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View Poll Results: Would you vote to stay or go?
STAY IN THE EU 34 27.87%
LEAVE THE EU 88 72.13%
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11-05-2016, 07:08 PM

Re: EU...IN or OUT?

Originally Posted by fender ->
Unfortunately, I can also see this kicking off at some point.
The authorities do themselves no favours and just don't think.
What I mean is the seemingly constant appeasing of Islam and it's followers - it's almost sickening.
People are not stupid and can see what's happening.
Rotherham - actively ignored as to not upset a minority.
Cologne - The police actively trying to cover up not only the situation, but the ethnicity of the perpetrators.
Sweden - They no longer record sex crimes by ethnicity due to the sheer number that are carried out by guess who?

Around 18 months ago-
There were some protests going on down the south coast (if memory serves correct)
A Muslim guy was arrested for physically assaulting a police officer.
A white brit was arrested for verbally abusing a police officer.
The white brit got a custodial sentence.
The Muslim guy walked free with a slap on the wrist, as his Imam attended court saying he's generally a good lad who prays five times a day and attends the Mosque regularly.

- Work that one out?

People are seeing this and getting fed up. What the authorities don't seem to understand is that this just increases resentment and racial divide. All we see is Muslims being treated more leniently, when others would be hammered for the same offence / actions.
People will (imo) only take so much.
Tensions are simmering beneath the surface. At some point it comes to the boil.......
Exactly. Well said.
The apologists are determined to continue these ridiculous anti-British tactics. I can only assume that they are too stupid to see the consequences that appear so obvious to us.
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12-05-2016, 02:34 AM

Re: EU...IN or OUT?

Originally Posted by JBR ->
I agree. However, my worry is that if we don't get out while we have the chance we shall eventually lose our sovereignty.

I do not see that happening. My feeling the EU stands more to gain by the UK staying than the UK. Just by the UK retaining it's own currency they have made a statement; tis why there is so much negative feed back from fellow EU members. I read an article implying Germany's reluctance to leave the EU is the high cost of transferring back to the Deutsche Mark and the it's higher would result (compared to Euro)would cost them dearly in exports and tourism in general. The UK has an established currency and can forego such transitional expenses, therefore no changes in price of their export goods/ tourism.
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12-05-2016, 10:23 AM

Re: EU...IN or OUT?

Originally Posted by senile1 ->
I do not see that happening. My feeling the EU stands more to gain by the UK staying than the UK.
I agree with this bit, and I'd add that we have more to lose by staying.

Originally Posted by senile1 ->
Just by the UK retaining it's own currency they have made a statement; tis why there is so much negative feed back from fellow EU members. I read an article implying Germany's reluctance to leave the EU is the high cost of transferring back to the Deutsche Mark and the it's higher would result (compared to Euro)would cost them dearly in exports and tourism in general. The UK has an established currency and can forego such transitional expenses, therefore no changes in price of their export goods/ tourism.
But this bit has completely lost me.

To return to your original sentence: "I do not see that happening". It already is.
We are already subject to laws passed in Brussels by politicians whom we have not elected. Moves are already in place to create a 'European army', and I suspect that they will be subject to orders from the EU government and not our own. It has been leaked that there are also several other intended changes in the pipeline which, for some reason(!), have been kept under wraps until after the referendum. Complete loss of sovereignty is the next logical step.

Call me a cynic, but I'm not so sure that Germany, having failed its 'Third Reich', is not now aiming to create a 'Fourth Reich' by stealth and guile this time rather than by war.
Perhaps Dopey was right after all: if they cannot achieve this economically, perhaps they will resort to war if we leave.
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12-05-2016, 10:41 AM

Re: EU...IN or OUT?

