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02-09-2015, 01:28 PM

Re: Bullying Smokers

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
That's why I said in my experience obviously I assumed everyone would understand I haven't experienced all smokers
I know you said in your experience, but then what you said extrapolated that to apparently include all smokers. That's why I said it gets my hackles up. My friends who smoke would never dream of smoking in my house, and I think they deserve some credit for that.
I think this is just another example of how forum discussion can be tricky, because there is so much potential for misunderstanding.
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02-09-2015, 01:58 PM

Re: Bullying Smokers

Originally Posted by Jem ->
they want to ‘Punish’ smokers for having the audacity to smoke in the first place, it’s just badness in some people riding on a wave of success having been victorious in the pub smoking ban
Let's be clear about this. Anyone who has the "audacity" to fire up some form of combustion process in a confined public place knowing that the process will cause fumes and vapours, is frankly an unthinking and largely selfish person.

The fact that millions of others did the same thing is neither here nor there. Smokers over the years continued to fumigate public places on the false pretence that since millions of others did it, it must be ok to do so. It is and always has been an utterly ridiculous practice that should never have seen the light of day.

So yes, in all honesty, I do personally balk at anyone who used to smoke in public places and wonder how they had the sheer audacity to do it. What on earth was going through their addicted heads? How in any sense was it ever morally acceptable to combust any product in a confined public place?
These people are simply fooling themselves.

Of course smoking in a public place is now banned but this isn't solving the root cause. Very little has actually changed imo. If the laws were overturned today, I honestly believe that millions of these same feckless smokers would once again pour into pubs and clubs across the country and continue to fumigate rooms as they did before and would do so once again leaning on the false support crutches of "it's not illegal to do it" and "millions of others do it so it must be ok".

There is a personal moral responsibility involved in smoking. Those that understand and shoulder it, smoke in their own homes and never smoke around other people. Those who refuse to face up to it make no end of excuses and say they are being victimised and point to government laws as being the guiding principles instead of their own sense of right and wrong.

If it wasn't illegal to kill people, I still wouldn't kill people because it is clearly inherently wrong to do so.
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02-09-2015, 02:06 PM

Re: Bullying Smokers

Originally Posted by Mups ->
I can see your point about other people over-indulging in other ways susan, but the difference is, those people are not blowing their food or booze all over others, and forcing them to participate too.
I think that is what alot of folks have objected too.
That's just people being rude though, like those who play loud music.

The two main places I smoke is in my car and in my house. And if I need a fag whilst not in those two places I'll make sure I am either on my own or in a designated smoking area. If on the very rare occasion I am in a place where I am around people who aren't smoking, I will ask "do you mind if I smoke"? And in most instances because I was polite enough to ask they will be OK with it. If there are children present, it would not even enter my mind. My parents smoked around me and I will admit I smoked around my daughter, but that was a different era and I accept that it is not "allowed" these days - probably for good reason.

My issue is that just because some smokers aren't as polite as I, why should smokers as a whole be blamed?

You wouldn't blame Elvis Presley for the fact that some people choose to play his music so loudly it is a nuisance, so why blame tobacco for the fact that some people use it in an offensive manner?
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02-09-2015, 02:20 PM

Re: Bullying Smokers

Smoking in cars ? well you can of course but bare in mind when you resell your car not just us will be asking has this car belonged to a smoker ? many people won't buy it as the stink is so ingrained it just won't go away.
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02-09-2015, 02:21 PM

Re: Bullying Smokers

Originally Posted by Realist ->
Let's be clear about this. Anyone who has the "audacity" to fire up some form of combustion process in a confined public place knowing that the process will cause fumes and vapours, is frankly an unthinking and largely selfish person.

The fact that millions of others did the same thing is neither here nor there. Smokers over the years continued to fumigate public places on the false pretence that since millions of others did it, it must be ok to do so. It is and always has been an utterly ridiculous practice that should never have seen the light of day.

So yes, in all honesty, I do personally balk at anyone who used to smoke in public places and wonder how they had the sheer audacity to do it. What on earth was going through their addicted heads? How in any sense was it ever morally acceptable to combust any product in a confined public place?
These people are simply fooling themselves.

