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26-03-2015, 09:23 PM

Re: An MOT at Doc's

Doctors don't prescribe medication for the hell of it, they prescribe the current recommended treatments and preventative measures, they don't gain personally financially from what they prescribe.

I do believe that Doctors do get remuneration for prescribing Statins.
According to a Paramedic who visited recently.
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26-03-2015, 09:45 PM

Re: An MOT at Doc's

Originally Posted by Anita ->
Doctors don't prescribe medication for the hell of it, they prescribe the current recommended treatments and preventative measures, they don't gain personally financially from what they prescribe.

I do believe that Doctors do get remuneration for prescribing Statins.
According to a Paramedic who visited recently.
Yes back in February I remember reading how medical experts we not happy GPs were being paid to prescribe statins as they are not the safe option for many people.
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26-03-2015, 09:47 PM

Re: An MOT at Doc's

Well you know GR the wish to slag anyone who works for the NHS off at every opportunity does wear a little thin GR, in your sincere wish to see all doctors as the spawn of the devil you forget that they are just a person doing their work as best they can.

If you dislike them so much then find an alternative, no sarcasm in that, I woulds say it's the sensible option.
If you really do believer that all medics are so rubbish then take yourself to a faith healer or whatever does float your boat, there's an unending supply of them on-line and also an unending supply of whatever supplement you may wish.
It's really not a problem at all.

As for my own health which you seem just a little interested in, thank you I'm rather healthy at present and no meds required, should I need any in the future I am happy to discuss things with a GP and subsequently a consultant.

If you have issues with the drug companies fair enough, follow that path rather than blame the doc.

There is in fact often a real problem in not prescribing, patients demand prescriptions and immediate answers and there is violence and intimidation.
Add that to the budget and targets and unending paperwork and form filling etc so much so that there isn't enough time to see the patients.
The person who started out going into medicine because they wanted to make a difference and help poorly people can be very disillusioned quite quickly.
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26-03-2015, 09:58 PM

Re: An MOT at Doc's

Regarding the statins, some doctors do not follow the guide lines and form their own opinions on whether statins should new prescribed or not.

It is completely true that statins have been added to the target lists and doctors would have to meet the new NICE guidelines on prescribing the drugs to get a share of their funds.

That is funding for a practice not personal finances and GP's are making their own minds up with their patient's best interests at heart not the lemmings that so many seem keen to make them out to be.

I have no idea why so many people have taken out their frustration with the beleaguered NHS on those on the front line and blame then for anything and everything but there you go, it's the way it is, or is it just me you wish to have a go at.
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26-03-2015, 09:59 PM

Re: An MOT at Doc's

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->

Yes back in February I remember reading how medical experts we not happy GPs were being paid to prescribe statins as they are not the safe option for many people.
Was that the Daily Wail again?
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26-03-2015, 10:01 PM

Re: An MOT at Doc's

Originally Posted by Anita ->
Well you know GR the wish to slag anyone who works for the NHS off at every opportunity does wear a little thin GR, in your sincere wish to see all doctors as the spawn of the devil you forget that they are just a person doing their work as best they can.

If you dislike them so much then find an alternative, no sarcasm in that, I woulds say it's the sensible option.
If you really do believer that all medics are so rubbish then take yourself to a faith healer or whatever does float your boat, there's an unending supply of them on-line and also an unending supply of whatever supplement you may wish.
It's really not a problem at all.

As for my own health which you seem just a little interested in, thank you I'm rather healthy at present and no meds required, should I need any in the future I am happy to discuss things with a GP and subsequently a consultant.

If you have issues with the drug companies fair enough, follow that path rather than blame the doc.

There is in fact often a real problem in not prescribing, patients demand prescriptions and immediate answers and there is violence and intimidation.
Add that to the budget and targets and unending paperwork and form filling etc so much so that there isn't enough time to see the patients.
The person who started out going into medicine because they wanted to make a difference and help poorly people can be very disillusioned quite quickly.
Excellent post Anita.
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