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30-12-2020, 11:37 PM

Re: Trump - The Long Goodbye

Originally Posted by Zaphod ->


Quit the ranting diatribes, put your personal hatreds aside for a minute and try to grasp the fact that it's Covid - A VIRUS - that kills.
Not a person, no matter who that person is or what you might think that person is responsible for.

We all know that people do what they want to do and not what they are told to do ......... unless these people are living under dictatorships like North Korea where failure to comply is likely to lead to death, if not simply incarceration.

But if you really, really want to blame deaths on one person somewhere because of numbers, why aren't you raging at Belgium's leadership instead of the USA's?
Belgium has seen 50% more deaths per head of population than the USA - that's a huge difference.
It's a lot closer to home too.

This thread is about Trump

Nah, let's blame some old orange-coloured fella who is on his way out anyway just because you don't like him and because he's an easy target.

Oh and if you're really so concerned about what you think is causing suffering because of failures, consider the global failure to approve vaccines against covid in a timely manner and how many are still being affected on a daily basis as a result of that.
The vaccines were approved in record time.
You just don't know what you are talking about.]
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31-12-2020, 11:01 AM

Re: Trump - The Long Goodbye

Originally Posted by Omah ->
Trump fails to sign economic relief bill into law

The President has the brain of a petulant child .....

Those that he can't kill with coronavirus he'll starve and evict .....

And you still can't tell me what Obama achieved with Biden over the 8 years in the White House.
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31-12-2020, 11:49 AM

Re: Trump - The Long Goodbye

More "antics" by the Republicans...
N.B. Biden won by over 7million votes!
Even Trump's boss Putin threw the towel in (eventually).

Surely they should just leave gracefully now?
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03-01-2021, 11:39 PM

Re: Trump - The Long Goodbye

What did I say about "leave gracefully"? That's just not in the dictator's play book is it?

Here is the real Donald Trump...

Anyone like to defend him now?
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04-01-2021, 11:02 AM

Re: Trump - The Long Goodbye

Originally Posted by Reality1 ->
What did I say about "leave gracefully"? That's just not in the dictator's play book is it?

Here is the real Donald Trump...
The sweet and the sour:

In excerpts of Saturday's phone call released by the Washington Post, Mr Trump can be heard alternately cajoling and pressurising Georgia's secretary of state.

He insisted that he had won the election in Georgia and told Mr Raffensperger that there was "nothing wrong with saying you have recalculated".

Mr Raffensperger responded by saying: "The challenge you have, Mr President, is that the data you have is wrong."

The president then threatened the official with possible legal consequences.

"You know what they did and you're not reporting it. That's a criminal offence. You can't let that happen. That's a big risk to you and to Ryan, your lawyer," Mr Trump said.

He then called for the extra 11,780 votes - which would have given him a total of 2,473,634 votes in the state, one more than Mr Biden, who received 2,473,633 votes.

He told Mr Raffensperger he should re-examine the result in the state.

"You can re-examine it, but re-examine it with people who want to find answers, not people who don't want to find answers," he said.

"Mr President, you have people who submit information and we have our people that submit information, and then it comes before the court and the court has to make a determination," Mr Raffensperger replied. "We have to stand by our numbers, we believe our numbers are right."
Trump's undeniably proposing a criminal act .....
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07-01-2021, 11:01 AM

Re: Trump - The Long Goodbye

The nightmarish end to Donald Trump’s presidency

Ninety minutes before rioters stormed Capitol Hill, US president Donald Trump addressed many of the same people using unequivocally inciteful language. “You’ll never take back our country with weakness,” Mr Trump said. “You have to show strength.”

His personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, also called on the crowd to conduct “trial by combat”.

A mob made up of “Make America Great Again” protesters, Proud Boys and other far-right groups took them at their word. What followed was desecration. Four years after Mr Trump warned of “American carnage” in his inaugural address, he got what he wanted. The scenes of insurrectionists, some of them armed, ransacking Congress will go down in infamy in American democracy.

