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27-11-2014, 03:57 PM

Re: Very naughty!

I remember making my Dad very angry for not taking care of my new bicycle. There was a large pile of fallen leaves in front the house; and I rode into it and skidded around. So he told me to put it away for the day, and I did. But rascal that I was; a minute later I came out again on my old bike, saying, "I did what you told me, Dad", and rode off. What could he say?
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27-11-2014, 04:30 PM

Re: Very naughty!

Well he could have said - 'a minute aint a day !'
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28-11-2014, 10:22 AM

Re: Very naughty!

Surprised you knew what a condom was at 12.

Mine is food related as usual. My Mam gave me half a crown for bus
fare to my Grans house and I had my younger sister to look after.
So I decided I would save the money by piggy backing my sister and
walking with her all the 2 miles to Grans and the 2 miles back.
I managed to do this and went to the paper shop at the bottom
of our hill. I went in with the half a crown and bought some chocolate
for me and got my sister to chose which ones she wanted. I cant
remember how much we spent but we did get some change to take
home. The woman in the shop wanted to know if I had stolen the
half a crown so I told her I didn't know what she was talking about
and that my Mam had given me it.
Later that day having put the money on the mantle piece my Mam
found the change. She said have you lost some of this money as
your bus fares were less than this. I then told her I had bought
some chocolate with it and that we deserved it as we wanted our
own bar to ourselves as we always had to share a bar. I think
she was a little gobsmacked with my burst of the truth and said
Well don't do it again. I remember we always got the correct
change for the bus after that episode

p.s. my baby sister was 65 year old yesterday and I couldn't carry her now
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28-11-2014, 10:32 AM

Re: Very naughty!

Originally Posted by BowieEyes ->
Surprised you knew what a condom was at 12.

Mine is food related as usual. My Mam gave me half a crown for bus
fare to my Grans house and I had my younger sister to look after.
So I decided I would save the money by piggy backing my sister and
walking with her all the 2 miles to Grans and the 2 miles back.
I managed to do this and went to the paper shop at the bottom
of our hill. I went in with the half a crown and bought some chocolate
for me and got my sister to chose which ones she wanted. I cant
remember how much we spent but we did get some change to take
home. The woman in the shop wanted to know if I had stolen the
half a crown so I told her I didn't know what she was talking about
and that my Mam had given me it.
Later that day having put the money on the mantle piece my Mam
found the change. She said have you lost some of this money as
your bus fares were less than this. I then told her I had bought
some chocolate with it and that we deserved it as we wanted our
own bar to ourselves as we always had to share a bar. I think
she was a little gobsmacked with my burst of the truth and said
Well don't do it again. I remember we always got the correct
change for the bus after that episode

p.s. my baby sister was 65 year old yesterday and I couldn't carry her now
Of course I knew what a condom was, I was 12 in the 60s, when sex was invented!
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28-11-2014, 11:31 PM

Re: Very naughty!

Originally Posted by comeandgo ->
Would anyone like to share something very naughty that they did as a child and got away with?

I wanted a brother when I was a kid, having three younger sisters. When I was twelve I thought I would assist in the process, and knowing that my father kept his condoms in the drawer of his cabinet by his bed, I put a darning needle through each one. It didn't work, I had no more siblings of either sex. I suspect my mother had pulled up the drawbridge by then, anyway!
Omg that's shocking
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09-01-2015, 03:17 PM

Re: Very naughty!

Originally Posted by comeandgo ->
Would anyone like to share something very naughty that they did as a child and got away with?

