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27-08-2013, 03:56 PM

Womens' Right to Choose

I asked this question in another thread. What are the British views on abortion and family planning? Abortions are legal here too.. BUT they have be legislated almost out of existance and are becoming more and more difficult to obtain. Same thing with Birth Control. The Religious Right Nut jobs here are making it harder and harder for insurance compaines to pay for birth control pills here.. and want to BAN certain types of birth control altogether. They want to have a fetus declared a person with the same rights as a born person.. and women who have miscarriages have to report them to the police and be investigated to see if foul play was involved. In other words a woman who miscarries may be charged with murder. This is all LOONEY TUNES!!! Imo.. Do you see any of this craziness regarding the fetus in the UK?

MY personal feeling is that women should be able to do what is best for them and their particular circumstances without the government being involved.. In other words, It's none of my business what another woman does as far as her reproductive choices are concerned..
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27-08-2013, 04:09 PM

Re: Womens' Right to Choose

Originally Posted by AudreyII ->
I asked this question in another thread. What are the British views on abortion and family planning? Abortions are legal here too.. BUT they have be legislated almost out of existance and are becoming more and more difficult to obtain. Same thing with Birth Control. The Religious Right Nut jobs here are making it harder and harder for insurance compaines to pay for birth control pills here.. and want to BAN certain types of birth control altogether. They want to have a fetus declared a person with the same rights as a born person.. and women who have miscarriages have to report them to the police and be investigated to see if foul play was involved. In other words a woman who miscarries may be charged with murder. This is all LOONEY TUNES!!! Imo..
It absolutely is and I thought our government were interefering busibodies! If they want that level of control over women's bodies and force women to bear children they don't want, then I hope the government is going to cough up the prescribed amount of £45,000+ for raising the child during it's childhood.

Do you see any of this craziness regarding the fetus in the UK?
There's a few that try now and again but it never amounts to much. There's always one group trying to poke it's nose into the affairs of others.

MY personal feeling is that women should be able to do what is best for them and their particular circumstances without the government being involved.. In other words, It's none of my business what another woman does as far as her reproductive choices are concerned..
Of course she does - to criminalise it in any way will just send wome back to trying to get rid of it themselves; it won't stop it.
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27-08-2013, 04:12 PM

Re: Womens' Right to Choose

I can't understand anyone capable of rational thought allowing themselves to be brainwashed by religious fanatics of any persuasion particularly when it comes to contraception or abortion, what a woman chooses to do with her body is her business and no one elses.

That said there really should be no need for abortion these days with a variety of contraception from which to choose.
I think the only real reason for a termination should be a problem with the developing foetus.
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27-08-2013, 04:17 PM

Re: Womens' Right to Choose

Originally Posted by ben-varrey ->
It absolutely is and I thought our government were interefering busibodies! If they want that level of control over women's bodies and force women to bear children they don't want, then I hope the government is going to cough up the prescribed amount of £45,000+ for raising the child during it's childhood.

There's a few that try now and again but it never amounts to much. There's always one group trying to poke it's nose into the affairs of others.

Of course she does - to criminalise it in any way will just send wome back to trying to get rid of it themselves; it won't stop it.
THat's the hypocrisy here.. These Nut Jobs call themselves "Pro-Life" when in reality they are "Pro-fetus" because once that baby is born, they want no part of helping to feed, house, educate, provide medical care or ANYTHING. It's all about the fetus. A born child can starve in the streets for all they care. Cuts to food stamps and childrens health care are the order of the day.
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27-08-2013, 04:34 PM

Re: Womens' Right to Choose

Very good points Audrey and some that I, if I came face to face with them, I'd have to ask them. People always seem to need a cause to jump up and down about but rarely one that actually affects them in any way.

If I had to choose, I'd prefer to have been terminated than live a life of neglect, loneliness, hunger and been unloved and unwanted.
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27-08-2013, 04:42 PM

Re: Womens' Right to Choose

I am very against abortion for anything but saving the life of the woman, we have such good contraception now it's hard to see why so many have "accidents" however I know the law allows them so I would never under any circumstance judge any woman who did have one. It is for each person alone to decide what their conscience says is right.

Some people of Faith seem to be unable to divorce the fact things are legal and we need to address that not judge the women and medical staff who carry out these operations.
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27-08-2013, 04:59 PM

Re: Womens' Right to Choose

The problem here is that the lines between Church and State have been blurred with the uber Religious taking over the Republican party. Rather than a democracy they would want a Theocracy with laws being passed according to Christian ideology. Thing is... we are not a Christain nation.. we have every religion represented here and even the non-religious.. A country basing it's laws on religious beliefs would be not unlike the countries controlled by the Taliban.

There have even been laws proposed in some States that would forbid any type of sex other than the traditional missionary position.. and that includes between married couples!! How they would go about finding out remains a mystery.. tiny cameras?... but the point is this is the line of thinking amoung our Far Religious right. And it's very scary..
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27-08-2013, 09:03 PM

Re: Womens' Right to Choose

As a person of Faith I find that quite depressing, I was taught (Bible also say it) that we have to obey the laws of the land we live in but our religion is our conscience so we really have to make our minds up on issues and allow others to do the same and as long as neither of us break the law of the country we live in that is all we can do.

I am not keen on Theocracies at all a secular government that allows all religion and none to live along side each other with no one being repressed would be my choice of country to live in.

Extremes of any sort are to be avoided, all Religions have them and even some atheists can be pretty scary people.

It would be sad to see USA become a theocracy I always have admired how all religions seem to get along together even more than we here have done at some points in your history.
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27-08-2013, 10:08 PM

Re: Womens' Right to Choose

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
As a person of Faith I find that quite depressing, I was taught (Bible also say it) that we have to obey the laws of the land we live in but our religion is our conscience so we really have to make our minds up on issues and allow others to do the same and as long as neither of us break the law of the country we live in that is all we can do.

I am not keen on Theocracies at all a secular government that allows all religion and none to live along side each other with no one being repressed would be my choice of country to live in.

Extremes of any sort are to be avoided, all Religions have them and even some atheists can be pretty scary people.

It would be sad to see USA become a theocracy I always have admired how all religions seem to get along together even more than we here have done at some points in your history.
How beautifully you put that.. Yes.. I feel that everyone lives by their own conscience, and judgement belongs only to God. Yet sadly the Religious fanatics have permiated one of our political parties and are trying to force their morals and beliefs on everyone else. It's really sad to see this and I consider my self to be a Christian.
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27-08-2013, 11:31 PM

Re: Womens' Right to Choose

Obviously, contraception should eliminate the need for abortion. Unfortunately we don't live in an ideal world. And I feel that if a child is unwanted, it is better unborn.
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