Of course smoking in a public place is now banned but this isn't solving the root cause. Very little has actually changed imo. If the laws were overturned today, I honestly believe that millions of these same feckless smokers would once again pour into pubs and clubs across the country and continue to fumigate rooms as they did before and would do so once again leaning on the false support crutches of "it's not illegal to do it" and "millions of others do it so it must be ok".

There is a personal moral responsibility involved in smoking. Those that understand and shoulder it, smoke in their own homes and never smoke around other people. Those who refuse to face up to it make no end of excuses and say they are being victimised and point to government laws as being the guiding principles instead of their own sense of right and wrong.

If it wasn't illegal to kill people, I still wouldn't kill people because it is clearly inherently wrong to do so.
Why harp on about the past - you talk as if they are the scum of the earth, so hardly level headed in your post
Drug pushers - alcohol fuelled vandals - I'd agree with yer post
As it is .................. OTT !
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02-09-2015, 02:23 PM

Re: Bullying Smokers

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
Smoking in cars ? well you can of course but bare in mind when you resell your car not just us will be asking has this car belonged to a smoker ? many people won't buy it as the stink is so ingrained it just won't go away.
Oh dear - I've read enough of this thread - same old thing
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02-09-2015, 03:36 PM

Re: Bullying Smokers

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
Smoking in cars ? well you can of course but bare in mind when you resell your car not just us will be asking has this car belonged to a smoker ? many people won't buy it as the stink is so ingrained it just won't go away.
I don't need to worry about reselling my car! Yes I'll replace it at some point I'm sure but I don't need to recoup money from it.

If I were in a financial position where I would need to make money back from my old car to buy a new one I would not be smoking!!

I smoke because I am in a position where I can afford to "throw away" the money.
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02-09-2015, 03:37 PM

Re: Bullying Smokers

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
We can't live and let live when smokers (IN MY EXPERIENCE) are so selfish, eg work last night I suddenly found myself alone half way through hoovering a large area, turned round and no one else was working where were they ? down stairs having a smoke ! I stopped for literally seconds for a drink of water and apparently that is not allowed I should be working.

I never forget my none smoker nan died because she lived with 3 smokers, and she wasn't alone so many lives lost to this drug.

Lets not forget if this drug was introduced now it would have been banned outright and people would have been called drug addicts if they smoked.
It's sweeping generalisations like this that pee me off. You've met the wrong kind of smokers Julie. When I was a cleaner I used to get hacked off at the 'fatties' who ate snacks whilst they worked and dropped crumbs all over where I'd just hovered.
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02-09-2015, 03:57 PM

Re: Bullying Smokers

Originally Posted by Realist ->
Let's be clear about this. Anyone who has the "audacity" to fire up some form of combustion process in a confined public place knowing that the process will cause fumes and vapours, is frankly an unthinking and largely selfish person.
You're kidding! You sound like some addled headed politician scavenging popularity votes ...

I get it .. you weren't describing cigarettes at all when you said combustion , and fumes were you?
Let's be absolutely clear about this ... You meant those selfish people and unthinking people who invented cars, and drivers who create traffic congestion and pollution and smog.

So yes, in all honesty, I do personally balk at anyone who used to smoke in public places and wonder how they had the sheer audacity to do it. What on earth was going through their addicted heads? How in any sense was it ever morally acceptable to combust any product in a confined public place?
These people are simply fooling themselves.
Ah .. that word again. Combust. I think you're getting mixed up with the Industrial Revolution. Perhaps that should have been banned? Think what a healthier, cleaner place the world would be if some public spirited realist had got a rock and caved in the head of that numbskull who started the great decline and invented the wheel.

I haven't bothered with the rest of your sanctimonious diatribe as it's a rambling, ranting hectoring and lecturing .. nothing more.

Except for this glowing self-character reference.
If it wasn't illegal to kill people, I still wouldn't kill people because it is clearly inherently wrong to do so.
Drive a car do you? Fly on planes?
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02-09-2015, 03:58 PM

Re: Bullying Smokers

I say again my experience I haven't experienced everyone I thought it made it clear it wasn't a sweeping generalisation. But I give up as obviously no one is willing to understand that.
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