Originally Posted by alien ->
and may i just say thankyou in here to the mods, no idea who you are but i've just been kicked out of another larger site simply for telling another member ( quote) ' to put a sock in it' whilst he was moaning and groaning in a conversation nothing to do with himself .
And the forum there is so badly moderated people's posts changed/deleted for even daring to mention europe or religion or indeed anything 'real life' for fear of non members reading forum posts so they allow a pro euro banshee to run riot over any and every post .
Mods .... I salute you
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12-05-2016, 10:50 AM

Re: EU...IN or OUT?

Originally Posted by Alien ->
And may I just say THANKYOU in here to the mods, no idea who you are but I've just been kicked out of another larger site simply for telling another member ( quote) ' to put a sock in it' whilst he was moaning and groaning in a conversation nothing to do with himself .
And the forum there is so badly moderated people's posts changed/deleted for even daring to mention Europe or religion or indeed anything 'real life' for fear of non members reading forum posts so they allow a pro euro banshee to run riot over any and every post .
Mods .... I salute you
I'll second that thumbs-up.

I have experienced very similar over-moderation, or even very bad moderation, at another site which I no longer visit let alone post.

This forum is undoubtedly the best of which I have ever been a member, and long may it continue.
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12-05-2016, 08:56 PM

Re: EU...IN or OUT?

Originally Posted by JBR ->
I'll second that thumbs-up.

I have experienced very similar over-moderation, or even very bad moderation, at another site which I no longer visit let alone post.

This forum is undoubtedly the best of which I have ever been a member, and long may it continue.
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13-05-2016, 01:21 PM

Re: EU...IN or OUT?

I read this article the other day, and began to wobble...then I read many of the 100 or so comments at the end, from the likes of us, and felt much better.
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13-05-2016, 01:49 PM

Re: EU...IN or OUT?

Originally Posted by Boot ->
This seems to have popped up in the news again

Could this sway those waverers?
Brussels interfering with our traditional British tea and toast may be just too much to swallow?!
Oh no! Definitely not putting up with this.
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13-05-2016, 02:08 PM

Re: EU...IN or OUT?

Originally Posted by ruthio ->
I read this article the other day, and began to wobble...then I read many of the 100 or so comments at the end, from the likes of us, and felt much better.
I think Dopey and the scaremongerers are confusing the EU with NATO!
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14-05-2016, 06:37 AM

Re: EU...IN or OUT?

The biggest lie of all: The PM says Brexit could lead to war

It was perhaps the biggest lie of all. This week, David Cameron provoked universal derision by claiming that Europe risks sliding back into war and genocide if Britain votes to leave the EU.
He argued that it was only because of the EU that peace had been maintained on the continent over the past 70 years.
He couldn’t have been more wrong: for the fact is that Europe is now riven by more hatreds, divisions and conflicts than at any time since 1945 — and they are threatening to tear the continent apart.
And, of course, the irony is that the main cause of this potentially catastrophic situation is Brussels’ failed immigration and economic policies. Here, DOMINIC SANDBROOK explains why . . .
This week’s resignation of the Austrian Chancellor, Werner Faymann was little noticed in Britain. But it was merely a symptom of a wider crisis that threatens to turn one of Europe’s richest, most stable and most self-satisfied countries into a bastion of the xenophobic far Right.
Thanks largely to popular fury at the migration crisis, the country’s far-Right Freedom Party is now comfortably the most popular in the land.
Its candidate for president, Norbert Hofer, seems almost certain to become Austria’s head of state after elections this month. Many experts believe that in that case, Austria’s coalition government would fall, paving the way for the Freedom Party to win an election and take control of key ministries, including the police.
Since Austria was famously the birthplace of Adolf Hitler, the prospect of a far-Right government taking power in Vienna has a peculiarly sinister resonance. But popular fury at the advent of 700,000 migrants into a country of barely eight million people means it is probably inevitable, turning Austria into a European pariah and inflaming tensions with its neighbours.

PETER OBORNE: The man who is shamefully rigging the referendum*

ALEX BRUMMER: 12 reasons to doubt the queen of the IMF*
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