been keen on too many) and we enjoy giving the dogs a treat, this year I bought some huge 'knuckles' which I expect they will take outside and probably bury somewhere in the garden
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12-11-2011, 01:38 PM

Re: Christmas

We lost micks brother just before xmas about 10 years ago and his dad a couple of years ago and i lost my beloved dog "connor " just before xmas and no one loved xmas like he did ..I could live without xmas..Ours is going to be very quiet ..Its a sad time for some and now the material world has taken over its no longer as it was..I am making a token effort...
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12-11-2011, 04:26 PM

Re: Christmas

Originally Posted by dandysmom ->
Oh Hammer, you do have a way with words; what a funny story! I used to hold the chicken by it's feet over the chopping block so Grandma could chop off it's head; I guess I was pragmatic as a little kid even then ... felt sorry for the chicken but was thinking of stewed chicken and dumplings for dinner....
Funny how these things stick in your mind, good to look back on them.
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12-11-2011, 07:56 PM

Re: Christmas

Originally Posted by Mollie ->
I shall most definitely be watching the Alastair Sim version of Scrooge again though!

[[ I have seen quite a few versions of Christmas Carol and various actors taking the part of Scrooge but none of them can touch Alastair Sim and the original black and white film.
I have watched this film many times over the years never tiring of it and I will watch it again when it's on.]]

What's your favourite Christmas film. I watched loads last year over the period, and I laughed with some, and cried with others!
Mollie my all time favourite has got to be the above mentioned.
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