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24-11-2015, 12:22 AM

Canada to turn away single male Syrian refugees

Canada will accept only whole families, lone women or children in its mass resettlement of Syrian refugees while unaccompanied men -- considered a security risk -- will be turned away, it emerged Monday.

Since the Paris attacks launched by Syria-linked jihadists, a plan by new leader Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to fast-track the intake of 25,000 refugees by year's end has faced growing criticism in Canada.

Details of the plan will be announced Tuesday but Canada's ambassador to Jordan confirmed that refugees from camps in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey will be flown to Canada from Jordan starting December 1.

Speaking in Jordan on Monday, the ambassador Bruno Saccomani said the operation would cost an estimated Can$1.2 billion, the official Petra news agency reported.

According to Canadian public broadcaster CBC, the resettlement plan will not extend to unaccompanied men.

Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard seemed to corroborate that report ahead of a meeting with Trudeau and Canada's provincial leaders where the refugee plan was high on the agenda.

"All these refugees are vulnerable but some are more vulnerable than others, for example, women, families and also members of religious minorities who are oppressed," he said, although he rejected the notion of "exclusion" of single men.

- 'It's a compromise' -

Faisal Alazem of the Syrian Canadian Council, a non-profit group in talks with the government to sponsor refugees, told Radio-Canada of the plans: "It's a compromise."

"This is not the ideal scenario to protect vulnerable people -- women and children and men too. But I think what happened in Paris has really changed the dynamic and public opinion," he said.

Trudeau broadly outlined his intention to take in the Syrian refugees during the campaign that swept his Liberals into office last month, and has mobilized several government ministries to get the job done since being sworn in three weeks ago.

But the Paris attacks that killed 130, claimed by the Islamic States group, stirred fears in both Europe and North America that jihadists could seek to blend in with refugee masses in order to strike later.

A recent poll suggests that 54 percent of Canadians now oppose the accelerated timeline.

Trudeau's government has sought to reassure the White House over its plans, as President Barack Obama faces a barrage of opposition to his own scheme to resettle 10,000 refugees in the coming year.

Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale said he spoke to US Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson over the weekend and assured him that "safety and security... remain our highest priority."

"Canada is integrating security throughout the (resettlement) process, and is committed to making sure everything related to security is done without compromise," he said.

The minister said he also provided to Johnson "assurances that our timeline will not affect Canada's ability to appropriately select and screen refugees."

Opposition New Democratic Party leader Thomas Mulcair, however, warned against casting too large a safety net.

"Will a young man, who lost both parents, be excluded from the refugee program?" he said. "Will a gay man who is escaping persecution be excluded? Will a widower who is fleeing Daesh after having seen his family killed be excluded?" he said, using an Arabic acronym for IS.

- 900 refugees daily -

Leaks to Canadian media have pointed to a massive endeavor to fly in 900 Syrian refugees daily to Montreal and Toronto.

Health Minister Jane Philpott said the leaked information was "outdated" but declined to correct the record.

According to CBC, Canadian officials have screened more than 4,000 asylum seekers in the past six weeks, on top of the UN refugee agency's registration process. At this pace, Ottawa would fall far short of its resettlement goal.

Once in Canada, the refugees would reportedly be housed at two military bases in Ontario and Quebec, until more suitable accommodations are found.

Canadian colleges also announced 200 scholarships to help Syrian asylum seekers sharpen their skills and find work in Canada.

"It is important that we as a society collectively help them to rebuild their lives," said National Association of Career Colleges chief executive Serge Buy.

The United Nations refugee agency estimates that more than four million Syrians have fled the civil war that has ravaged their country and killed more than 250,000 people.
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24-11-2015, 12:40 AM

Re: Canada to turn away single male Syrian refugees

They're clamping down on the Greek/Macedonia border too. Only those that can prove they're escapees from Syria will be given access.

Both countries are doing the right thing in my opinion.
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24-11-2015, 12:52 AM

Re: Canada to turn away single male Syrian refugees

Originally Posted by Judd ->
They're clamping down on the Greek/Macedonia border too. Only those that can prove they're escapees from Syria will be given access.

Both countries are doing the right thing in my opinion.
I agree with that too, the only thing that worries me, is are the majority of these immigrants, who are not escaping war, going to start attacking the genuine refugees, who can prove where they are from, stealing any documents etc they may have in order to get themselves in.
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24-11-2015, 09:08 AM

Re: Canada to turn away single male Syrian refugees

Good on you Canada its a pity all the other countries that were dumb enough to take these people in didn't think of doing the same. But its to late now the terrorists are in ready and waiting.
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24-11-2015, 09:54 AM

Re: Canada to turn away single male Syrian refugees

Originally Posted by Docholliday ->
Good on you Canada its a pity all the other countries that were dumb enough to take these people in didn't think of doing the same. But its to late now the terrorists are in ready and waiting.
Simple strategy and necessary - well done Canada
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24-11-2015, 11:14 AM

Re: Canada to turn away single male Syrian refugees

Hard to chose who should come in nowadays.
Its been going on for a year or so now and something
should have been done then. Its given time for
the terrorists to mix in with the real refugees.

Nice to see a big place like Canada taking in 25,000.
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24-11-2015, 11:48 AM

Re: Canada to turn away single male Syrian refugees

Where are they going to send the ones they don't want?
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24-11-2015, 11:59 AM

Re: Canada to turn away single male Syrian refugees

I would guess most sensible countries will be making decions on who they will take - we are only taking from the camps and will be selecting people carefully I hope.

Children first IMO then parents of those children, others only when we know the children are safely placed.
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24-11-2015, 01:19 PM

Re: Canada to turn away single male Syrian refugees

Originally Posted by Silver Tabby ->
Where are they going to send the ones they don't want?
Probably here, because our bleeding heart liberal president doesn't have the common sense he was born with.

If he was born with any, that is.
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24-11-2015, 01:31 PM

Re: Canada to turn away single male Syrian refugees

I agree Judd,and Doc,A man with a family in a strange country is least likely to turn radical.Careful screening of all should be done also.
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