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09-09-2013, 10:54 AM

Cameron v Putin

It would appear that Vladimir Putin has labelled Britain as a 'small island that nobody pays any attention to'.

Whilst this is most likely true, it appears to have rattled David Cameron - he responded by providing a stirring list of contributions to the world that would put any list of Russia's in the shade.

Russia could fairly say it too played a big role in defeating the Nazis - but only once it had worked out whose side it was on. When it comes to helping to abolish slavery, inventing great things including the world's favourite sports, continuing to produce great works of art, literature and music, there is no contest.

Mr Cameron could have added that Britain has an unparalleled record for pioneering medical breakthroughs and has never, in the modern age, been run by a regime that murders or imprisons its legitimate opponents.

It is undeniable that if one opens an atlas and compares the land mass of Britain and Russia, then we are small. But given its enormous size, shouldn't Russia be asking itself what excuse it has for its own relative lack of positive ahcievement rather than running down ours?

I for one am glad that David Cameron 'retaliated'. He is, apparently, being criticised for responding but does it show that he is more passionate about Britain that some (me included) have given him credit for?

Should he have ignored Mr Putin or was he right to air his views?
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09-09-2013, 11:16 AM

Re: Cameron v Putin

They played Cameron's speech with land of hope and glory in the back ground on LBC nearly brought a tear to my eye !

Cameron is a brilliant PM IMO, he is very statesmen like and doesn't mind standing up for us when he needs to, Putin had a point but it was one of those things there are ways to say IT that are less hurtful.
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09-09-2013, 11:20 AM

Re: Cameron v Putin

I agree that our standing in the world has diminished of late, but whether that's a bad thing is open to debate.

I suppose the real litmus test would be the answer to the question "where would you rather live"....
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09-09-2013, 01:06 PM

Re: Cameron v Putin

Cameron has done a good job so far with the foreigners when at meetings with them, pity thats all we can say though .... He's making a mess of everything else - just like those before him ....
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09-09-2013, 01:12 PM

Re: Cameron v Putin

Putin is a bully who dearly misses the USSR days and would like nothing better than to go back to that. Why else would he be running around without his shirt trying to look tough and Macho? lol!! Unfortunately, he's got the UN in a strangle hold with his veto power.. but that's about all he has.
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09-09-2013, 02:50 PM

Re: Cameron v Putin

But should he have ignored Mr Putin or was he right to air his views?
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09-09-2013, 03:21 PM

Re: Cameron v Putin

Completely right !
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09-09-2013, 03:28 PM

Re: Cameron v Putin

I don't think anyone should ignore him as Russia ia a nuclear power. But if it's just a neener neener neener.. you are a big poopy head... kind of thing... I wouldn't worry about it. That's what it sounds like anyway. He's only taunting your PM, who appears to have responded with dignity.
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09-09-2013, 03:28 PM

Re: Cameron v Putin

Originally Posted by ben-varrey ->
But should he have ignored Mr Putin or was he right to air his views?
He was right to air them - more people should, especially those in his position, at least we would get the measure of them ......
Putin - cant stand him - Gorbachov was the best ever !
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09-09-2013, 05:05 PM

Re: Cameron v Putin

Only thing I worry about is that he might be playing into Putin's hands by retaliating? My mother used to say - "sticks & stones will break your bones, but names will never hurt you".
Alot of fights start off with a bit of verbal dispute first . . . .
Don't expect anyone agrees, but I think Putin's just taunting DC and maybe DC has played into his hands?
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