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05-01-2016, 09:05 AM

Re: British Soldiers Could Face War Crimes In Iraq

Anyone else remember this???:

And this from a so-called sophisticated, civilised society
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05-01-2016, 10:01 AM

Re: British Soldiers Could Face War Crimes In Iraq

Originally Posted by Pumicestone ->
So ....
if a bunch of Yanks round up a few hundred civilians, largely women and children, search them all thoroughly, ensure they are completely unarmed, defenceless and terrrified,
then herd them under a bridge and machine-gun the lot .....

that's OK as long as they hide it for a few decades ?

Oh, war is hell, nobody should pay.
Now I get it.
Never heard of that before.
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05-01-2016, 11:45 AM

Re: British Soldiers Could Face War Crimes In Iraq

Originally Posted by Morticia ->
I can't help thinking The Humanitarian Way To Fight War Training Manual ... leaves out the gory stuff, like

War is atrocious.
Essentially, training men to become killers is atrocious.
ISIS cannot somehow be more 'noble or acceptable' purely because they publicly broadcast brutal executions, can they?
War generally occurs when diplomacy and the rules of civilisation have broken down .. to then introduce rules to hopefully ensure war is fought in a civilised way is about as barmy as the probable reason for the war.
I take back all I've said about you Morticia.....well, most of it.....
Seriously though, in the absence of a 'well' said button, Bloody good post!

Another one from HTB, Like it....
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05-01-2016, 11:57 AM

Re: British Soldiers Could Face War Crimes In Iraq

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
I take back all I've said about you Morticia.....well, most of it.....
Seriously though, in the absence of a 'well' said button, Bloody good post!

Another one from HTB, Like it....
Agree, good post. If all sides played by the "rule book" things would be just hunky dory wouldn´t they?
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05-01-2016, 12:18 PM

Re: British Soldiers Could Face War Crimes In Iraq

I don't know if it's changed but a lot of the training Jordan has done is in saving lives humanitarian options where possible. Of course he is trained to fight but it's not first response to each situation.
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05-01-2016, 12:21 PM

Re: British Soldiers Could Face War Crimes In Iraq

Originally Posted by clumsy ->
Agree, good post. If all sides played by the "rule book" things would be just hunky dory wouldn´t they?
Absolutely Clumsy, surely it's because somebody disagrees with the rules that war breaks out in the first place.

If ISIS don't play by the rules we will bring our planes home and find a war where they do play by the rules!

If ISIS did play by the rules and stopped chopping peoples heads off and destroying historical buildings (or modern ones with people still in them for that matter) there wouldn't be a problem, would there?

Or could it be that someone wants us to believe it's ISIS that's responsible for some other reason? I can't think why anyone would want to de-stabilise the Middle East; can you?
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05-01-2016, 12:27 PM

Re: British Soldiers Could Face War Crimes In Iraq

Politician's are asking men go to war with one hand tied behind their back,"you can do this, but not that".They are just asking for more Deaths and Injuries by limiting a soldier's actions.Get rid of the Camera's,quit filming and posting every damn thing and get on with it.You think Attila the Hun gave Quarter,hell no,If I was there, and 5 minutes ago, you were shooting at me trying to kill me,and you got wounded,Too Bad So Sad, but you are one DEAD S.O.B. J.M.O.
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05-01-2016, 01:42 PM

Re: British Soldiers Could Face War Crimes In Iraq

We hung SS for shooting British wounded at the end of WW2 Double standards ??
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05-01-2016, 01:54 PM

Re: British Soldiers Could Face War Crimes In Iraq


The rules of war so to speak were written in a different age, when armies fought armies and the military wore uniforms.

Things are very different now, the enemy has a tendency not to wear uniforms and the bloke firing at you could easily have been the one selling fruit in the market that same morning.

They also have an annoying habit of blowing themselves up, even if wounded, which makes things even more difficult.
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05-01-2016, 03:11 PM

Re: British Soldiers Could Face War Crimes In Iraq

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
I don't know if it's changed but a lot of the training Jordan has done is in saving lives humanitarian options where possible. Of course he is trained to fight but it's not first response to each situation.
I take it he hasn't done a tour of duty yet? His priorities might change once he does and someone aims a gun at him in an unfriendly fashion..

My nephew joined up age 18 .. after six months was sent to Iraq. He was just 19. He's clocked up two tours in Iraq and one in Helmand since.

It's not all doom and gloom .. I can still remember him asking his Auntie Morty to only send Minstrels in his parcels, not block chocolate as everything melted in Iraq.
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