I wanted a brother when I was a kid, having three younger sisters. When I was twelve I thought I would assist in the process, and knowing that my father kept his condoms in the drawer of his cabinet by his bed, I put a darning needle through each one. It didn't work, I had no more siblings of either sex. I suspect my mother had pulled up the drawbridge by then, anyway!
I liked stealing fruit from the farmers fields. It seemed a good idea at the time, lots of people would come in and pick it, but of course they were paying as they left the field.
You got away with it when there was just one or two of you but when seven turned up from my school it was disaster.
Two of my classmates got caught and the farmer was less than impressed. Thee rest of us panicked and decided to make a fast exit.
There was only one way out as far as I could see, we had to get to the bottom of the field away from the farm house and jump into the river.
I was happy with this idea because I could swim. Some could not so we had to help them.
What a sorry state we were in when we got to the other side.
Then we had to make our way home and face the jolly old parents who dolled out a sivere repromand (putting it mildly ) they never did find out what we had been up to but we were made to pay for our deviant behaviour. Fruit just never tasted the same again.
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09-01-2015, 04:33 PM

Re: Very naughty!

Originally Posted by littlebob ->
I liked stealing fruit from the farmers fields. It seemed a good idea at the time, lots of people would come in and pick it, but of course they were paying as they left the field.
You got away with it when there was just one or two of you but when seven turned up from my school it was disaster.
Two of my classmates got caught and the farmer was less than impressed. Thee rest of us panicked and decided to make a fast exit.
There was only one way out as far as I could see, we had to get to the bottom of the field away from the farm house and jump into the river.
I was happy with this idea because I could swim. Some could not so we had to help them.
What a sorry state we were in when we got to the other side.
Then we had to make our way home and face the jolly old parents who dolled out a sivere repromand (putting it mildly ) they never did find out what we had been up to but we were made to pay for our deviant behaviour. Fruit just never tasted the same again.

Reminded me of my Brother - he did the same whist hop-picking came across what he thought was a bunch of bananas, rare sight back then - he was thrilled holding them up to the kids - then realised it was a severed hand !

Put him off nanas
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09-01-2015, 05:33 PM

Re: Very naughty!

Originally Posted by littlebob ->
I liked stealing fruit from the farmers fields. It seemed a good idea at the time, lots of people would come in and pick it, but of course they were paying as they left the field.
You got away with it when there was just one or two of you but when seven turned up from my school it was disaster.
Two of my classmates got caught and the farmer was less than impressed. Thee rest of us panicked and decided to make a fast exit.
There was only one way out as far as I could see, we had to get to the bottom of the field away from the farm house and jump into the river.
I was happy with this idea because I could swim. Some could not so we had to help them.
What a sorry state we were in when we got to the other side.
Then we had to make our way home and face the jolly old parents who dolled out a sivere repromand (putting it mildly ) they never did find out what we had been up to but we were made to pay for our deviant behaviour. Fruit just never tasted the same again.
Aww bob, I hardly think you committed a deviant offence! You were young! Anyway, you have a kind face and I can't imagine you ever being 'orrible
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09-01-2015, 07:36 PM

Re: Very naughty!

Originally Posted by alice76 ->
Aww bob, I hardly think you committed a deviant offence! You were young! Anyway, you have a kind face and I can't imagine you ever being 'orrible
I don't think I was a deviant but when I was young I found picking out right from wrong quite difficult. It was more about what I could get away with. There was this shop which sold Corona lemonade but did not charge a deposit on the bottle. There was another shop that did charge a deposit but you got your deposit back when you returned the empty bottle. I am sure you can see what I am about to say. I could buy lemonade at the first shop and return the empty bottle to the second shop making sixpence on each transaction. As a bottle of lemonade was only one shilling and threepence a bottle, this was quite a saving.
My mum discovered what I was doing and really balled me out. It was ages before I could see this was wrong. The thing that kept me in cheque was the thought of her catching me again.
It's always great fun being naughty and getting away with it.
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09-01-2015, 07:47 PM

Re: Very naughty!

Originally Posted by Patsy ->
I went to the corner shop for me Dad and said 'I'll have 20 weights and that big bar of chocolate - on the slate, I'll pay for the weights'
Are you sure about the chocolate on the slate - says he - Oh yes - says I, Dad said so .......
He didn't and I was soon found out, enjoyed the chocolate though
Oh Golly gosh you were NORTY, it is still not too late to go on the step you know .

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