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27-09-2016, 10:47 AM

Re: Yet another welcome policy from Corbyn's Labour Party

Originally Posted by Tpin ->
No, I've seen it......i do shop you know.

Your attitude sums it up.
Disability benefits are for those that CANT work not for those that are unemployed or can't FIND work.

You seem to thinks it's there because there aren't the jobs.

Thanks Julie, you've proved my point.
So what exactly are those people like me and my husband and many others supposed to do ? We don't claim benefit we are struggling on but when time comes we can't are we to be left to die rather than accept we can't work because there are no jobs suitable for us ?
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27-09-2016, 10:53 AM

Re: Yet another welcome policy from Corbyn's Labour Party

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
So what exactly are those people like me and my husband and many others supposed to do ? We don't claim benefit we are struggling on but when time comes we can't are we to be left to die rather than accept we can't work because there are no jobs suitable for us ?
Have you read any of my posts?

We are talking about disability benefits, not unemployment.
Nowhere have I said genuine claimants don't exist nor have I said they are in the minority.

What I despise are those that claim it for a disability that doesn't stop them working, exaggerating or lying.

It is there for people who cannot work, not those that don't want to or can't find a job.
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27-09-2016, 10:56 AM

Re: Yet another welcome policy from Corbyn's Labour Party

If the government is so concerned about false disability and jobless claims costing us money why give the job of assessment to a foreign company, rather than employing British people to do the job and thereby decreasing the unemployment figures?
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27-09-2016, 10:58 AM

Re: Yet another welcome policy from Corbyn's Labour Party

Originally Posted by Nom ->
So you think the fact that sick disabled people being hounded is something funny.
For goodness sake, read the previous post, where the comment was made that they all run up and down the embankment didn't attack the person of that post which was trying to be funny.

I have a sick son, so please don't start to challenging me. He can't even afford to have a driving license.
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27-09-2016, 11:03 AM

Re: Yet another welcome policy from Corbyn's Labour Party

Originally Posted by moreover ->
If the government is so concerned about false disability and jobless claims costing us money why give the job of assessment to a foreign company, rather than employing British people to do the job and thereby decreasing the unemployment figures?
Are you joking?
Are you suggesting these foriegn companies bring in their work force from their home country?
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27-09-2016, 11:04 AM

Re: Yet another welcome policy from Corbyn's Labour Party

Originally Posted by Meg ->
Of course everyone who claims they are unfit to work should be assessed and tested , what other way is there to determine whether or not they are, looking at them and guessing?

My sister's neighbour spent years off work with his 'bad back' but strangely managed to pave a yard and go off on a bicycle on camping trips every weekend . He failed the assessment and had to work at long last repairing roads for the council .
Strangely thats what my Gp`s, Consultants, Specialists have done, this is ignored at the assessment, as its only boxes that need to be ticked that make the decision. Im off today to see a Gp on advice to get a letter to prove my current health problems.

I have been taken off ESA and put into the work related group for 18months. The lady who interviewed me was shocked that i was even there.

Her advice appeal immediately. I have no problem with those conning the system.I just wished that all the conmen in business, banking, politics and were pursued with equal vigor.

BTW i cant be made to take work or even a course under my presesnt circumstances, so its a waste of time and the few pounds they have saved will actually be spent and then some on pointless interviews.

I would love to get back to work, but all i really want is death im fed up with the last few years,ive had enough of smug im alright jacks looking down their noses at me. Many of which would not know a real days work like the public sector parasites doing this.

Also that money given to us goes back into the economy, supporting the poor sods on minimum wages and zero hours contracts the fill the pocket of corrupt business etc.
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27-09-2016, 11:09 AM

Re: Yet another welcome policy from Corbyn's Labour Party

Originally Posted by Tpin ->
Have you read any of my posts?

We are talking about disability benefits, not unemployment.
Nowhere have I said genuine claimants don't exist nor have I said they are in the minority.

What I despise are those that claim it for a disability that doesn't stop them working, exaggerating or lying.

It is there for people who cannot work, not those that don't want to or can't find a job.
You've just said my attitude is the problem I ask have you read my posts in that case because I think my attitude is that when people are too disabled or I'll to do their job if there is no other job available they have to be supported. I don't think leaving them to starve is right.
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27-09-2016, 11:10 AM

Re: Yet another welcome policy from Corbyn's Labour Party

Originally Posted by Nom ->
Strangely thats what my Gp`s, Consultants, Specialists have done, this is ignored at the assessment, as its only boxes that need to be ticked that make the decision. Im off today to see a Gp on advice to get a letter to prove my current health problems.

I have been taken off ESA and put into the work related group for 18months. The lady who interviewed me was shocked that i was even there.

Her advice appeal immediately. I have no problem with those conning the system.I just wished that all the conmen in business, banking, politics and were pursued with equal vigor.

BTW i cant be made to take work or even a course under my presesnt circumstances, so its a waste of time and the few pounds they have saved will actually be spent and then some on pointless interviews.

I would love to get back to work, but all i really want is death im fed up with the last few years,ive had enough of smug im alright jacks looking down their noses at me. Many of which would not know a real days work like the public sector parasites doing this.

Also that money given to us goes back into the economy, supporting the poor sods on minimum wages and zero hours contracts the fill the pocket of corrupt business etc.
That's a good point why don't we let our medical records tell the story ? My GP has said I should stop working ages ago I keep going but I do wonder if I am really harming myself more doing so.
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27-09-2016, 11:12 AM

Re: Yet another welcome policy from Corbyn's Labour Party

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
You've just said my attitude is the problem I ask have you read my posts in that case because I think my attitude is that when people are too disabled or I'll to do their job if there is no other job available they have to be supported. I don't think leaving them to starve is right.
Too ill to do THEIR job is not the same as too ill to do A job.
That is for the unemployment section and unemployment benefits.
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27-09-2016, 11:16 AM

Re: Yet another welcome policy from Corbyn's Labour Party

I know a guy 2 years younger than me that had a car accident when he was 19, drunk and returning from the pub.

Injured his back and has claimed disability ever since.
He has a nice mobility car that he pootles around in and to keep fit he plays golf at least twice a week during the summer...if he gets time that is...summer is his busy time for earning extra cash gardening.

The testing/assessments are lacking, this is my beef with the system.
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