Nobody should feign surprise. Mr Trump has been vowing to “take back control” since before he took office. During the build-up to last year’s presidential election, Mr Trump repeatedly predicted that it would be the most corrupt in America’s history. Since losing, he has been broadcasting that falsehood ever more loudly.

He said it again on Wednesday afternoon — in the Twitter video he released urging his supporters to pack up and go home. (Twitter later locked the president out of his account and insisted he delete the post.) On Twitter and elsewhere, Mr Trump has fuelled the QAnon conspiracy theory that Washington is controlled by a deep state of paedophiles. Now a large minority of Americans believe the US election was fraudulent. No wonder some were ready to storm Congress just as it was meeting to certify Joe Biden’s victory. The only surprise is that there were not more.

The most pressing question now is what Mr Trump might try to do in his remaining two weeks in office. Senior military in the Pentagon have discussed at length how they would respond if Mr Trump tried to declare martial law, using the 1807 Insurrection Act. Some around Mr Trump, including Michael Flynn, his former national security adviser, have been urging him to invoke it. After supporters stormed the Capitol, Ivanka Trump, the president’s daughter, called them “American patriots” in a tweet she later deleted.

The concern about what Mr Trump can still attempt to do is not academic. In spite of what happened on Wednesday, Mr Trump still commands the personal loyalty of many people in uniform.

One reason why the mob so easily breached Congress is because many of the Capitol Hill police officers were clearly in sympathy. Some even took selfies with the insurrectionists inside the Capitol building. The contrast with how Black Lives Matter protesters were treated last June when law enforcement violently cleared Lafayette Square to make way for Mr Trump’s photo-op was glaring. Had African-American protesters tried to storm Capitol Hill, or the White House, there can be little doubt that bullets would have been used.
The underbelly of the USA .....
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07-01-2021, 01:51 PM

Re: Trump - The Long Goodbye

Originally Posted by Reality1 ->
The true nature of Trump is slowly being revealed. He has been so sheltered from normal life he thinks he is God. One third of a million people in USA have died of COVID. How many were down to having an idiot as president? It has to be a very big number. He already has lots of blood on his hands. Just delaying that relief aid by a few days will have caused unnecessary stress and suicides.

The really scary part is that he got to be president of the largest nuclear power on the planet...

and it was by playing the oldest trick in any right wing dictators playbook.
Tell them they are exceptional. Demonise foreigners and minorities.

Trump was clearly an idiot but what if the next one has a bit more cunning, say like Hitler. Will another western democracy fall for it again?

You think Hitler was CUNNING R1 ???
That explains quite a bit !!

Donkeyman! 👍😀👍
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07-01-2021, 02:11 PM

Re: Trump - The Long Goodbye

Maybe the Republicans will finally wake up and realise what a monster they elected to power. It's interesting to see on various forums how few Republicans are posting all of a sudden. I'm glad Trump is going, because 4 more years of that whackjob would have seen a full-blown Civil War.
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07-01-2021, 02:21 PM

Re: Trump - The Long Goodbye

Originally Posted by Tachyon ->
Maybe the Republicans will finally wake up and realise what a monster they elected to power. It's interesting to see on various forums how few Republicans are posting all of a sudden. I'm glad Trump is going, because 4 more years of that whackjob would have seen a full-blown Civil War.
BIB ..... Indeed ..... and if they do, they've turned their coats .....
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08-01-2021, 05:38 PM

Re: Trump - The Long Goodbye

Trump becomes 4th US president to skip successor's inauguration

'I will not be going to the inauguration" - Donald Trump tweets he will break custom and snub Joe Biden's swearing-in on 20 January

The move comes as Democrats call for the president's removal for inciting the invasion of the US Capitol on Wednesday. His opponents say they may initiate the process to impeach the president, with a possible vote next week. It is extremely unlikely impeachment proceedings would clear Congress, but they could be started as a symbolic gesture

The US Constitution also allows the vice-president to step up if the president is unable to perform his duties owing to mental or physical illness. But Vice-President Mike Pence has shown no sign he would be willing to invoke the 25th Amendment.
The ex-President will not be missed .....
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